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What's The Deal With Online Passes?
by Matt Waitt [ Monday, 26th of March 2012 - 10:57 PM ]
Online Passes are apparently the new "Gaming Fad" even thought the majority of us gamers really dislike the over abundance of these online passes, especially when companies like EA are already starting to show some sketchy business models towards online passes. I'm going to be one-hundred percent honest: I fucking hate online passes and here are some reasons why: Online Passes are a new and "pricey" way to battle online piracy and used game sales, the latter being a joke in my opinion. A simple one use serial code that is required for access to certain online content such as Multiplayer and Co-op modes, or unlocks bonus content for a game. Although certain games such as Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning and Batman: Arkham City require an online pass even though they are single player games and withhold on disc game content from the consumer if an online pass is not purchased. Read More...
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EA Presents The Online Pass
by Kevin [ Tuesday, 11th of May 2010 - 10:35 PM ]
Game companies are becoming craftier and craftier concerning how they treat used game sales. It is no surprise that the selling of a previously owned title does little to nothing for any given company financially, and as such, companies have to become sly with what they do to combat this perceived threat. Well thankfully Electronic Arts, the worldwide leader in innovation and consumer-friendly practices, presents: The Online Pass. How does this modern jewel of a system work? Read More...
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