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Boom Goes The Serious Sam 3 Announcemnet
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 1st of March 2011 - 11:02 PM ]
Hey Serious Sam fans! It looks like your wait is over for the third installment of the game. Serious Sam 3 has just been announced with a few screen shots of the game mixed in with the announcement. But who really cares about screen shots on their favorite game franchise that has only been in development for the last six or so years. Am I right? We want to get into the nitty gritty details and not how the game is going to look when you get it home. Read More...
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Under The Radar: 38 Studios
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 28th of February 2011 - 06:50 PM ]
By Matt Waitt What happens when you bring a former Boston Redsox pitcher, a New York Times best-selling author, the creative mind behind Spawn and the Lead Designer from Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion? Easy, you get 38 Studios. Founded in 2006 and headed by the former Boston Redsox pitcher Curt Schilling, 38 Studios has their first title Kingdoms Of Amalur: Reckoning coming out later this fall. With Todd McFarlane (Spawn, McFarlane Toys) heading the Art Direction it is safe to expect nothing short of an amazing looking game. His work at Marvel comics on Spider-Man has left such a deep mark that the Spider-Man we know and love today was partially thanks to Todd. Read More...
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New Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Trailer Is Nothing Short Of Epic
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 25th of February 2011 - 07:56 PM ]
By Matt Waitt You might want to put on a clean pair of underwear after watching the newly released game play trailer for Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Oozing with intensity, the trailer showcases epic fights against dragons, immense/diverse scenery and a score that is sure to make your heart flat-line. Developed by Bethesda Game Studios and published by Bethesda Softworks Elder Scrolls V takes place two hundred years after Oblivion in the land of Skyrim. Troubled by the assassination of their king, Skyrim breaks out into civil war distracting them from the newly risen god of destruction; Alduin. After watching the new trailer I realize my jaw has dropped to the floor. Read More...
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Could We Be Seeing Modern Warfare 3 At GDC?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 25th of February 2011 - 05:22 PM ]
So we are either going to get a look at the next billion dollar game from Activision or one of the best pranks run on fans of the Modern Warfare franchise. A new site,, has begun to be passed around the net. It doesn't feature anything stating Modern Warfare 3 on it but it does have a countdown with the franchise know font face. Not to mention the site name does link back to the "villain" of Modern Warfare 2. In all actuality, this is most likely a nice little tease for what Activision is going to show off at GDC. Read More...
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With Karate You Can Kick Helicopter Ass In Prototype 2
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 24th of February 2011 - 10:43 PM ]
Ok, so you could really do it in the first [Prototype] but in [Prototype 2] it looks to have been super charged in the new "teaser" that has made its way to the web. It may not be showing much but the game is still a least a year out from launch so what do you expect Radical Entertainment to give us? I mean we should all be surprised that there is a sequel coming out in the first place given the actions of Activision lately. I'm guessing that we should be ready to see even more of these over the next year just to cause some buzz for the game. Read More...
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Id's Rage Becomes Untethered With A New Trailer & Release Date
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 24th of February 2011 - 07:28 PM ]
By Matt Waitt Id Software gives us a nice little reminder that their first new IP in over ten years is coming out. That IP being Rage. This new trailer shows off some extremely beautiful landscapes of destruction as well as some promising action scenes. All set to the tune of an original song titled “Burning Jacob’s Ladder” by singer Mark Lanegan (Screaming Trees, Queens of the Stone Age, Gutter Twins). The song definitely sets the mood for Rage; dark, ominous and gritty. The three things Id knows best. Read More...
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Isaac Isn't The Only One Fighting Through The Sprawl Of Dead Space 2
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 23rd of February 2011 - 09:29 PM ]
You know one thing I noticed when playing through Dead Space 2, and the other Dead Space titles for that matter? The lack of other real "hero" types on the ship or Sprawl. Yea Extraction and Ignition had other protagonists, but for the most part they turned out not as heroic as Isaac. I mean Ignition had 2 scenarios where Franco kills Sarah in cold blood. Then you have McNeill in Extraction that seems to have been turned into a Necromorph in the epilogue of the game.* Well, come this March 1st we will get to see another protagonist, from Extraction, try to fit into Isaac's Rig to add another two chapters to Dead Space 2. Read More...
