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April Fools: Razer Jokes About Something I Dreamt Up As A Child With Eidolon
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 1st of April 2014 - 09:00 PM ]
Yet another April Fools' joke; this time from Razer in the form of Eidolon. A crazy augmented reality drone and contact lens system. Now here is yet another April Fools' joke straight from Razer in the form of a product called Eidolon. This is one of the more obvious jokes floating around today but the fun fact here is that I had an idea for this back when my mortal coil was a young lad. What am I talking about? Well if you haven't jumped to the video for Razer's Eidolon 'project' yet it is all about a 'power glove' of sorts that has a mini-drone that will follow you around taking video and images of your life. Read More...
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