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Batman: Arkham Trilogy Has Us Become Vengeance Again On The Switch
by Julia Schoebel [ Tuesday, 28th of November 2023 - 10:00 PM ]
Batman Batman is back in action again with the Nintendo Switch release out there for the Batman: Arkham Trilogy Those, like me, who need that Batman fix and something back in the Arkham series can get ready to have one more way to experience it all on December 1th. This coming Friday, Rocksteady Games is putting out the classic trilogy, again, but for the Nintendo Switch. All with the launch for the Batman: Arkham Trilogy so we can save Gotham from all of the villains at home or on the go as we so want to do. Even if we have done this a few times already on the other consoles and PC over the years. Read More...
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Batman: Arkham Collection Is Getting Physical… Again
by Julia Schoebel [ Monday, 8th of July 2019 - 05:00 PM ]
Batman The Batman: Arkham Collection is re-releasing in a physical form to bring the Batman series to even more gamers across the world Just in time to celebrate 80 years of Batman out there, we are getting Batman: Arkham Collection released yet again. This time in a physical form with a steelbook and with all of the upgrades and fixes that Rocksteady Games put out there when it launched digitally on the PS4 and Xbox One not that long ago. That is right, this is not the first time we all have heard of the Batman: Arkham Collection and now we will have a new option on how to buy it. At least if you are living in the EU region in September or know someone well enough to pick one up and ship it to you. Read More...
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Batman: Return To Arkham Has A Date Again…& A Comparison Video
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 7th of September 2016 - 09:00 PM ]
Batman It looks like Batman: Return To Arkham is back on as we have another release date for the collection and a new video showing off the upgrades coming to these Batman Titles And just like that Batman: Return To Arkham is back on and we have a new date for the collection. Not only that but we have a new video to see just how well Virtuos has upgraded Rocksteady Games' titles from where they were. Happy days indeed and a whole lot of Batman Arkham to celebrate with. Let's get the ball rolling with the big word from Warner Bros. Read More...
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Batman: Return To Arkham May Be Launching In November
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 11th of July 2016 - 09:00 PM ]
Return To Arkham It looks like the delay of Batman: Return To Arkham may not be as long as most of us feared as sources claim Return To Arkham will be launching in November While this is still in the realm of speculation it looks like sources close to Batman: Return To Arkham state that we should be seeing the bundle released sometime in November of this year. At least that is what is being reported out there on Rocksteady Games' new collection after it was delayed instead of being released tomorrow. That was the original date that we were supposed to see Return To Arkham out there but things didn't look perfect according to Warner Bros. Read More...
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It Looks Like Batman: Return To Arkham Is Not Releasing Soon
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 28th of June 2016 - 05:00 PM ]
Return To Arkham It has just been reported that Batman: Return To Arkham has been delayed with now release date in sight for when we'll Return To Arkham in this collection Back in May we were given a nice little surprise that we were getting a Batman: Return To Arkham bundle. This was a HD remaster of the other two Rocksteady Games titles that never made it to the PS4 and Xbox One. Not only that but the announcement came that Warner Bros. was going to give us this Return To Arkham bundle on July 26th. Read More...
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Batman: Return To Arkham Has Officially Been Announced
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 18th of May 2016 - 05:00 PM ]
Return To Arkham The latest bundle, Batman: Return To Arkham, has been officially and aims to have us "return to Arkham" in terms of all of the previous titles on the PS4 and XB1 It looks like the worst kept secret called Batman: Return To Arkham has finally been officially announced and detailed out. It's not like we didn't know much already as all of the details kept popping up on the remastering of Rocksteady Games' award winning franchise. It's just now been confirmed and it looks like Return To Arkham is poised and ready to hit the PS4 and Xbox One on July 26th. Read More...
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Head Back To Arkham As Leaked Batman: Return To Arkham Box Pops Up
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 9th of May 2016 - 07:00 PM ]
Batman A new leaked image all but confirms Batman: Return To Arkham is a thing and we will be playing as Batman again but in terms of the previous Arkham titles It seems like one of the worst kept secrets for the Batman franchise has been revealed after a whole lot of leaks and rumors spreading around. There is still no solid word out of Rocksteady Games or out of Warner Bros. at that but if the most recent box art to pop up is valid it looks like we will be seeing Batman: Return To Arkham sometime soon. Read More...
