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In The Wake Of World Of Darkness MMO Cancellation Comes 'Leaked' Images & Documents
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 7th of May 2014 - 07:00 PM ]
Documents and images from the canceled World Of Darkness MMO have popped up on Reddit and we have them here. I am still taken back by the cancellation of the World Of Darkness MMO from last month. I love playing the table top and LARP versions of the game system and was feverishly looking forward to the MMO coming out and no longer requiring to have to hound a bunch of friends together to play in the world. It has been taken away from us now and there is nothing to do about but hope that someday the World Of Darkness MMO might be revisited. Until then, here is a load of 'leaked' information and images to show why the cancellation was required. Read More...
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No World Of Darkness MMO As Well As More Layoffs In The Industry
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 14th of April 2014 - 09:00 PM ]
CCP has just announced that the World Of Darkness MMO has been canceled. Among other things… It has been over two years now since we last heard about the World Of Darkness MMO and any updates. In fact the last time we heard about anything for this game was that it was definitely still in the works and that we should be expecting it. This straight from the Senior Producer's (Chris McDonough) mouth and in turn CCP. So it is sad news for me to talk about the latest announcement that the World Of Darkness MMO is no longer in the works and that we have yet another rash of layoffs in the gaming industry. Read More...
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The World Of Darkness MMO Not Completely Dead
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 20th of January 2012 - 05:16 PM ]
First off, please pardon the pun. It was unexpected. But in all reality, it looks like the World Of Darkness MMO is not as dead in the water as CCP might have led everyone to believe. Myself included since I play the pen and paper version with some of the people who use to be part of the original team. In a recent interview on GamerLive.TV with Chris McDonough (Senior Producer) talked about a few of the inspirations for the game as well as some of the people brought in to help finish the project even though it is low priority to CCP at the moment. Read More...
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World Of Darkness MMO Seems To Be Keeping The Theme
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 21st of September 2011 - 06:23 PM ]
If you are not a huge fan of White Wolf Publishing and their games, you most likely have no clue that they held their largest fan convention over the last weekend. Most likely not all that interesting to those who don't care for table top gaming or LARP. But for those of you who are MMO fans and love the setting of a dingy darker world that we live in, then you might want to keep reading. Why? Because at said convention the powers that be let loose some new details on the World Of Darkness MMO. Read More...
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