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Street Fighter IV PC gets a free bonus!
by Ben Brody [ Sunday, 10th of May 2009 - 05:39 AM ]
Or so Capcom thinks. Either way, anybody that picks up SFIV for the PC will get a MadCatz Fightpad for free. The game is priced a bit higher than most PC games at $59.99 but a $39.99 game plus a $39.99 fightpad is good enough for me. Gamers may wonder why MadCatz is so busy making PC fightpads when there is a shortage of console ones, but the fact is is that nobody wants to play Street Fighter with a mouse and keyboard (awaits barrage of ppl yelling at me that they play it on an emulator with a keyboard all the time).Capcom will release Street Fighter IV (Games for Windows Live for those that don't know) on July 7th here in the States. Read More...
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