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The Gamecenter: Wal-Mart's Answer to Amazon?
by Kevin [ Monday, 24th of May 2010 - 03:29 PM ]
Wal-Mart, one of the reigning kings of discount department stores, is entering the on-line space occupied by places like Amazon. Gamecenter is "a one-shop stop for all the greatest news and previews and exclusives." Currently, the deals I see on the site involve providing gift-eCards for certain purchases, a "buy 2, get 1 free" for XBox 360 Platinum Hits, and if you pre-order three games you'll get a $50 gift card. The games have to be from a pre-defined list, and they do all have to be for the same platform though. Not bad. Read More...
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Increase Your Credit-ability By Pre-Ordering Madden NFL 11
by Kevin [ Sunday, 7th of February 2010 - 09:25 PM ]
Well, seeing as how today is such a special day for football fans, it seems only right to present a deal for the current king of console gridiron - the John Madden NFL series.  Personally, I'm a 2k man, but since that series has gone the way of the dodo, I present a special deal to entice the Madden community. Both Amazon and Wal-Mart are having deals concerning the newest iteration of the title.Amazon proudly proclaims, "Get a $20 Video Games Credit: Pre-order Madden NFL 11, forWii, PS2, or Xbox 360, and get $20 off a future video game purchase. Read More...
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Best Black Friday Buys
by Kevin [ Sunday, 22nd of November 2009 - 01:22 AM ]
Best Buy has made their Black Friday deals known, and so far, it's shaping up to be a pretty solid list of savings for gamers. Now, I'm sure most of these are already owned by the majority of you out there, however, if you've been holding off picking some of these older titles up, or if you've traded them in and want them back - Black Friday will be a great day for you. You can check out the full listing here. Here are some highlights: Assassin's Creed (PC) - $4. Read More...
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A Better Buy?
by Kevin [ Monday, 10th of August 2009 - 02:05 PM ]
A very interesting tidbit came across my inbox this morning. At a Best Buy in Utah, there are some potentially devastating moves going on. Probably more of a test run than anything else. Best Buy is quoted on their in-store advertisement as saying, "Best Buy now price matches new video games at used prices from GameStop or Game Crazy." Thus far this has been the only store with such an ad reported, but the effects of this could be very far-reaching. Imagine just walking into a Best Buy with your GameStop weekly ad and utilizing the deal. Read More...
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