Just in case you needed another reason to head to the playground of America it looks like Sony will be hosting a PlayStation Experience in Las Vegas, NV during the weekend of December 6th this year. Not much is known about this community event that is being hosted by the great people over at PlayStation but do you really need to know more than that to have an excuse to head out this way? Most likely not but for those who do here is what we know about this PlayStation Experience that is coming in a few months.
First and foremost it will host a number of in-depth panels, many of the developers for the platform will be in attendance, there will be hands-on with loads of upcoming PlayStation titles, free swag, and the ability to purchase collectibles directly instead of via online stores. It sounds like this PlayStation Event is really just a small convention for all things PlayStation much like the one that Microsoft holds instead of hitting other tech conventions throughout the year. But wait, there's more to it all.
The other information we have on hand here is that the PlayStation Experience looks to be an 18 and over event given statements on the PlayStation Blog about this event. It will cost you $50 to go for one day or you can go both days for $90. If that price is too steep or you just can swing a Vegas trip, you also have the option to watch remotely as you can with every other PlayStation event under this Earth's sun. You just won't be able to get all the cool physical stuff and only the information if you go that route though so there is the tradeoff. Oh and you'll also miss out on the fun of getting to hang with me in my domain as well. That would be the bigger loss to all of you.
Unfortunately that is all that is known out there as of now. Which developers and titles will be on hand have not been disclosed as of yet but we can look to have an update on all of that as well as a way to purchase tickets as soon as October 20th. We'll be sure to update everyone as the details are released but I am sure we can expect all of the titles that will be coming out before December 6th and shortly after to be on the show floor. I'm hoping some new Uncharted will be playable but that may be wishful thinking.