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It Looks Like There Is Some New Fallout Speculation Out There
by Dakota B. Johnson [ Tuesday, 11th of April 2017 - 05:00 PM ]
Fallout Things out in the rumor mill about Fallout are pointing to Bethesda announcing a new open-world Fallout game at E3 this year Sometimes it’s cool to wonder and speculate. When Bethesda did their first big E3 press conference they unveiled the long anticipated Fallout 4 in a mighty fine fashion. I was just as surprised to see them making it an annual thing with BE3 2017 confirmed just a few months ago. Now I wouldn’t expect them to keep showing up unless they have something huge coming. Read More...
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This Week In Video Games 12/1/14 — 12/5/14
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Saturday, 6th of December 2014 - 12:00 AM ]
A Lot Has Gone On This Week. Here's A Recap Of What We Covered In Video Games While technically this posting is a wrap up for what happened in the work week for video games, there is so much going on over the weekend that I'm going to use it for a springboard to cover The Game Awards and the PlayStation Experience that will be kicking off shortly after you have finished reading what I am typing here. You may also have a bit of time to dig into some of the other gaming news we've had on the site over the week as well. If nothing else you can at least read through our review for Game Of Thrones — Iron From Ice while waiting or getting set up to watch the re-broadcasts of whatever you may want to see this weekend. Read More...
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The Bartlet Jones Supernatural Detective Agency Has Something For The PlayStation Experience
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 28th of November 2014 - 06:00 PM ]
A teaser for The Bartlet Jones Supernatural Detective Agency's upcoming title has been released with a possible announcement at the PlayStation Experience next week If you haven't heard of The Bartlet Jones Supernatural Detective Agency studio yet then you are missing out on a few things. This would be the studio founded by Nick Kononelos and David Jaffe out in San Diego. We're not going to go into a history lesson on how that all came about but you can check that all out over at the official website for the studio. The rest to follow is about what the team over there has cooked up for us all and when we might get to see something from them. Read More...
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And Our Game Awards Nominees Are…
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 21st of November 2014 - 06:00 PM ]
The nominees for The Game Awards have been announced and some are still open for YOU to vote on Love the idea or hate it but The Game Awards are coming here in a few weeks and the nominees and categories have been announced. Some of these were done yesterday via Geoff Keighley and the organization's official Twitch account. The bulk of them were released directly on The Game Awards website. A site that kind of makes things a bit difficult to get all the information you want in one quick and easy way so I've taken it upon myself to give the quick and easy way to look at all the games, developers, and performers that will be up to win whatever prize or trophy The Game Awards is offering up. Read More...
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The Game Awards Have Been Announced Because We Need Another One…
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 10th of November 2014 - 08:00 PM ]
Geoff Keighley has announced that it is time for The Game Awards show, another awards show just for video games I was thinking the other day "Why don't we have another awards show for video games?" Looks like someone was reading my mind as it looks like we have The Game Awards just announced by Geoff Keighley coming our way to celebrate the video game industry. If the VGX and other award shows of the past weren't proof enough that most gamers out there don't care for an awards show then I don't know what else will. Although to be honest after hearing a bit more on The Game Awards show some doubts could be put aside as it doesn't sound like one network's way to grab some quick cash using our beloved subculture. Read More...
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This Week In Video Games 10/27/14 — 10/31/14
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 31st of October 2014 - 11:00 PM ]
A Lot Has Gone On This Week. Here's A Recap Of What We Covered In Video Games Happy Halloween and happy end of the week in video games news. It's time to get a butt load of candy, fatter, diabetes, and have some time to kick back and play some of our favorite video games of the horror theme. All of this is to lead into the next month where we get to do it all again. Of course this is mostly directed at all of those American readers here as most other countries don't have the same holidays and look at us as the degenerate freaks that we are. Even if it isn't proclaimed all over the internet in much of a public face. Read More...
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We Have Confirmed Titles For The PlayStation Experience
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 31st of October 2014 - 07:00 PM ]
A new update on the PlayStation Experience has given us a list of publishers, developers, and titles we can expect to see at the event It looks like we have another great treat for us all on Halloween as we now have a short list of confirmed developers, publishers, and games that will be on hand at the upcoming PlayStation Experience in Las Vegas, NV. This isn't even the full list yet and it is looking like the $90 fee for both days is easily recouped with what you'll be able to experience. It looks like we have a confirmed 68 developers and publishers and 19 titles for the PS4, PS3, and PS Vita. Read More...
