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Economical PC: A Gaming PC Under $500
by Dakota B. Johnson [ Wednesday, 23rd of April 2014 - 05:00 PM ]
Specs On A Good Gaming PC For Less Than $500. Go Ahead And Give It A Build. Our build for today is the under $500 gaming PC. We do have an honorable mention in today's build list which is the NZXT Phantom. I think NZXT makes pretty darn good cases myself and with it being less than $20 more than the case we picked out it will still come in under budget. Case: NZXT Source 210 — $39.99 (The NZXT Phantom will be releasing soon retailing at $70 so keep that in mind. Read More...
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Economical PC: A Gaming PC Under $400
by Dakota B. Johnson [ Friday, 18th of April 2014 - 05:00 PM ]
Specs on a good gaming PC for less than $400. Go Ahead And Give It A Build. Welcome back to all who read the first article. Today we go for a PC that comes in just under $400. Some of you might be wondering a few things like why the cut back from eight gigs of RAM to only four gigs of RAM. Simply put, these articles are about PC builds that come in under a certain price range. Not upgrading. With the increased budget and a few cuts this build is a complete step up in almost every way. Read More...
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Economical PC: A Gaming PC Under $300
by Dakota B. Johnson [ Thursday, 17th of April 2014 - 05:00 PM ]
Our specs for a gaming PC build under $300. Go ahead and give it a build. Hello everyone! Welcome to the first installment of articles showing off a build for an economical PC. Today we are going to focus on the $200 to $300 price range. This is going to be a very low end build. This is a very good for a starter PC, or a PC to do light 3D gaming. Pretty much if you’re looking for a PC to play Minecraft or MMOs then this is the PC for you. When PC gaming on a budget eventually there will come a time when you might want to upgrade some things. Read More...
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League Of Legends Gets Serious
by Corey Dockendorf [ Wednesday, 14th of July 2010 - 02:38 PM ]
League of Legends fans rejoice! With season one drawing closer, Riot Games has given us a little cinematic action to tide us over until the soon-to-be epic competition begins. Not only that, but if this video on YouTube gets over 1,000,000 views before the July 21st, European and US players will get a Double IP Weekend. “The Season One features and updates will greatly enhance League of Legends and help us towards our goal of having LOL being played by the world's top gamers in the biggest and best gaming leagues and tournaments,” said Marc Merrill, co-founder and President of Riot Games. The new content download brings ranked games, ladder matches and a new player draft system. Read More...
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League of Legends: Clash of Fates
by Corey Dockendorf [ Monday, 3rd of August 2009 - 06:19 PM ]
In need of a new RTS game before Starcraft II? Need some awesome online play? In that case, I recommend League of Legends: Clash of Fates. Did I mention it's free? Riot Games is bringing a new Real Time Strategy game to the field with League of Legends: Clash of Fates. This is a free online game, which made it's debut at E3 this year. According to the website: League of Legends is a competitive online game set in an imaginative world. Gamers take the role of a powerful Summoner, calling forth and controlling brave Champions in battle. Read More...
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