If I could have a brief minute, I would like to tell you about myself. My name is Bryan Ray, frequently referred to as King Xanadu, and I will be writing for Aggrogamer over the next several months. (Perhaps years? I like the thought.) I play mostly XBox 360 though I do have a Steam account for my dated laptop (It's old enough to have a “supports Windows Vista” sticker on it) but I don’t use it as much as I’d like.
I love music, a lot. So much that I am currently attending college for it. I’m currently enrolled at a local community college, as a music major, and I intend to transfer to University of North Texas next fall. I’m not in any bands. Before you ask, yes I have played Guitar Hero and other "Rhythm" games. I made it to expert mode and realized, "Wait... I could just be doing this for real." I still do enjoy playing it with friends.
I'm a huge fan of RPGs. I also thoroughly enjoy Star Wars. So, naturally, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic is one of my favorite games of all time, second only to Ocarina of Time. I also enjoy Racer, Action and FPS games. Outside of video games I also play Magic: The Gathering. If anyone is interested I have a TON to say about Magic.
If you would like to know anything else about me, give me a job, donate money or anything else, don’t hesitate to contact me. My twitter handle is @KingXanadu. My Xbox Live Gamertag is King Xanadu.
I am incredibly excited for the upcoming months.