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A Better Buy?
by Kevin [ Monday, 10th of August 2009 - 02:05 PM ]
A very interesting tidbit came across my inbox this morning. At a Best Buy in Utah, there are some potentially devastating moves going on. Probably more of a test run than anything else. Best Buy is quoted on their in-store advertisement as saying, "Best Buy now price matches new video games at used prices from GameStop or Game Crazy." Thus far this has been the only store with such an ad reported, but the effects of this could be very far-reaching. Imagine just walking into a Best Buy with your GameStop weekly ad and utilizing the deal. Read More...
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Slash Through Amazon And Save 5 Bucks
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 11th of March 2008 - 05:58 PM ] Is Taking Pre-Orders For DualShock 3 Ok, so it is well know that the DualShock 3 Controller is due to drop on the 15th of April. If it wasn't, then here is your heads up about the release of the controller. Now you may be thinking, well if I order it there, the money saved will just go to shipping and handling. That is only true if you want to spend for the insanely fast shipping. Amazon is offering up free shipping with this item and if you pre-order, you should be able to get the item on the 15th. Read More...
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