Mass Effect 3 is slated for a holiday 2011 release, but as we all know that can change. This is the final chapter in the Mass Effect trilogy, focusing on Commander Shepard and his battle against the Reapers, except this time they've decided to hit home and invade planet Earth! We've all seen this formula before (*cough* Halo *cough*) but hopefully BioWare will be able to add its own flare on an already used up storyline. Check out the teaser trailer below.
So what do you think? If you haven't played any of the series yet I suggest you do. It really is an epic experience, one which BioWare has perfected. Also if you have a PlayStation 3, you can look forward to playing Mass Effect 2 finally when it's released in January 2011, to get caught up in the storyline. Comment below and let us know what you want from the latest in the series.