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Get Ready For More Night Terrors On Your Mobile Device Soon
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 9th of August 2016 - 07:00 PM ]
Night Terrors Another new trailer for Night Terrors has been released but sadly no solid update on how Night Terrors' development is going so far It's been a bit of time since we had a solid update on Night Terrors for our Android and iOS devices that will hopefully be coming soon. For those who don't happen to know or remember what this is supposed to be, it is a new Augmented Reality title coming from Novum Analytics that turns your real world home into a nightmare filled haunted house. We' spoken on Night Terrors a few times in the past as it went into its Indigogo campaign to try and get the funds to make sure the team could get all of their tech to work and all of us shitting our pants. History lesson over for now… Like I said though, it's been a bit of time since we saw a solid update on the goings on of Night Terrors and now we have yet another trailer to look at and get an idea of how far the team has progressed. Read More...
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Night Terrors Could Become Your Reality… In Your Own Home
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 30th of April 2015 - 09:00 PM ]
A new Augmented Reality Game, Night Terrors, is trying to raise funds to try and bring real but fake terror into our homes Earlier this week we had the devastation that Silent Hills was canceled so let's get back on a horror highlight with Night Terrors. This would be an augmented reality game that is looking to hit the levels of terror that the prior title mentioned was claiming as well. The big kicker here is that Night Terrors won't be using virtual world interactions to bring the terror. Instead it is slated to get you up and moving about your own home where the ghosts and demons are actually lurking. Read More...
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Looks Like Microsoft My Be Bringing Your RoomAlive
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 6th of October 2014 - 09:00 PM ]
There is a new tech demo that shows off an augmented reality system in the works call RoomAlive from Microsoft I remember not that long ago that Microsoft was using the Kinect to create a form of Augmented Reality in our living rooms. The project was called IllumiRoom for those who don't remember or have a strong Google-Fu. The idea behind it would be that by using the Kinect and a video projector you could expand out the screen of your game to add an extra level of immersion. The Kinect would 'scan' the area to get a digital mapping of your play space so that the projector could properly display no matter the contours or set up of anyone's living room or gaming space. Read More...
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HEXO+ Makes That Razer April Fools' Joke A Reality
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 30th of June 2014 - 07:00 PM ]
HEXO+, a Kickstarted camera accessory, has been funded and it looks like it is making that Razer April Fools' joke happen If you remember back in April, Razer made a joke about a drone that would film all of your life events and even make you feel like you were in a video game. That was the joke but it looks like with the HEXO+ Kickstarter almost reaching its last stretch goal with 15 days to go, we are getting just that device. While the HEXO+ wasn't originally designed for that purpose the first two stretch goals would allow for just that; a live video playback on your phone and the ability to set up specific angles. While Razer made the joke, HEXO+ looks to be making that amazing idea a reality. Read More...
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April Fools: Razer Jokes About Something I Dreamt Up As A Child With Eidolon
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 1st of April 2014 - 09:00 PM ]
Yet another April Fools' joke; this time from Razer in the form of Eidolon. A crazy augmented reality drone and contact lens system. Now here is yet another April Fools' joke straight from Razer in the form of a product called Eidolon. This is one of the more obvious jokes floating around today but the fun fact here is that I had an idea for this back when my mortal coil was a young lad. What am I talking about? Well if you haven't jumped to the video for Razer's Eidolon 'project' yet it is all about a 'power glove' of sorts that has a mini-drone that will follow you around taking video and images of your life. Read More...
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Real Life Metal Slug
by Matt Waitt [ Tuesday, 6th of September 2011 - 10:11 PM ]
Again in my travels across the lush open world of YouTube I have come across a golden gem; A short little film by Andrewfilms of how awesome it would be to play Metal Slug via Augmented reality. A great show of post editing skills, makes this a must see viral video. The short captures the good old nostalgia of Metal Slug, a truly epic series of running and gunning. Sit back and enjoy this Nazi stomping, Zombie blasting good time Leave your thoughts and opinions below. I'd personally love if they threw in a boss fight at the end. Read More...
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The VGAs Tried To Augment Our Reality. How'd They Do?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 16th of December 2010 - 10:19 PM ]
So being as the VGAs have kind of moved away from being an awards show and are now just another way to sell ad space for gaming companies, you would think they would try to do something to bring gamers' interest back. Am I right? I mean you had the Brütal Legend hour-long ad when Jack Black hosted in 2008. In 2009, the biggest thing I remember was the teaser for Batman: Arkham City and a small attempt to get Samuel L. Jackson linked back into the show. Read More...
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Go! Virtua Augment On!
by Kevin [ Thursday, 28th of January 2010 - 05:40 PM ]
You know, with Sony flaunting their wand, Microsoft showcasing Natal, and Nintendo - well, doing what Nintendo does, I should not be as impressed with following video. But I am, and I am more excited about this than any project proclaimed by the previous companies. I see so much more in this than the horrible advertisement videos that Microsoft produces for Natal. This is a demo for some very cool augmented reality technology - watch it, and then tell me that you'd rather play "Microsoft Presents: Avatar Kickball Powered by Natal" more than this. It's Virtual Virtua On with a customized interface to give you the utmost in ARG mechanized warfare. Read More...
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