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Dragon Age DLC Announced: Return to Ostagar
by Brian Bentley [ Thursday, 19th of November 2009 - 08:04 PM ]
Today BioWare announced their next installment of downloadable content for their critically acclaimed Dragon Age: Origins will be available this holiday season.  Entitled as Return to Ostagar, players will be able to: A return to the battlefields of Ostagar, now thick with darkspawn encamped amidst the snow An opportunity to reclaim the lost arms and armor of a king A second chance to add Dog to your party The cheapest of the three DLC packs, Return to Ostagar will retail out at $4.99 on the PSN, 400 magical Microsoft Points and 400 magical BioWare Points.  I feel torn about all this content being released so soon after the full game's release. Read More...
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Kane & Lynch, Bowling In Shanghai, And Naked
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 18th of November 2009 - 08:55 PM ]
Finally some of the rumors about this game can be put to rest. Mainly the one if it was even going to be made. Let alone the entirely nude level. The one rumored where our two pals run around completely in their birthday suits. Yea, that's right. Nekkidness. All of that aside, how did Square Enix and IO Interactive clear up these rumors? Well by straight out announcing the game for a 2010 release window through two video, seen below. The naked level being quasi-confirmed via the videos as well. Read More...
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Peggle's Reign Expands To PSN
by Brian Bentley [ Wednesday, 18th of November 2009 - 12:11 AM ]
Today Popcap announced that Peggle and Peggle Nights will be releasing its addiction-y goodness on the PlayStation Network. They also announced that in tune with this release, Peggle Nights will also find itself on the XBox LIVE Arcade. Peggle on the PSN will be priced similarly to the original Peggle's release on XBLA ($10), while Peggle Nights will be priced at $5 (400 Microsoft points). Peggle is one of those games that seemingly anyone can get into. Yes, I'm sure there are three to four people that don't enjoy it, but where the game succeeds is its innate ability to keep everything simple and to do that simple well. Read More...
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Review: Left 4 Dead 2
by Ben Brody [ Tuesday, 17th of November 2009 - 09:12 PM ]
Left 4 Dead 2, at its core, is the same game as it's predecessor: a zombie shooting game. But when you scratch the surface and look deeper, it's a much different game. Left 4 Dead was a fairly linear game, with 1 main path to take and while the guns and zombies may spawn in different places, it's pretty much the same the first few run throughs as the next few run throughs. Left 4 Dead 2 is different, it's a much more open experience, and while there still is one main path, there are several routes alongside it, making it so that you can get to the next safe room two or three different ways. More difficult paths, or longer ones, net you better equipment such as better weaponry or ammunition. Read More...
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Command And Conquer 4 Trailer Released
by Corey Dockendorf [ Tuesday, 17th of November 2009 - 06:59 PM ]
News is streaming in day after day about the new Command and Conquer 4. Last week we finally got a release date of March 16th 2010. Then on Monday we got some screenies to keep everyone’s appetite wet for some strategic game play. Also in EA's style, players who pre-order the game will have an opportunity to get into the Beta test, and try out all the new technologies and view the game play first hand. Today though, a new trailer has just been released, RTS fans rejoice! This new trailer also comes at the tail end of the EA lay-off announcement from last week. Read More...
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Review: Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2
by Ben Brody [ Friday, 13th of November 2009 - 03:33 AM ]
As I looked at the massive amount of people at my local GameStop that were in line to pickup MW2, it dawned on me, this is the biggest, most anticipated, and what could be the best selling action game of all time. Over 300 people were standing in the cold for some four hours waiting for the same thing. Many of them planned on calling in sick the next day or skipping out on school just to get some playtime in. Many people were reminiscing about COD4 or saying how they played a bunch of COD4 to get psyched up about MW2. Read More...
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Runic Games Releases Highly Anticipated Torchlight Editor
by Brian Bentley [ Thursday, 12th of November 2009 - 03:05 PM ]
This is not a review of the editor, though if you are looking for my review of the single player, click here.The highly anticipated level editor for Torchlight was released on Wednesday night by Runic Games.  Aptly named TorchED, Runic is giving players a chance to really delve into the world of Torchlight and get their hands dirty with as many ember-enriched assets as they can.  The editor is lock-and-loaded with everything in the game and then some.  I'm serious when I say everything. Read More...
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You Are To Blame For The RE5 Alternative Edition DLC
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 10th of November 2009 - 08:57 PM ]
Just to prove that Capcom listens to it's community members, and that DLC seems to be the "wanted" format of the future, the new edition of Resident Evil 5 Alternative Edition will be just that, DLC. In case you missed the official announcement, this is the edition that comes with Motion Controller support for the PS3 and about two hours of extra gameplay for the title. It was also originally slated to be a hard copy sale and not a downloadable add-on. When they stated it was going to be a whole new set of discs, this cause some upset for people who have already picked up the game at $60 or $90 and purchased the $5 add-on. Read More...