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There Are A Few Updates For The PlayStation Experience Now
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 23rd of October 2014 - 05:00 PM ]
Sony has finally given us a date that we can start purchasing those PlayStation Experience tickets as well as where the event will take place in Las Vegas Earlier this month the PlayStation Experience was announced and very little was given to us outside of the days and city it will take place in. That being December 6th and 7th in Las Vegas, NV for those who need a recap and didn't click the previous link. The PlayStation Experience is slated as an unprecedented event that will host panels and discussions with developers hooked into Sony PlayStation, hands-on with titles that are coming out soon, free swag, and the list goes on. We were also promised that on October 20th we would be given an update on how to purchase tickets and a bit more surrounding the event. Read More...
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PlayStation Wants Us To Have A Great Las Vegas Experience
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 10th of October 2014 - 09:00 PM ]
Sony has announced that it will be hosting a PlayStation Experience in Las Vegas, Nevada early in December 2014 Just in case you needed another reason to head to the playground of America it looks like Sony will be hosting a PlayStation Experience in Las Vegas, NV during the weekend of December 6th this year. Not much is known about this community event that is being hosted by the great people over at PlayStation but do you really need to know more than that to have an excuse to head out this way? Most likely not but for those who do here is what we know about this PlayStation Experience that is coming in a few months. Read More...
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Join Us In Watching The DICE Summit From Your Home…Or Your Computer
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 5th of February 2014 - 06:00 PM ]
The DICE Summit is underway in Las Vegas, NV and we have a way for you to watch and enjoy every bit of it. Check out all of the sessions and the awards ceremony here. By the time you are reading this the annual DICE Summit will be underway in Las Vegas, NV. Everything officially kicked off at 9:30am PST but that doesn't mean you have to miss out at all. We have all of the scheduled talks and panels streaming right below for you to enjoy and pine over. Well at least all of the ones that are allowed to be streamed over the net. Read More...
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A Nightclub For The Social Gamer
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 31st of January 2011 - 05:29 PM ]
Ok, so this is either a genius idea or one of the worst ideas that is going to flop and just make a few people poorer. The idea being a nightclub tailored specifically for gamers. A Las Vegas nightclub at that too. All slated to open its doors to the public here in a few months allowing gamers and non-gamers the chance to drop their cash on everything expected at a nightclub and videogames. As I alluded, I am mixed on this idea. I'm going to tell you why. Read More...
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Get Teased Like In Vegas With Fallout: New Vegas
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 4th of February 2010 - 10:44 PM ]
Who want's to get teased? Who wants to get teased about Fallout: New Vegas? I see you with your hand and heart in the air. Yes you right there. Stop pretending that I am not talking to you. We all know you want to see a small glimpse at what is kind of to come with New Vegas. If you don't, then please step out and check out the other articles on AggroGamer here. Ok, now that it is just us here who want to salivate over the new teaser for New Vegas, let me say this, it doesn't really tell a whole lot about what is going on the the game. It is a nicely rendered video showing what were expecting, a nice shiny city in the middle of a huge waste land with a few high tech robots picking up stuff. Read More...
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Gaming To A Whole New Level In Vegas
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 8th of July 2009 - 03:34 PM ]
Clearwire officially launches WiMax in Las Vegas When you think of Las Vegas and Gaming, the first place you go is to the table game and gambling. It is the staple in Vegas. But it looks like soon, like in a few weeks, gaming could take a slight twist in the town. At least as it comes to online portable gaming. Maybe make the town a bit more family friendly. Who knows? Read More...
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Shoot Dice With Your WiiMote On The Vegas Strip
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 24th of June 2009 - 06:19 PM ]
Las Vegas Casino Party Announced Just incase Mario Party was not good enough for the family, or the family wants to get their kids hooked on gambling, buffets, and hookers early, a new party game for the Wii has been announced today. One that strikes home with me oh so well. Pun intended. Las Vegas Casino Party is that game. From the description of the game, it sounds just like the above mentioned Mario Party titles. You get ten stereotypes of Las Vegas gamblers to move around a game board, for some reason, to move from casinos to casino playing the classic games of old Vegas. Read More...
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