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Watch The 2018 The Game Awards With Us Here
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 6th of December 2018 - 10:00 PM ]
The Game Awards Join us as we watch The Game Awards for 2018 and see just which video games were thought the best and earned their place in The Game Awards The big night is here again and it is time to dive into The Game Awards for 2018. It has been one of the better awards shows that we have seen for the video game industry and been going rather strong over the years. All so we can make sure that those developers and designers know that we have loved the entertainment and worlds they have pumped out there for us. It is also a night where we get to see multiple other video games announced or updated in the time where things normally slow down. Read More...
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And The Game Awards Nominees Of 2017 Are…
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 14th of November 2017 - 08:00 PM ]
The Game Awards The official list of nominated games for The Game Awards 2017 has been released as well as which categories fans of The Game Awards can vote in Another year has gone by and that means it is time for The Game Awards to swing back around and celebrate all of those games that we have enjoyed since the last time we did the awards show. It is hard to believe it has been that long, but it has. Nonetheless, this also means that it is time for us to get ready to help The Game Awards by spamming in votes for our favorite video games, actors, studios, and gamers out there so they can be called to stage to collect their awards. Read More...
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And The Game Awards Nominees Of 2016 Are…
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 16th of November 2016 - 08:00 PM ]
The Game Awards The official list of nominated games for The Game Awards 2016 has been released as well as which categories fans of The Game Awards can vote in As December 1st gets closer we also get a bit closer to The Game Awards showing off. This also means that now that we are even closer that we have a full list of the titles, developers, voice actors, and everything else up for an award during this event. That's right, we now have a list of the nominated for The Game Awards and not just the ones being selected by the super-secret panel of judges but also a few that we the gamers can have a say in. How we don't all have the same say across all of them yet is still a question for me but none the less we can select the awards that don't matter for a single thing. Read More...
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The Game Awards Will Be Coming In December And In VR
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 4th of November 2016 - 05:00 PM ]
The Game Awards The date for The Game Awards is final and it looks like we'll be able to watch The Game Awards in a new way this year; in VR The date is set for The Game Awards as we will be able to see this event fire off yet again and this time on December 1st. Hopefully by now you are aware of what this award show is all about and we'll give you a quick rundown just in case. This is the awards show set up by Geoff Keighly to do what the name suggests. It gives out awards for all of our favorite games, developers, and eSports players over the last year. Read More...
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And The Game Awards Nominees Of 2015 Are…
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 13th of November 2015 - 10:00 PM ]
The Game Awards The official list of nominated games for The Game Awards 2015 has been released as well as which categories fans of The Game Awards can vote in The Game Awards are creeping up closer and closer each day and December 3rd will be here in no time. Of course the date for The Game Awards was only handed out earlier this week so it is not a huge surprise that the official list of games, developers, actors, and eSports players up for the awards has been released into the wild. The categories run the gamut as they did at The Game Awards last year but we can see what the special panel of judges and "reviewers" are going to be selecting from to get the shiny awards. Then we sit and wait to see who received the most votes and will be walking away from The Game Awards victorious. Read More...
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The Game Awards Comes Back In 2015 With A December Airing Date
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 9th of November 2015 - 08:00 PM ]
The Game Awards The time and place for The Game Awards has been revealed as well as how many people can watch The Game Awards for free If you enjoyed or watched The Game Awards last year then you'll be happy to know that The Game Awards is taking another stab at making video game awards shows a thing this year. We all knew it was going to be back in some form and now we have the official word from Geoff Keighley, producer, that The Game Awards will be back on December 3rd and available for all who have access to the internet and care about what an advisory board thinks about your favorite video games. If that doesn't tickle your fancy then let it be known that watching The Game Awards will also get you discounts on your video games too. Read More...
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And Our Game Awards Nominees Are…
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 21st of November 2014 - 06:00 PM ]
The nominees for The Game Awards have been announced and some are still open for YOU to vote on Love the idea or hate it but The Game Awards are coming here in a few weeks and the nominees and categories have been announced. Some of these were done yesterday via Geoff Keighley and the organization's official Twitch account. The bulk of them were released directly on The Game Awards website. A site that kind of makes things a bit difficult to get all the information you want in one quick and easy way so I've taken it upon myself to give the quick and easy way to look at all the games, developers, and performers that will be up to win whatever prize or trophy The Game Awards is offering up. Read More...
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The Game Awards Have Been Announced Because We Need Another One…
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 10th of November 2014 - 08:00 PM ]
Geoff Keighley has announced that it is time for The Game Awards show, another awards show just for video games I was thinking the other day "Why don't we have another awards show for video games?" Looks like someone was reading my mind as it looks like we have The Game Awards just announced by Geoff Keighley coming our way to celebrate the video game industry. If the VGX and other award shows of the past weren't proof enough that most gamers out there don't care for an awards show then I don't know what else will. Although to be honest after hearing a bit more on The Game Awards show some doubts could be put aside as it doesn't sound like one network's way to grab some quick cash using our beloved subculture. Read More...
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