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Shank 2 Announced
by Matt Waitt [ Thursday, 29th of September 2011 - 06:18 PM ]
EA has announced that they are working with Klei Entertainment on a sequel to Shank, simply titled "Shank 2" at this point. After killing the criminals who betrayed him, former mob hit man Shank must protect his loved ones from the mob he once worked for. So far no release date has been given, but we can surely expect this one to come out sometime in 2012. I never played the first Shank but I have heard nothing but good things, plus the game looked pretty awesome. Well here are some screen shots and an announcement trailer, enjoy. Read More...
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Want To Help Out XBox LIVE? It May Cost You Online Gaming
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 11th of March 2011 - 12:56 AM ]
Well it looks like the network guys over at Microsoft are looking to better improve things for the XBox LIVE users. They have not said exactly what yet, but you can be a part of this test if you so choose to. That is if you can go almost the rest of the month without online gaming with your XBox. Oh and also movies/Netflix and music downloading as well. Who does those things on the XBox anyways? Oh that's right, a good portion of us gamers out there. Read More...
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Aggrocast Episode Seventy Eight: Keeping The Class Up
by Brian Bentley [ Thursday, 9th of September 2010 - 03:42 PM ]
Corey joins up with Brian and Binh again for another exciting and yet "classy" episode of the Aggrocast. The crew talks about what they have been playing - including Mafia II, Mushroom Wars, Persona 4 and going back old school with Dungeon Siege 2. This week the crew delves into the XBox Live price increase as well as the price drop of the Nintendo DSi. Then, Corey decides to play devil's advocate for Apple's newly announced GameCenter. Hilarity ensues when all three gentlemen dance around the PC/Mac debate once again. Read More...
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Microsoft Did What?! XBL Price Increased?
by Binh Nguyen [ Monday, 30th of August 2010 - 08:46 PM ]
The on-line world is in a blaze right now as announced by Major Nelson that Microsoft will be raising the cost of XBox Live Gold membership starting November 1, 2010 in the US, Canada, Mexico and the UK. The new prices for Xbox Live will be this: Well I know for a fact that Michael is probably not happy with the price changes at all, and probably a good majority of its users. But we all know that we gamers love to complain but are willing to shell out the cash to play the games or services. It's an endless cycle. Read More...
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New MW2 Map Pack To Bring More Complaints, Then Purchases
by Brian Bentley [ Thursday, 13th of May 2010 - 05:03 PM ]
Get ready Modern Warfare 2 fans! The second add-on to the immensely popular title has finally been announced. The Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2: Resurgence Pack will be released exclusively on XBox LIVE June 3rd. All that was announced today was the date and that it will include five mulitplayer maps. No word yet on pricing or what maps will be included. Let's face it. Read More...
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Madden Who? Tecmo Bowl Returns
by Kevin [ Wednesday, 3rd of March 2010 - 01:52 PM ]
Perhaps my favorite football game of all time is set to return to XBox Live and the PSN in the Spring of this year. I know I'm not the only one who fondly remembers holding up and A on the NES' controller to pick a play and then watching a mass of pixels go to war on the field. It's time for Tekumo Bōru! As the press release proudly proclaims, "Tecmo Bowl fans no longer have to reminisce about the old days as players can return to the first video game that emulated real football with new generation consoles, twenty years after its release. As a game that still holds a strong community following, online community tournaments can now be held nationwide at the comfort of home. Read More...
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XBox LIVE Discontinued For Original XBox Systems
by Corey Dockendorf [ Tuesday, 9th of February 2010 - 02:24 PM ]
According to Microsoft on April 15th 2010 they will be discontinuing there XBox LIVE services on the original XBox. The discontinuation of service will also include XBox v1 games that are backwards compatible on your XBox 360. So basically all you Halo 2 fans out there have been "cut-off". The original XBox LIVE had a good run, almost eight years from when it first debuted back in November 2002. Obviously there were numerous attempts at online gaming before XBox LIVE (Dreamcast anyone?), but none that became such a power house of online gaming. Read More...
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Let There Be BattleBlock!
by Kevin [ Wednesday, 3rd of February 2010 - 12:44 AM ]
The Behemoth, the cats responsible for Newgrounds, Alien Hominid, and Castle Crashers have given a name and a trailer for their newest title, "BatttleBlock Theater" (formerly "Game 3"). The plot is described over at the The Behemoth's official blog as, "Having been shipwrecked on a mysterious island you find yourself both betrayed by your best friend Hatty and captured by the locals. All of this is happening while being forced into deadly performances. This however, is just the start of your problems. Read More...
