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The VGAs Tried To Augment Our Reality. How'd They Do?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 16th of December 2010 - 10:19 PM ]
So being as the VGAs have kind of moved away from being an awards show and are now just another way to sell ad space for gaming companies, you would think they would try to do something to bring gamers' interest back. Am I right? I mean you had the Brütal Legend hour-long ad when Jack Black hosted in 2008. In 2009, the biggest thing I remember was the teaser for Batman: Arkham City and a small attempt to get Samuel L. Jackson linked back into the show. Read More...
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Another VGA Wrap Up
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 13th of December 2010 - 11:42 PM ]
The votes were tallied, the trailers were cut, NPH was put in makeup and thrown on stage and the VGAs have come and gone again. In case you missed it, we have a recap of what went on this year. The announcements (Mass Effect 3, inSane, [Prototype 2]), the new trailers (Batman: Arkham City, Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception, Resistance 3) and the actual awards handed out are all rolled up in a nice little package below. First the awards. All of which were no big surprises. Read More...
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Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Trailer AT VGA's
by Corey Dockendorf [ Monday, 13th of December 2010 - 09:22 PM ]
This weekend Bethesda revealed their latest endeavor with a new Elder Scrolls series during the Spike TV VGA's. Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is the long awaited sequel to Oblivion. The teaser doesn't give us much except for a little bit of story and some awesome stone wall which comes to life. If you want to take a full look at the wall check out the Skyrim teaser site. Skyrim also brings with it new technology, a new graphics/game play engine actually. Bethesda has announced that this time around they will be using a custom built game engine that will be more powerful than the previous Gamebryo engine which brought us Oblivion, Morrowind, and Fallout 3. Read More...
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Mass Effect 3 Announced At VGA's
by Corey Dockendorf [ Monday, 13th of December 2010 - 05:31 PM ]
Well I think we all saw this coming. Mass Effect 3 revealed its debut trailer at the Spike TV VGA show this weekend. This was by far one of the most anticipated announcements for the VGA's, with BioWare running a Facebook and Twitter campaign leading up to its debut. Mass Effect 3 is slated for a holiday 2011 release, but as we all know that can change. This is the final chapter in the Mass Effect trilogy, focusing on Commander Shepard and his battle against the Reapers, except this time they've decided to hit home and invade planet Earth! We've all seen this formula before (*cough* Halo *cough*) but hopefully BioWare will be able to add its own flare on an already used up storyline. Read More...
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Been Deceived About Uncharted 3? We Got Info For You.
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 9th of December 2010 - 07:16 PM ]
With how the Uncharted franchise boomed and wowed us gamers is it really shocking that a third game is coming? Not at all. Especially since the sequel did something that is relatively not done in entertainment. That is being better than the original. Now it is time to see if Naughty Dog can again out do themselves in making an awesome game. If we are lucky, we might get to see some impressive things during this weekend's Video Game Awards on Spike TV. Submitted for panties to start bunching are a few screen shots, box art, concept art and a teaser for the teaser that is going to be shown during the awards show. Read More...
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BioWare Teases New Title For VGA's *UPDATED 12.06*
by Corey Dockendorf [ Wednesday, 17th of November 2010 - 04:27 PM ]
Well it looks like BioWare is at it again. According to a recent commercial spot for the Spike TV VGA's on Dec 11th, BioWare will be announcing their next big thing. What is it? Well we currently have no idea. I can tell you one thing it's not Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Why is that you ask? Well the picture below which, was posted on numerous official BioWare Twitter accounts, gives me a more Mass Effect feel. Possibly Mass Effect 3? Read More...
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