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E3 Impressions - Wolfenstein
by Brian Bentley [ Saturday, 6th of June 2009 - 05:56 PM ]
There is something unforgettable about the moment you began playing Wolfenstein 3D.  Fast, furious and in your face, this title made an impact that affected the games industry forever.  For many gamers, including myself, it changed the way we played and thought about games, shooters in particular.  Fast forward 17 years and many first player shooters later, Wolfenstein is getting set up to be released by id Software and during this E3, we saw a demonstration focusing on the supernatural aspects of the game.   Once again, you assume the role of BJ Blazkowicz and it is your mission to uncover and stop the Nazi plot to take over the world. Read More...
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E3 Impressions of APB (All Points Bulletin)
by Michael Camacho [ Wednesday, 3rd of June 2009 - 09:09 PM ]
APB, which stands for All Points Bulletin, is the upcoming Persistent Online Game from developer Realtime Worlds. It is a game in which players enter cities as one of two sides, an enforcer or a criminal. With up to 100 people per city, the two sides, as well as various gangs, are in a constant conflict. APB strives to make the gameplay more player driven, than game driven as with most Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO) games. They like to consider it as a Dynamic Action Based game, not an MMO or a Role-Playing Game (RPG). Read More...
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Mini Ninjas at E3
by Corey Dockendorf [ Saturday, 30th of May 2009 - 12:21 AM ]
To say that I am excited about Eidos' new game Mini Ninjas is an understatement. I think I'm going to get some smoke bombs and adorn my office in samurai swords and kendo armor. One of the games that Eidos' will be debuting as a playable version at E3 is this little gem. Mini Ninjas is the story of a tiny ninja, named Hiro, and his big adventure against an evil warlord, and his quest to save the animals that have been changed into evil samurai, bringing harmony back to the world. From the screen shots it looks like you will be able to navigate through three different characters as well as take control of different animals. There are a few trailers with some game play as well as story and characters on the website. Read More...
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Unreally Back In Black
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 27th of May 2009 - 04:36 PM ]
Details On and Free Play of Unreal Tournament Black Just when you thought you were not going to have anything good to hold you over until the news from E3 starts rolling out next week, Epic Games and Steam hook us all up. Hook us up with free play weekend for Unreal Tournament Black. Not just a free play weekend, but a free play four day weekend, for those who have yet to actually pick up this title. Also so you don't miss out on any of the free time at all, you can start loading the game right now so when the clock strikes midnight you can hop in and go to town enjoying this game. Enjoy it you will. Read More...
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Aggrocast Episode Twenty Nine: Excited For E3
by Michael Camacho [ Tuesday, 26th of May 2009 - 10:04 AM ]
We present you Episode 29 of the Aggrocast, which will be our final episode prior to E3. In this episode we discuss the latest gaming addiction in Plants Vs Zombies, the Neo Steam: The Shattered Continents Beta released by Atlus Online, and what we hope to see and look forward to seeing at E3.Prepare yourself for E3, as we hope to bring you daily updates each evening of what we have seen and our thoughts. We may also bring in some special guests, so stay tuned for next week. :)We would like to wish our loyal listener HeyHeyChest well after her recent car accident and congrats to our other loyal listener Geomoose and his wife on their first child. Read More...
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Conceiving The Agency
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 22nd of May 2009 - 10:57 PM ]
Screen Shots and Concept Art for The Agency While last week we here at Aggrogamer were able to bring you a bit of the new details on the game, all fresh from SOE's fact sheet for the game, this week we can bring you a bit more. What might you ask, if you didn't look down yet? Well a plethora of new screen shots and concept art for the game. Some of which with a little more detail into certain things in the game. Like groups and weapons. Read More...
Tags: The Agency, SOE, Sony, PS3, PC, MMO, E3,
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We Need Some Support Up Here Now
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 22nd of May 2009 - 04:22 PM ]
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Trailer and Screen Shots When the first game came out, EA was totally trying to show their lighter side with some pretty funny clips and shots from the game. Something that most of us got use to seeing and having a good laugh at to get us excited about the game. For some reason that is unknown to me, it would seem they are going a different route with this one. At least from the start. I'm expecting to see some things like that in the future, but for now, we get some serious stuff. Read More...
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The Most Evil Creatures Ever To Kill Anything Cute...
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 21st of May 2009 - 04:07 PM ]
New Overlord II Screenshots and Trailer We know that clubbing baby seals is just bad. They go out in their shiny shirts and order $12 drinks that get something slipped into them so they can be drug home and had unmentionable things done to them. Oh, wait, what? Not that type of clubbing baby seals? Oh, well thanks Codemasters for clearing this up. Your kind make it look a lot more fun. Read More...
