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Watch EA's E3 2017 Press Conference Right Here
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Saturday, 10th of June 2017 - 07:00 PM ]
E3 2017 Can't Be At E3 2017 Or The EA Press Conference? We Have You Covered With The Live Stream Straight From E3 2017 Not everything is going to be on the show floor of E3 2017 and because of that we have these huge press conferences and here we go with EA's huge event just before the doors open for us all. Just as the games and announcements they have for E3 2017 not all of us will be able to be there on the show floor to see them as well. Thankfully we live in the age of live streaming and we can watch the press conference through multiple online avenues. Read More...
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Watch EA's E3 2016 Press Conference Right Here
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Sunday, 12th of June 2016 - 08:00 PM ]
E3 2016 Can't Be At E3 2016 Or The EA Press Conference? We Have You Covered With The Live Stream Straight From E3 2016 Not everything is going to be on the show floor of E3 2016 and because of that we have these huge press conferences and here we go with EA's huge event just before the doors open for us all. Just as the games and announcements they have for E3 2016 not all of us will be able to be there on the show floor to see them as well. Thankfully we live in the age of live streaming and we can watch the press conference through multiple online avenues. Read More...
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Did You Miss That EA Gamescom Conference? We Got You Covered
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 13th of August 2014 - 07:00 PM ]
Couldn't Be At Gamescom 2014 Or The EA Press Conference? We Have You Covered With The Live Stream Below Just like Microsoft's press event, EA had their event at a non-gamer time for those not living in Europe or night owls; 1 a.m. here on the west coast of North America. Just like the Microsoft event it should be no surprise that most of us gamers may have slept through or played through the huge event that EA put on at Gamescom in their booth. Luckily, like yesterday, we were able to get the event's full stream for all of us who were late to the game to catch up. Or at least see everything they had to offer outside of the trailers making the rounds already. Read More...
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EA's E3 2014 Press Conference Recap
by Kenton Winkfield [ Friday, 13th of June 2014 - 05:11 PM ]
A transcript of EA's 2014 E3 press conference Like any press conference should start, EA's began with the CEO Andrew Wilson taking the stage and welcoming everyone to E3 and their press conference. He immediately sets the show off by announcing a video for Star Wars: Battlefront will be shown at E3. He announces that the conference will be showing games releasing in the upcoming months and other games that will take longer but we'd get more in-depth looks. He continued by saying that there would be various ideas on what to expect given to us by the creative leaders of the studios they are working with. Read More...
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Watch EA's 2013 E3 Press Conference Right Here
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 10th of June 2013 - 08:09 PM ]
Bummed that you couldn't make it to E3 2013 and don't want to wait to see the stream of videos later? We got you covered. Starting at 1 pm today we will have EA's conference streaming live below. Yes. Live! Sit back relax and get ready to check out the updates and new games EA will be bringing us. So far we've got Battlefield 4, FIFA, Madden, UFC, NBA LIVE, Need For Speed, and some Star Wars title mentioned. I have high hopes that Mirror's Edge 2 will at least be announced or mentioned. If it is, the ridiculously loud and long cheer will be me. Read More...
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Madden Poke: NFFL (Natl. Facebook Football League)
by Kevin [ Monday, 8th of February 2010 - 01:30 AM ]
This week it was reported over at Bloomberg that EA is planning on bringing the franchise over to Facebook. Much like the previous news with Brave Arms, it seems that the social networking platform is becoming more and more attractive for these developers. Peter Moore, President of EA Sports said, "“We have to make ‘Madden’ more accessible. You’ll see us on Facebook going forward.”Make Madden more accessible? Read More...
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Increase Your Credit-ability By Pre-Ordering Madden NFL 11
by Kevin [ Sunday, 7th of February 2010 - 09:25 PM ]
Well, seeing as how today is such a special day for football fans, it seems only right to present a deal for the current king of console gridiron - the John Madden NFL series.  Personally, I'm a 2k man, but since that series has gone the way of the dodo, I present a special deal to entice the Madden community. Both Amazon and Wal-Mart are having deals concerning the newest iteration of the title.Amazon proudly proclaims, "Get a $20 Video Games Credit: Pre-order Madden NFL 11, forWii, PS2, or Xbox 360, and get $20 off a future video game purchase. Read More...
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Making a Madden Comeback
by Corey Dockendorf [ Saturday, 15th of August 2009 - 06:24 PM ]
Michael Vick was signed as a backup quarter back for the Philidelphia Eagles yesterday.  After being suspended indefinitly from the NFL in 2007, the NFL decided to reinstate him for this season (conditionally) and let him play in the final 2 pre-season games.I know what your thinking, what does this have to do with Video games.  For all you Madden 10 players you may have noticed that Vick is not in the game.  EA sports had stated that "I"It's official . Read More...
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Review: Madden NFL 10
by Ben Brody [ Thursday, 13th of August 2009 - 10:34 PM ]
EA Sports's Madden NFL 10. The Best Madden Ever In years past (especially between 02 and 08) the annual Madden has been seen as somewhat of a roster update, however, Madden NFL 10 is something I've not experienced before: an ultra good looking, ultra realistic football game. Madden NFL 09 was a step in the right direction, with better graphics and new animations, however Madden 10 is a giant leap in the right direction, such a big leap it may have just landed where it needed to be. In years past, Madden has been hampered by a lack-luster graphics system that was essentially a beefed up PS2 engine. Textures were hi-res and the detail was there, however player models and the overall stadium experience was still fairly sixth generation. Read More...
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A Reason To, And Not To, Go To GameStop
by Ben Brody [ Sunday, 9th of August 2009 - 03:59 AM ]
So here's why you should go to GameStop. So you want to play Madden NFL 10, who doesn't. Be the first to play it on Monday, as your local GameStop will be playing it in their PS3 demo unit. I have confirmed with several GameStop employees that they have received a PS3 version of the full game and will be putting it in their system after close on Sunday (I'm going to assume some are going to play it earlier). While playing it at E3 (keep in mind this was in no way a finished version of the game) I couldn't help but notice the fact that every single play seemed to include the gang tackles. While it was nice to show off the new feature of the game, EVERY SINGLE tackle was a gang tackle, something that is completely unrealistic, perhaps it was because they wanted to show off the new feature, but if it is in the final version of the game I will be very disappointed. Read More...
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More Rockin' News
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 14th of July 2008 - 04:30 PM ]
Rock Band II: Exclusive E3 2008 Gameplay Reveal To be honest, this clip isn't anything to write home to mom about. It looks almost totally the same, gameplay and graphics wise. But then again, it is more or less just a etase for the game anyways. There are a couple of new looking visual effects that happen in the background, but when you are playing, you are not looking at those anyways. But here's the video "for those of you who are into those kinds of things". To quote a great TV show. Read More...
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Brett Favre To Be On Cover of Madden NFL '09
by Michael Camacho [ Friday, 25th of April 2008 - 11:18 AM ]
Brett Favre announced at the end of his recent appearance on Letterman that he will be on the cover of Madden NFL '09, the franchise's 20th installment. Brett Favre is a 3 time MVP, a 7 time Pro Bowl selection and 2007's Sports Illustrated Sportsman Of The Year. Favre also lays claim to many NFL records, to include Career Passing Touchdowns (with 442) and Career Passing Yards (with 61,655). This is one of the NFL's greatest honors, but also one of the most cursed for active players as almost all the prior cover athletes have been injured or poor performances during the season they were on the cover. Michael Vick, Donovan McNabb, and Daunte Culpepper are among the few that had season ending injuries while featured on the cover of Madden. Read More...
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