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Brian G Asks: WTF is up with DLC?
by Brian Goodman [ Monday, 26th of April 2010 - 04:20 PM ]
It's an exciting time to be a gamer because there is definitely a lot of pivotal stuff going on in our industry right now. Today I want to go on about a reasonably new development of an old concept. Expansion packs have been around since the mid 90's in the PC world. Back when the PC dinosaurs ruled the video game landscape (and just about any game could be played on any computer without a video card that costs more than a PS3), if there was a successful game, a half a year or so later we would see an expansion pack. People who enjoyed a game could purchase more content for around $20 to $30-ish. Don't quote me on this, but the first expansion in my memory was the level add on pack for Doom II released in 1995 called "Doom II Master Levels. Read More...
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Hands On 'The Passing' Released For L4D2
by Brian Goodman [ Friday, 23rd of April 2010 - 10:44 PM ]
So Valve announced the first DLC package for L4D2 a while ago and it is finally here to bring us more zombie killin' goodness. The "carrot" that they have been enticing us with is a major "change" to the cast of the L4D universe, and true to word there is one less survivor running around taking all the pills and startling the witch. *Note* I will try to keep this write up spoiler free for those of you who have not had a chance to run through it. I fired up Steam where the content is free (560 points if you play on the New Jersey of online gaming XBL) and loaded up the single player campaign mode to blow through as fast as I could. Read More...
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Review: Left 4 Dead 2
by Ben Brody [ Tuesday, 17th of November 2009 - 09:12 PM ]
Left 4 Dead 2, at its core, is the same game as it's predecessor: a zombie shooting game. But when you scratch the surface and look deeper, it's a much different game. Left 4 Dead was a fairly linear game, with 1 main path to take and while the guns and zombies may spawn in different places, it's pretty much the same the first few run throughs as the next few run throughs. Left 4 Dead 2 is different, it's a much more open experience, and while there still is one main path, there are several routes alongside it, making it so that you can get to the next safe room two or three different ways. More difficult paths, or longer ones, net you better equipment such as better weaponry or ammunition. Read More...
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If the Nintendo Entertainment System Was Left 4 Dead
by Kevin [ Tuesday, 17th of November 2009 - 05:07 PM ]
Eric Ruth, of the aptly named EricRuthGames, has designed what is probably one of the most entertaining things related to Left 4 Dead in recent memory. With Left 4 Dead 2 upon us, and all of the bells and whistles it provides, it is hard to imagine a time before these advanced graphics engines, intelligent scenario directors, and well... four player gameplay. To remind us all of the goodness of our past, Eric decided to create an 8-bit version of the game. Read More...
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Get Your Infection Early With Left4Dead2 Demo
by Binh Nguyen [ Thursday, 15th of October 2009 - 08:46 PM ]
Tired of playing Left4Dead already? Need to play something new? Well how about the demo for the next installment with Left4Dead2. On October 27th, Valve will be prepared to released an early access of the demo to those who pre-order the game via participating retailers or Steam. Afterwards the Demo will be available to XBox Live Gold member and all PC gamers on November 3rd. Then on November 10th, the rest of the XBox nation will be able to access the demo. Seriously who still use anything less than Xbox Live Gold? Read More...
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Play Baseball In Left 4 Dead 2
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Saturday, 3rd of October 2009 - 02:14 AM ]
Yes there is a plethora of weapons available in Left 4 Dead 2. Axes, Chainsaws, and Guns oh my! But what if you just want to bludgeon zombies with a good, old reliable American baseball bat? Not many options for that. Oh wait, I take that back. There is now. If you pre-order the game before the 27th of October, you will be able to get an exclusive baseball bat weapon for the game. Not only that, but you will also get early access to the demo as well as a nice little 10% discount on the full purchase. To go even further, you don't have to go through GameStop or Best Buy for these little extras. Read More...
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Early Zombie Plans
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 6th of July 2009 - 07:43 PM ]
L4D2 Multiplayer Demo Wanna get to play Left 4 Dead 2 a little early? Well at least the Multiplayer aspect of the game, as if there is any other form of the game. I jest. But in any instance, Valve has a way for you to get your hands on the game a few weeks before the full launch on the 17th of November this year. It is another to contrite either and for both console and PC versions of the game. How? Read More...
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*UPDATE* Left 4 Dead 2 for the PS3?
by Binh Nguyen [ Sunday, 21st of June 2009 - 04:04 PM ]
 "But wait I thought Left 4 Dead was an XBox/PC exclusive and Valve is not a huge fan of the PS3?" You are correct on that view. At E3 when Valve announced that there will be a sequel for this zombie-fest of a game a lot of people were a bit surprised that Valve is releasing the sequel so quickly. But is the game also going to be appearing for the PS3? According to EA official website, not only did they list the game for the PS3 as a “Coming Soon”, but also a cover art for the PS3 version of the game. Read More...
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