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Madden Poke: NFFL (Natl. Facebook Football League)
by Kevin [ Monday, 8th of February 2010 - 01:30 AM ]
This week it was reported over at Bloomberg that EA is planning on bringing the franchise over to Facebook. Much like the previous news with Brave Arms, it seems that the social networking platform is becoming more and more attractive for these developers. Peter Moore, President of EA Sports said, "“We have to make ‘Madden’ more accessible. You’ll see us on Facebook going forward.”Make Madden more accessible? Read More...
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EA Buys Playfish For A Small Fortune
by Corey Dockendorf [ Monday, 9th of November 2009 - 07:49 PM ]
You've seen it all over Facebook, Myspace, iPhone, and Bebo. Friends of yours are decorating there house on "pet society" or they are working on learning a new recipe over at "restaurant city." It's common-place, it's all over the news feeds, and now it's owned by EA. With EA's new interactive business department, we see yet another step into social networking and media. With their recent release of Dragon Age: Origins, and theie social networking site in conjunction with Bioware, it's no surprise that they are pushing forward to more social media. EA has just announced that it acquired Playfish for $275 million dollars. Read More...
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Social Networks PWN Porn
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 17th of September 2008 - 03:15 PM ]
Social Networks Now More Popular Than Porn We can all agree, the internet is for porn. Well at least according to a little song performed on Broadway. But that may not be all that true anymore or at least in the not to distant future. According to a researcher and author Bill Tancer, he wrote Click: What Millions of People are Doing Online and Why It Matters, the number of searches for the coveted reason to log online and use the magic porn box is down. Like down 10% since Al Gore invented the Interwebs. The short and simple, it use to be 1 in 5 searches were for porn where as now it is 1 in 10. Read More...
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