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Trailer Park (12/14/11)
by Matt Waitt [ Wednesday, 14th of December 2011 - 08:51 PM ]
Alright ladies and gentlemen it's time for another installment to everyone's favorite program. First up we got a trailer for the opening cinematic to Blizzard's upcoming masterpiece; Diablo III. The trailer features our old friend Deckard Cain narrating a prophecy foretold in one of his many books. I personally cannot wait for Diablo III. I loved the first two installments of the franchise a lot and spent countless hours on Diablo II. Read More...
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Now Is The Time To Forge Your Legend
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 21st of August 2009 - 05:34 PM ]
Guild Wars 2 Trailer Who wants to see what Guild Wars 2 is going to look like? I know I do. With this new video I thought I was going to be let down a bit. In fact about half way through I started to wonder if there was going to be anything more than just "still frames" (Animatics) with a narration of the goings on in the game world. Being a stubborn person I pushed on with the video to find, indeed there is some good game footage for us to pine over. Some really good footage. Read More...
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