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New Batman: Arkham City Easter Egg Three Years In The Waiting
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 18th of November 2014 - 10:00 PM ]
Another hidden Batman: Arkham City Easter Egg from Calendar Man has been solved by some eagle eyed and brilliant fan of the franchise If you though that you have 100% completely found all the hidden secrets of Batman: Arkham City or just found everything then you are going to be in for a shock. It looks like there is a new Easter Egg from Calendar Man that pretty much everyone has missed up until RockSteady Games began posting hints and clues to something missed. It only took three years now but it looks like there is a 13th conversation from the villain outside of what was required to get the Trophy/Achievement for talking to the character over the course of the year. For those who may not know, during Batman: Arkham City on specific real world dates the villain Calendar Man said something new around the events or holiday involved for the date. Read More...
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What's The Deal With Online Passes?
by Matt Waitt [ Monday, 26th of March 2012 - 10:57 PM ]
Online Passes are apparently the new "Gaming Fad" even thought the majority of us gamers really dislike the over abundance of these online passes, especially when companies like EA are already starting to show some sketchy business models towards online passes. I'm going to be one-hundred percent honest: I fucking hate online passes and here are some reasons why: Online Passes are a new and "pricey" way to battle online piracy and used game sales, the latter being a joke in my opinion. A simple one use serial code that is required for access to certain online content such as Multiplayer and Co-op modes, or unlocks bonus content for a game. Although certain games such as Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning and Batman: Arkham City require an online pass even though they are single player games and withhold on disc game content from the consumer if an online pass is not purchased. Read More...
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Batman Is A Swinger In Arkham City
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 5th of October 2011 - 06:58 PM ]
If you are in here reading this now, you are either a fan of Batman: Arkham City and want to see new screen shots or you are one of those people who get off to comic book porn. I'll let you sort that out for yourself there. If you fell into the first category, then do we have some good news for you. There are some new screen shots below for B: AC so you can celebrate and pine over the new views of the game. Including some really nice in-game shots of Batman getting ready to take to 'flight' using his grappling hook/gun. Read More...
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Batman Getting The Cold Shoulder In Arkham City
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 16th of August 2011 - 01:17 PM ]
Here we go with yet another villain shown for Batman: Arkham City - Mr. Freeze. If you look below, you'll see the nice, shiny new trailer for this latest reveal. At first glance, it really just seems like another step to stop Bats from getting things under control. That is, until he begins to meander around like a smaller, frozen Big Daddy. It does look like Freeze will be adding a few new environmental challenges for Batman from the video. Most notably would have to be the freezing of ledges. Read More...
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Batman Really Taking On Jigsaw In Arkham City Now
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 13th of July 2011 - 10:30 PM ]
I do love the new direction that RockSteady has taken The Riddler, my second favorite villain, but I can't seem to look past the close similarities in the characters. They are both geniuses. They both like putting people in death traps. They both have a specific tone and method to their speaking. I guess the only real difference is that the new Riddler does it to prove to the world that he really is the smartest person alive. Anyways, if you haven't picked up on it yet, or skipped to the video, there is a new clip showcasing some of the personality behind The Riddle of Batman: Arkham City. There are no spoilers at all, unless the few words and phrases said would somehow ruin the experience, so don't worry about that. Read More...
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Batman: Arkham City Just Got Sexier
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 7th of June 2011 - 06:51 AM ]
So it looks like the rumor about NOT being able to play as Catwoman in Batman: Arkham City is now busted. Submitted for your consumption, I give you a look at a bit of the game play as Catwoman in Batman: Arkham City. Straight from the horse's mouth, A.K.A. Rocksteady, to our eyes. Yes, I know that doesn't make visual sense, but just go with it. It doesn't show any form of Co-Op which leads me to believe that she is either going to have a small portion of the game set up like The Joker did in Arkham Asylum. It may be some extra missions, after game missions added to the game, or it could be similar but added into the main story arc of the game. Read More...
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The E.Nigmas Of Batman: Arkham City
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 17th of March 2011 - 06:38 PM ]
In Batman: Arkham Asylum the Riddler had kind of a small role, even though it was one of the larger side missions in the game. It makes sense when you think about the fact that he didn't physically show up at all in the game. This looks like something that Rocksteady is going to be changing when it comes to Arkham City. At least from the new screens shown below. It is also explained that there will be more than just item collecting missions set forth by the Riddler this time. Read More...
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Batman Catches The Armed Man In Arkham City, Also A Release Date
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 11th of March 2011 - 07:37 PM ]
You know that bastard that gets blamed for everything. That damned one armed man. Well he is running around Arkham City and Batman has him in his sites. Who would have thought that he was actually one of the Joker's clown makeup wearing lieutenants, let alone actually exist? The target of our blame is finally being brought down; although I am sure he will respawn later. Pushing my piss-poor humor aside now, as I am sure a lot of you don't truly get it, there is a little more info to go along with the below screen shots. A release date and one interesting tidbit that was weaseled out by the European PS Blog guys. Read More...
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