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A Dead Rising Movie... For Real?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Saturday, 30th of January 2010 - 03:11 AM ]
Thankfully, it is not being done by Uwe Bole. Un-thankfully, it looks like it will be just a bad Japanese subtitled flick that will have people like me hating subtitles even more. Too much reading when there is so much action going on behind those bogging words. But in any instance, it looks like it is still a go. Here is the trailer for the film, and it looks nothing like I remember from the game at all. Partially because it is only based off the game world and takes place in a separate part of the world and protagonized by two totally different characters. Read More...
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There Will Be Blood This Wednesday
by Kevin [ Tuesday, 19th of January 2010 - 10:38 PM ]
No, unfortunately, this does not mean that Daniel Day Lewis will be abandoning his child (abandoning his boy), and being a gracious oilman on our next generation consoles. Nay, this deals with the blood that will be spilled via two downloadable titles coming this Wednesday on XBox Live and PSN. Death by Cube (800 ($10)) is a little gem by Square Enix with a story that suggests a sweet abundance of man's most precious videogame resource, violence, "Leo is a robot, one who awakes to find that he has lost his memory. All he knows is that he must reboot the heroine robot, so he sets forth on a mission hoping to regain his memory. To his surprise, he finds the world is now filled with battalions of enemy robots, drenched in bright red oil, and shooting bullets every direction. Read More...
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Tom Clancy & Friends On Demand
by Kevin [ Wednesday, 13th of January 2010 - 05:13 PM ]
It looks like the two games next up for the Games on Demand treatment are, Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 and Kane&Lynch: Dead Men. I find it funny that with both game descriptions they more or less end with "no refunds are available for this item." It adds a deeper level to the game description for some reason. Try and read them in the same way you would the game description, envision the music for each. It's epic isn't it? Read More...
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Dark Void Demo Impressions
by Kevin [ Thursday, 7th of January 2010 - 01:24 PM ]
The sci-fi action-adventure Dark Void demo has dropped today for the Xbox 360 and will be following on the PSN tomorrow. With the demo you get the chance to take that jetpack for a spin, and engage in some aerial and on-foot combat. It is supposed to serve to wet the appetite for the games' January 19th release date. With some unique gameplay elements like vertical cover, I've been looking forward to taking this title for a test drive.The press release speaks with some glowing words of course, "With the launch of Capcom’s sci-fi shooter, Dark Void, right around the corner, Capcom is giving gamers a chance to test drive the void for themselves this week with a downloadable demo coming to Xbox LIVE and PlayStation Network. Read More...
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Peggle's Reign Expands To PSN
by Brian Bentley [ Wednesday, 18th of November 2009 - 12:11 AM ]
Today Popcap announced that Peggle and Peggle Nights will be releasing its addiction-y goodness on the PlayStation Network. They also announced that in tune with this release, Peggle Nights will also find itself on the XBox LIVE Arcade. Peggle on the PSN will be priced similarly to the original Peggle's release on XBLA ($10), while Peggle Nights will be priced at $5 (400 Microsoft points). Peggle is one of those games that seemingly anyone can get into. Yes, I'm sure there are three to four people that don't enjoy it, but where the game succeeds is its innate ability to keep everything simple and to do that simple well. Read More...
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The Microsoft BanHammer
by Corey Dockendorf [ Thursday, 12th of November 2009 - 12:21 PM ]
Microsoft announced yesterday that they have banned a very large number (rumored to be up to 1 million) Xbox Live player accounts for modding their Xbox systems and playing pirated games.With the current release of Modern Warfare 2, players are anxiously trying to get online and fragging their friends but it seems Microsoft has other plans.  Microsoft is citing it's terms of service agreement that players agree to when buying an xbox system:Download or use any material sent or provided by another user of the Service that you know, or reasonably should know, cannot be legally shared or distributed in such manner (except as expressly permitted by us).What they could and would do were clearly laid out:Microsoft may, among other things: (a) restrict or limit access to the Service; (b) retrieve information from the original Xbox, Xbox 360 console, personal computer, and any connected peripheral device used to log onto the Service as necessary to operate and protect the security of the Service, and to enforce this contract. Read More...
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Avatar Droppings
by Kevin [ Friday, 11th of September 2009 - 04:02 PM ]
"Ever want to watch your Xbox Live Avatar plummet helplessly through the air and smash into things? Well now you can in the humorously cruel new game "Avatar Drop"! You and your friends can experience the side-splitting hilarity of watching your digital alter-egos bump, scream and crash their way through random obstacles." This is the official description of this indie title by the name of Avatar Drop. Now, from that description it sounds like Xbox Live has found it’s equivalent to Playstation favorite, “Pain. Read More...
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