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Nintendo Priming DSi Holiday Sales Explosion
by Brian Bentley [ Monday, 23rd of November 2009 - 09:59 PM ]
There are two things that people love and totally go gaga over: Special Editions and Free Stuff. Today, Nintendo announced that this holiday season, the Nintendo DSi will have BOTH starting on Black Friday. Starting on Friday, the DSi will be sold in two new special edition packages that will contain the portable device in one of two colors -- White or Metallic Blue -- as well as have 5 DSiWare titles pre-loaded. The metallic blue DSi has a Mario theme with various games and apps, while the white DSi goes for a more Brain Age slant. The people down at Nintendo of America have squashed any notion of a slow-down or over-saturation of the portable device market. Read More...
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Best Black Friday Buys
by Kevin [ Sunday, 22nd of November 2009 - 01:22 AM ]
Best Buy has made their Black Friday deals known, and so far, it's shaping up to be a pretty solid list of savings for gamers. Now, I'm sure most of these are already owned by the majority of you out there, however, if you've been holding off picking some of these older titles up, or if you've traded them in and want them back - Black Friday will be a great day for you. You can check out the full listing here. Here are some highlights: Assassin's Creed (PC) - $4. Read More...
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