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The Shattering Is Upon Us And I Blame The Gnomes
by Corey Dockendorf [ Wednesday, 24th of November 2010 - 04:43 AM ]
It's been six years to the day since the original release of World of Warcraft and how does Blizzard celebrate? By destroying the old world of Azeroth compliments of a big angry dragon made of fire and metal. According to a forum post by moderator Zaryhm the latest patch 4.0.3a has gone live on servers today thus changing the way denizens of Azeroth have adventured for years. The cinematic below is the same that you will see when you first login to your account, so if you haven't seen it (doubtful), or don't want to spoil it (your call) don't watch it! Let's take a quick look at what this new patch is actually brought today. Read More...
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Guardians Of Graxia Gets Steamed Up
by Corey Dockendorf [ Tuesday, 23rd of November 2010 - 11:01 PM ]
Although it launched on Steam last week to a rocky start, Petroglyph games released its latest content filled Map Pack, for the tiny price tag of $12. There has been some great content added and a few items that didn't make it in. So let's take a look at what we should be thankful for in this latest content release for Guardians of Graxia. With Guardians of Graxia's Steam launch, players can pick up the original game along with the expansive map pack for under $12. This includes the %10 Steam discount. Read More...
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Finally What Deus Ex Game Play Will Look Like
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 23rd of November 2010 - 04:19 PM ]
Up until now we have been given pre-rendered scenes and clips to show off Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Those clips did have some gorgeous visuals no doubt. I mean look at the studio and publisher for it, it's kind of what they are known for. But in the end, none of that did all that much to show off what we will actually get to control during the game. I also mean really control since the last "Game Play" clip was more scripted scenes than anything. Below is another clip showing off a bit more of what I mentioned we've missed so far, actual game play. Read More...
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Blizzard Announces Cataclysm Launch Events
by Corey Dockendorf [ Monday, 22nd of November 2010 - 09:58 PM ]
With The Shattering quickly coming upon us, and only two weeks away from the actual launch of World of Warcraft: Cataclysm, it's time to don your party hats and celebrate the most anticipated launch title with Blizzard. The launch announcement comes right after news that this week we will see the launch of patch 4.0.3a The Shattering, which will destroy the face of Azeroth forever. Read More...
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APB Finds A Buyer And Re-Launching In 2011
by Corey Dockendorf [ Tuesday, 16th of November 2010 - 06:12 PM ]
Two months ago the company known as Realtime Worlds announced that the First-Person-Shooter-MMO All Points Bulletin was shutting down, and being laid to rest. Many people fought to get their money back, and EA was pretty cool about the whole thing. Not knowing if it would ever be revived, rumors started flying that companies around the globe were looking at buying APB and its fate was held in the balance. Well it looks like the California based GamersFirst and its subsidiary company Reloaded will resurrect APB early next year. The question stands, will it have a better launch than it did its first time around? Read More...
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New L.A. Noire Trailer May Make Or Break You
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 12th of November 2010 - 09:31 PM ]
Heavy Rain was my first real endeavor into the "crime drama" genre of video games. I am talking real crime drama style here as well. After watching the below trailer for L.A. Noire, I think I might be making the jump back into a genre that has only caught my eye once. While there is not much given away, I will say that it looks to be an intense experience with some crazy events that will transpire. It is RockStar after all. Also another thing to note, just like the previously mentioned Heavy Rain, the facial and character movements seem to be pushing the envelope. Read More...
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Call Of Duty: Black Ops Is Loaded With Zombies
by Corey Dockendorf [ Tuesday, 9th of November 2010 - 04:48 PM ]
So if you stayed up till midnight, or are heading to the store to pick up your copy of Call of Duty: Black Ops today you're actually getting multiple games for the price of one. If you want to avoid spoilers and find out everything on your own, go no further. The path you take here will lead to certain destruction. With the midnight release of Call of Duty: Black Ops we've already got our first look at an unlockable mini-game called Dead Ops Arcade. This overhead arcade style shooter is very reminiscent of Alien Breed. Read More...
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Play Ring Around The Necromorph In Dead Space 2
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 8th of November 2010 - 10:04 PM ]
While I doubt this will be a game play mode for the upcoming Dead Space 2 multiplayer, that doesn't make the below trailer for the game any less creepy and awesome. Just about on par with the awesome "Twinkle Little Star" trailer from the first Dead Space. Which I will add, there is nothing creepier than having a three year old look at you and start singing that version at you in a cold, dark game room. Check it out. Pretty damn awesome huh? Read More...
