Ghost Theory
A new title, Ghost Theory, has popped up on Kickstarter and it looks like Ghost Theory will let you perform some paranormal research on real world locations
If you've ever had hopes of becoming a paranormal researcher but the dreams have fallen flat then let's get them re-kindled again with Ghost Theory. This would be a new title in the works from Dreadlocks and is currently looking for funding over on Kickstarter. The thing that is so special about Ghost Theory here though is that it is aiming to bring us just what I spoke about in a video game form but also in a VR form…and will give us access to go to and "research" real world haunted locations that you have also wished to visit already.
Still here? Good. Currently Ghost Theory is about halfway to its initial funding with two weeks to go as of right now. There are many extra elements planed if the funding goes above and beyond but for now let us focus on the basics of the game and see why we need to make sure this becomes a reality. At least for those gamers out there who have always had said dream.
Ghost Theory — Kickstarter
Right off the bat Ghost Theory is aiming to release on all of the current major platforms with VR support to go with it. At least if said platform has the ability. None of these are stretch goals and just how Dreadlocks plans to bring us the game so there is no worry of being "locked out" at all if they make their initial goal. Just the right move when it comes to any kind of game development.
While Ghost Theory does look to be a horror type game with uses of stealth and exploration it isn't going to be the tradition horror title that has jump scares around every corner. In fact there may be some instances where you don't see or hear a single thing based on how you interact with the environment and use your gear. Not all research is fruitful as we have all seen in the many shows that are out there claiming the same thing.
The most interesting part by far has to be the fact that research areas in Ghost Theory are all going to be based on real world locations. All of which based on scans, photos, and videos supplied to the development team or their funding goal would be insanely higher. I say this is the most interesting part though as most games in this vein use false levels to do this and not something to try and make you feel like you are actually in the location. Not only that but hopefully experiencing the haunts that have placed said location on the map. Like Goldfield, NV…a place I've been to.
Does the idea of Ghost Theory have your heart racing and ready for fun? Does everything present for the game have you ready to help out the development team reach their goals? What real world location would you hope to see added into the mix here? Let us know and discuss in the comments below. For more on Ghost Theory and how its Kickstarter is doing be sure to stay right here on the site as we will bring you all of the news and updates that we can dig up.