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Hunter, Survivor, Prey, Which Will You Be?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 20th of May 2009 - 04:18 PM ]
Aliens Vs Predator - Videogame Teaser Trailer What a great tag line for a game that looks absolutely amazing, well from the few screens and short teaser that Sega has just posted up on their blog and YouTube account. But even with it all being just a small glimpse at this game, it looks like it will be even better than the films of the same title. From the looks, it is all in game graphics and effects, although it wouldn't be the first time a game company has pulled the wool over our eyes. Also it could just be my down right glee at seeing that makes me want to believe that. Read More...
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Live The Life Of An Elite Agent
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 13th of May 2009 - 09:29 PM ]
New-ish Facts About SOE's The Agency Do you remember a while back, like last year when The Agency was suppose to come out to market? All there was for the game was a short video clip showing off some of the antics and very little game play for Sony's new MMO. Then things just kind of went dead as far as anything new coming out about the game. Well other than the fact that it kept getting pushed back and no solid release window in sight. I'm guessing that all rings a bell now. Read More...
Tags: The Agency, PS3, PC, SOE, MMO,
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Katamari Forever
by Jesse [ Wednesday, 13th of May 2009 - 08:31 PM ]
This fall is going to bring plenty of games worth checking out, but if there’s one title that deserves a little bit of the spotlight it’s Katamari Forever. As a PS3 exclusive, Katamari Forever is the latest in the popular, but often underrated, Katamari Damacy series. Once again the cosmos are in danger as the King of All Cosmos has fallen into a coma. In his absence the very stars begin to disappear from the night sky. Our only chance is the Prince and his impeccable Katamari rolling abilities. Read More...
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TF2's Sniper Update: Something You Can Get Stuck On
by Brian Bentley [ Wednesday, 13th of May 2009 - 10:39 AM ]
With the next batch of achievements and weapon unlocks announced and mentioned difficulty in deciding on an alternate weapon for the sniper rifle, it looks as if our good friends at Valve have managed to come up with an idea and now the Sniper Update is upon us.  Called the "Huntsman" it is a bow-and-arrow for a slightly more in-your-face approach to playing this class. A sniper worth his weight with this weapon could lead a charge into the enemy base.  Provided with invulnerability, the skilled bowman could pin everyone to the walls waltzing into the intelligence room as his enemies wait to be freed or killed. Read More...
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Street Fighter IV PC gets a free bonus!
by Ben Brody [ Sunday, 10th of May 2009 - 05:39 AM ]
Or so Capcom thinks. Either way, anybody that picks up SFIV for the PC will get a MadCatz Fightpad for free. The game is priced a bit higher than most PC games at $59.99 but a $39.99 game plus a $39.99 fightpad is good enough for me. Gamers may wonder why MadCatz is so busy making PC fightpads when there is a shortage of console ones, but the fact is is that nobody wants to play Street Fighter with a mouse and keyboard (awaits barrage of ppl yelling at me that they play it on an emulator with a keyboard all the time).Capcom will release Street Fighter IV (Games for Windows Live for those that don't know) on July 7th here in the States. Read More...
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Review of Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures Episode 2: The Last Resort
by Brian Bentley [ Friday, 8th of May 2009 - 07:23 AM ]
(If you wish to read my review of Episode 1: Fright of the Bumblebees and get more background, click here.)As with all episodic content, a second installment of a series is always a necessity.  This tradition continues with the second episode of the delightfully charming Wallace&Gromit’s Grand Adventures by Telltale Games.  Entitled “The Last Resort” we rejoin our favorite British inventor and his faithful companion for a wet’n’wild ride of enjoyment and mystery.The opening credits reveal Wallace and Gromit already in a jam. Read More...
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Atlus Announces Golden Ticket Beta For Neo Steam
by Michael Camacho [ Tuesday, 5th of May 2009 - 02:27 AM ]
Atlus Online announced earlier today its plans for the intial run of its beta testing for their upcoming MMORPG, Neo Steam: The Shattered Continent. They will be limiting it to 2,000 random participants, including previous Neo Steam contest winners, to receive a Golden Ticket. The few lucky enough to be granted to enter the beta will find a Golden Ticket in their e-mail inbox from May 5th to May 12th 2009.  Atlus has stated that this will not only give you access to the Golden Ticket Beta period, but all those chosen will receive special items in their inventory upon Launch Day.Sign up today for your chance to participate in this closed beta. Read More...
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