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When Did Jason Statham Join The Cast Of Uncharted 3?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 10th of March 2011 - 10:48 PM ]
Doesn't that look just like Mr. Statham there? The actor is not credited nor spoken of to lend V/O for Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception but you have to admit that in the new GDC trailer for the game it is damn close. I mean, the dude even has the same mannerisms, accent and similar sounding tone of voice. Then again, maybe it is just me but I swear it is damn close. Too damn close for me. Read More...
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Watch Uncharted 3 Burn Up The Screen
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 22nd of December 2010 - 05:14 PM ]
So just recently on Jimmy Fallon Live, there was a showcasing of Uncharted 3's game play. Probably like most of you, I don't watch that late night show, so I missed out on it. Well, at least I'll say I missed out on the game play - not so much the retardababy banter I am sure commenced. What oh what to do? I guess we will simply have to rely on Naughty Dog to give us said game play to digest and enjoy. Rely we shall. Read More...
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Been Deceived About Uncharted 3? We Got Info For You.
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 9th of December 2010 - 07:16 PM ]
With how the Uncharted franchise boomed and wowed us gamers is it really shocking that a third game is coming? Not at all. Especially since the sequel did something that is relatively not done in entertainment. That is being better than the original. Now it is time to see if Naughty Dog can again out do themselves in making an awesome game. If we are lucky, we might get to see some impressive things during this weekend's Video Game Awards on Spike TV. Submitted for panties to start bunching are a few screen shots, box art, concept art and a teaser for the teaser that is going to be shown during the awards show. Read More...
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