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Petroglyph Enters The Arena With Rise Of Immortals
by Corey Dockendorf [ Wednesday, 23rd of February 2011 - 07:01 PM ]
Petroglyph Games, the studio behind Guardians Of Graxia and the highly anticipated End Of Nations, just announced a new free-to-play online micro-transaction title called Rise Of Immortals. With promises of new features and a slew of content after launch, RoI could be a powerhouse in the Battle Arena. Rise Of Immortals is a Defense Of The Ancient (DotA)/Massively Online Battle Arena (MOBA) style game. The story takes place in the world of Graxia 300 years after their strategy PC game Guardians Of Graxia. Read More...
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Bulletstorm Vs. Fox News
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 22nd of February 2011 - 06:33 PM ]
By Matt Waitt Over the past couple weeks Fox News has blasted Bulletstorm as being "the worst video game in the world" as well as their typical fear mongering, fact-less accusations and other assorted nonsense that they tend to discharge out of their empty skulls. A blog on kicks some dirt on Epic Games and People Can Fly with some fact absent claims such as "sexual situations and acts in video games – highlighted so well in Bulletstorm – have led to real-world sexual violence." For a friendly reminder this statement is a joke. According the federal crime statistics the rate of juvenile violent crimes in the United States has been steadily DECREASING over the past five or six years. Read More...
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So No Co-Op In Batman: Arkham City
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 18th of February 2011 - 04:57 PM ]
Well we can put the rumors the Batman: Arkham City co-op video that found its way to the internet started. In a recent interview Sefton Hill from of Rocksteady Studios gave there will be no co-op play in Arkham City. It will be a single player game only. This kind of makes me extremely happy. Especially with the reasons being that they didn't want to take anyone from the team off the work on single player to deliver a rushed co-op mode. Better to have one really good single player game than a shotty single and co-op. On the plus side for you co-op wanters, with the news came a few new screen shots of the game. Read More...
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Let's Take The Dead Island Challenge
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 17th of February 2011 - 09:43 PM ]
Yesterday when the trailer for Dead Island hit the internet it caused a huge sensation. It is quite a brilliant trailer to behold. I did happen to notice two things about it though. The main thing is that it caused so many emotional responses, most in the form of crying or tearing up. I'm not talking just women either before you go there guys. Be it the mixture of the music and the film style or the fact that you are watching something extremely happy being torn apart by flesh eating monsters. It has some impact. Read More...
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Alice Has A Little Problem...She Stabs People...
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 16th of February 2011 - 10:23 PM ]
To me this isn't really a problem but a well adjusted response to the twisted stuff Alice went through in the first game. I mean come on, she deserves to get some of that anger, aggression and violent feelings out some way and what better than stabbing the shit out of every living creature at the Tea Party. Confused on what I am talking about? Then it is obvious you have yet to see the new teaser for Alice: Madness Returns which I am so nice to present to you below. Read More...
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Marvel Vs Capcom 3 Has Finally Launched...
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 16th of February 2011 - 07:41 PM ]
With that, let us celebrate by watching the fourth, I'm assuming last, episode of the story as well as a showcasing of the full roster of on-disc combatants for MvC3. Mainly for all of you out there that have yet to get your hands on the game and play through the main story path of the game. Yes there is story somewhere in Marvel Vs. Capcom 3. Or at least I am hoping on the game disc itself. Read More...
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Transformers Milking The Dark Of The Moon
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 15th of February 2011 - 04:47 PM ]
I was hoping that we were all beyond this with the epic tea bagging Devastator gave us in the last Transformers film. But I guess Transformers: War For Cybertron did well enough for Activision to look into doing another Transformers game. With that let me present you Transformers: Dark Of The Moon. The next in the line of new Transformers games and a tie-in with the new film from look and sound of it. Why they have switched gears from the new games they have created to the tie-in I have no clue. Well outside of wanting to milk the consumer for more money because of the film. Read More...
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A Couple That Portals Together Stays Together
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 14th of February 2011 - 11:59 PM ]
What better way to celebrate VD* than to have a fun little advertisement for Portal 2? I learned quite a few things from this little clip for Valentine's Day as well. Like that 54% of women are allergic to chocolate, flowers are filled with bees and that four out of five people are crushed to death by giant diamonds every day. That is insane and I never knew. All kidding aside, once again Valve shows their great sense of humor whilst celebrating a holiday that is just another excuse to have a holiday. Read More...
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