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Review — HELM TWS
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 14th of October 2019 - 05:00 PM ]
HELM TWS We sit down and review the HELM TWS earbuds. Another set of Bluetooth earbuds that offer up great audio. Will this be your next gaming earbuds? When it comes to gaming, there is always a good press for audio as it can make or break the best or worst of games. There is also a nice push for things to offer up a bit more freedom, which is why we move towards items like the HELM TWS earbuds. Granted, not all of us go for the earbud path as I do. That does not change the fact that I had some time to sit down with the HELM TWS earbuds to put them through some paces. Read More...
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Review — Tritton Kunai Pro Headset
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 25th of April 2019 - 09:00 PM ]
Headset We sit down and review the Tritton Kunai Pro Headset. How does the 3D Audio work for our games? Will this be your next gaming headset? We all know that when we are gaming audio can play a big factor and having the correct system or headset can change the experience. Immersion is always a factor to be sought after as it increases the enjoyment of the game. Another thing sought after is the ability to pass the information along to the player through audio cues so they may be able to use more than just sight to understand what is going on. To that extent, it is also nice to be able to pass that information along verbally instead of going through a convoluted menu system. Read More...
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Ghost Theory Aims To Let You Be A Paranormal Researcher… If Funded
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 28th of April 2016 - 09:00 PM ]
Ghost Theory A new title, Ghost Theory, has popped up on Kickstarter and it looks like Ghost Theory will let you perform some paranormal research on real world locations If you've ever had hopes of becoming a paranormal researcher but the dreams have fallen flat then let's get them re-kindled again with Ghost Theory. This would be a new title in the works from Dreadlocks and is currently looking for funding over on Kickstarter. The thing that is so special about Ghost Theory here though is that it is aiming to bring us just what I spoke about in a video game form but also in a VR form…and will give us access to go to and "research" real world haunted locations that you have also wished to visit already. Read More...
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Looks Like Microsoft My Be Bringing Your RoomAlive
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 6th of October 2014 - 09:00 PM ]
There is a new tech demo that shows off an augmented reality system in the works call RoomAlive from Microsoft I remember not that long ago that Microsoft was using the Kinect to create a form of Augmented Reality in our living rooms. The project was called IllumiRoom for those who don't remember or have a strong Google-Fu. The idea behind it would be that by using the Kinect and a video projector you could expand out the screen of your game to add an extra level of immersion. The Kinect would 'scan' the area to get a digital mapping of your play space so that the projector could properly display no matter the contours or set up of anyone's living room or gaming space. Read More...
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