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Review: Guardians of Graxia
by Corey Dockendorf [ Tuesday, 2nd of November 2010 - 11:45 PM ]
Petroglyph Games is one of those companies that you never know exactly what they're going to do next. Coming from a background of RTS video games and making a splash in the CCG/board game market, they are definitely a company to keep an eye on. With their diverse experience, Petroglyph Games have decided to take the best of both worlds and mash them together into a tiny download for about $9.99. They call it Guardians of Graxia. Read More...
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Dragon Age 2 Rises To Power
by Corey Dockendorf [ Friday, 29th of October 2010 - 03:51 PM ]
BioWare has just released a new trailer for Dragon Age II featuring game play, a splash of storyline and a new featured area known as Kirkwall. This latest video also comes with information on the new BioWare Signature Edition which will be released March 8th 2011. BioWare is estimating a $20 values worth of extra content pre-packaged with this edition. Check out the trailer after the jump! In order to access the limited edition you must pre-order your copy before January 11th 2011. Read More...
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Blizzcon 2010 In A Nutshell
by Corey Dockendorf [ Monday, 25th of October 2010 - 10:16 PM ]
Here we are, the day after the most anticipated weekend of conventions, Blizzcon. For your typical Blizzcon, it seemed they didn't have any major announcements this year. No Diablo III release date. No word on their new MMO (World of Jersey Shorecraft??) but I will say the cosplay contest was probably the best I've seen so far. Chris Metzen hosted this year's keynote, and after some Blizzard buffs, we broke into a steady run of news beginning with the next WoW expansion. World of Warcraft: Cataclysm will be on sale December 7th, and for those that don't want to wait in line at midnight, players can buy and download directly from the website in advance. Read More...
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New BioShock Infinite Screens Will Pluck You Eyes Out
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 21st of October 2010 - 08:42 PM ]
Why do I have a feeling that these crows are going to play a HUGE part of BioShock Infinite? I mean we all know it looks like there will be a Plasmid based around using a murder of crows, but is there going to be more than that? There also seems to be a lack of any other bird type in any of the visuals we have been shown thus far - unless you count angels, in the form of statues, as birds. I don't. If you haven't looked down by now, then I am telling you to seize the opportunity. Read More...
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This Saw II Trap Looks Star Wars Inspired
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 18th of October 2010 - 04:06 PM ]
So Saw II: Flesh And Blood hits selves next week just in time to ride all the hype from the upcoming film. Not to miss a beat, obviously Konami is going to throw some more screens out there to entice those of us that are fans of the franchise and interested in the game. Yes I am one of those said people hence why I try to keep you all up to date on what is going on here. Well it looks like in this most recent push that Jigsaw was inspired by Star Wars a bit. The old rust walls compacting in to crush the garbage that happens to be in between them. Read More...
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WCG Ultimate Gamer 2: Episode 8 - Just As I Though
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 14th of October 2010 - 09:17 PM ]
So it is all over. After hearing spoilers and waiting to actually watch how it all played out, a new Ultimate Gamer has been crowned. In case you didn't see the show when it aired or on Hulu, I won't spoil the fun of reading my article by telling you who won. You need to read the recap, or at least scroll down to the bottom. "Disclaimer" I will make it no secret that I tried out for this season and was not selected due to XBox Live issues during game analysis. I was only able to connect for one of the sessions, and thus disqualified. Read More...
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Valve Announces DotA 2
by Corey Dockendorf [ Thursday, 14th of October 2010 - 06:37 PM ]
Valve announced today that its latest title to be released in 2011 is DotA 2. Players have been waiting a while for this announcement considering Valve went on a Trademark spree and filed for the DotA and Defense of the Ancients name back in August of this year. According to the short and sweet press release: "Coming to the PC&Mac in 2011, DotA 2 promises to take the unique blend of online RTS and RPG action that has made DotA popular with tens of millions of gamers and expand upon it in every way." For those that don't know the name DotA comes from the Warcraft III mod Defense of the Ancients. Defense of the Ancients at its core is a small tactical, hero based strategy game which completely revamped the Warcraft III game and design by bringing a real RPG aspect to an RTS world. Read More...
Tags: DotA 2, VALVe, Steam, PC,
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