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More Rockin' News
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 14th of July 2008 - 04:30 PM ]
Rock Band II: Exclusive E3 2008 Gameplay Reveal To be honest, this clip isn't anything to write home to mom about. It looks almost totally the same, gameplay and graphics wise. But then again, it is more or less just a etase for the game anyways. There are a couple of new looking visual effects that happen in the background, but when you are playing, you are not looking at those anyways. But here's the video "for those of you who are into those kinds of things". To quote a great TV show. Read More...
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Possible Songs?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 3rd of July 2008 - 06:23 PM ]
Rumor: Rock Band Track List So, I thought I would go a day without talking about Rock Band again, but it would seem that it is part of the current buzz on the net. It was just announced and they are slowly trickling information to the pubic about the game. So, I'll go on record now, I'm no RB Fanboy, it's just what comes across my plate right now. I'll hook up GH as soon as I get some good information for it. Anyways. Read More...
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Music... As I stated...
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 1st of July 2008 - 05:21 PM ]
Music Sim. Updates/News Like I stated before, I am going to hook ya up with all the fun stuff I find out about the Music Simulation games. So here we go. Top Gun Theme Free on Guitar Hero III So for you patriotic people, or at least those that like to feel it, here is a new song for GHIII. Not really an anthem of the country, but at least it is one for a movie that has the strong feeling of America. That is the "Anthem" for Top Gun. Who doesn't get that un chill down their back when hearing that? Read More...
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Screw The Console Wars...
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 30th of June 2008 - 07:55 PM ]
We Got Wars For Music Simulation Games So I thought I would do another fun edition of "Rock Band Wrap Up"™. Seeing as there are plenty of things to bring up today. One of them kind of major. So with no further gilding the lilly. Rock Band II Yes, it has been officially announced. No shocker there. Well outside of the fact that it is due out in September, for the XBox. Most likely October or November for the other platforms. Read More...
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