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E3 Impressions: The Agency
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 10th of June 2009 - 08:25 PM ]
From An Actual Bond Villain Henchman Being in the job of henching for someone who will be taking over the globe soon via our orbital space stations (No I'm not kidding), I felt it only right to check out The Agency. Partly to see how this new MMO for the PS3 and PC will handle. Partly to see what SOE is going to be training people to do so we can be prepared for it. Also partly because I just had to turn around after getting hands on with DC Universe Online. I'm a gamer and we're lazy. Read More...
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Conceiving The Agency
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 22nd of May 2009 - 10:57 PM ]
Screen Shots and Concept Art for The Agency While last week we here at Aggrogamer were able to bring you a bit of the new details on the game, all fresh from SOE's fact sheet for the game, this week we can bring you a bit more. What might you ask, if you didn't look down yet? Well a plethora of new screen shots and concept art for the game. Some of which with a little more detail into certain things in the game. Like groups and weapons. Read More...
Tags: The Agency, SOE, Sony, PS3, PC, MMO, E3,
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Live The Life Of An Elite Agent
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 13th of May 2009 - 09:29 PM ]
New-ish Facts About SOE's The Agency Do you remember a while back, like last year when The Agency was suppose to come out to market? All there was for the game was a short video clip showing off some of the antics and very little game play for Sony's new MMO. Then things just kind of went dead as far as anything new coming out about the game. Well other than the fact that it kept getting pushed back and no solid release window in sight. I'm guessing that all rings a bell now. Read More...
Tags: The Agency, PS3, PC, SOE, MMO,
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