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Is Digital Distribution the Future?
by Ben Brody [ Tuesday, 10th of November 2009 - 02:51 AM ]
It's fairly safe that we can all assume that the future of movies and game sales is digital distribution. How long the duration will be for it to take over is anybody's guess. It will be more determined by the willingness of people to download a game as opposed to having a physical copy than anything else. Delivery systems like GameTap, Direct2Drive and most notably Steam, have been digitally distributing PC games for years and have been met with success. It seems as though PC players are more willing to buy digital distribution than their console counterparts -- maybe because it's been available longer and they feel more comfortable with it or maybe it's because they don't care about having a physical copy since they can not trade it in anyhow. Read More...
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War Zones, Zombies, Hip Hop, And 'Film Actors Guild'
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 6th of November 2009 - 10:13 PM ]
The below thoughts are those of me, David, and not those of or Send all hate mail and comments to me, or post them below. Just do the favor of not posting Annon and thus the wuss way out. With Modern Warfare and Resident Evil: Darkside Chronicles both gracing shelves in the next two weeks, one after the other, it would seem time for the final launch trailers to hit the webs to give us even more reason to want these games. Like there is anyone that doesn't already want Modern Warfare and there is no Nintendophile that couldn't use another great zombie rail shooter. Am I right? Read More...
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Review: Torchlight
by Brian Bentley [ Friday, 6th of November 2009 - 04:30 PM ]
There are times in any gamer’s life when you find yourself blearily looking for a clock, attempting to adjust your eyes to read the time. You find yourself trying to comprehend how the time reported is much later than the internal clock in your head. How much time have you lost? Minutes? Hours? If Runic Games is using that time as a measure of success of their recently released Action-RPG Torchlight, there must be a party in Washington every night! The story begins in the small mining village of Torchlight. Ember, a mineral of extraordinary power (and possible corruption) was found in a nearby mine. Read More...
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More Modern Warfare 2 PC Woes
by Ben Brody [ Friday, 6th of November 2009 - 01:34 PM ]
The bad gets worse. PC gamers have often been on the short end of the stick on gaming for awhile now except for one thing: Multiplayer. Mods, dedicated servers, better clan support, and VOIP programs like Ventrilo and Teamspeak usually make the PC multiplayer experience better than their console counterparts. Modern Warfare 2, which is poised to be the best selling FPS of all time, is only full of disappointments to the PC crowd unfortunately.Dedicated servers have already been taken away from the PC version and now comes more. Read More...
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Battlefield: Bad Company 2 PS3 Beta Exclusive
by Corey Dockendorf [ Thursday, 5th of November 2009 - 11:00 PM ]
So here you are, asking yourself "How can i get into the Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Multiplayer Beta?" Well here i am, like a genie in a bottle with your answer. Starting November 19th, US players can get into the Beta by reserving their copies at Gamestop or Bestbuy, announcement for our European friends to come later. I'm sure that in the coming week everyone will have some sort of giveaway so keep your eyes peeled. This is going to be phenomenal by the way. Read More...
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Review: Fairytale Fights
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 5th of November 2009 - 07:11 PM ]
Imagine that you are a character from your favorite fairytale. The main character, if you will. Now imagine that some one has gone through your story and removed the part where you were the important and significant. Everyone shunned and ignored you in your own story. What would you do? Go bat nuts crazy and slaughter all of the cute inhabitants to show that you really are the star again? It's what I would do. Well that is the very basic version of what is going on in Play Logic's Fairytale Fights. Read More...
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My Deck Against Yours In Magic: The Gathering - Tactics
by Binh Nguyen [ Wednesday, 4th of November 2009 - 06:44 PM ]
Magic: The Gathering has been around since 1993, and converting the card game into a video game has been going on since 1997 with its first title Magic: The Gathering: Duels of the Planeswalker for the PC. Well we will be getting another Magic: The Gathering game with Wizard of the Coast and Sony Online Entertainment teaming up to develop Magic: The Gathering – Tatics. John Smedley, President of Sony Online Entertainment recently said, “By collaborating with Wizards of the Coast, we're able to combine the strengths of both companies to develop an innovative, online, 3D game based on an extremely popular IP. We're Going to be taking the Magic: The Gathering Multiverse places player have never seen” John was not the only one that had something to say about the upcoming title. Read More...
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