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The Phoenix Rises
by Jonathan Dean [ Monday, 6th of August 2012 - 04:49 PM ]
Hello one and all! My name is Jonathan Dean, and I’m thrilled to be one of the newest members of the writing team here at Let’s see, what is there to know about me? I've been playing games mostly since high school, and as the title suggests, my gamer tag for the Xbox 360 is PhoenixFusion1. I personally prefer games with heavy story and substance, probably due in fact to being a fiction writer and movie buff. I wasn't introduced to the gaming world until my junior high school years. Read More...
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Introducing The Scarecrow
by [ Wednesday, 1st of August 2012 - 06:27 PM ]
Greetings ladies and gentlemen of the community. My name is Todd Naevestad and I am the newest member of AggroGamer's writing team. This little article is to tell you a little about myself. Let's get right to it. I am a student still, entering my junior year. I am training in professional writing. I have a love for words and telling stories. In the future, I hope to work for a place like BioWare or Bethesda, maybe a place like Wizards of the Coast. I want to work in games of all kinds. Read More...
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A Moment of your Time...
by Bryan Ray [ Tuesday, 8th of November 2011 - 01:21 AM ]
Greetings fellow gamers! If I could have a brief minute, I would like to tell you about myself. My name is Bryan Ray, frequently referred to as King Xanadu, and I will be writing for Aggrogamer over the next several months. (Perhaps years? I like the thought.) I play mostly XBox 360 though I do have a Steam account for my dated laptop (It's old enough to have a “supports Windows Vista” sticker on it) but I don’t use it as much as I’d like. I love music, a lot. So much that I am currently attending college for it. Read More...
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