Submitted for panties to start bunching are a few screen shots, box art, concept art and a teaser for the teaser that is going to be shown during the awards show. While not much, I will say from the two screen shots passed along from Sony it does look like they are trying to push further in the graphics department. I know that was one of the things that impressed me with Uncharted 2 and it is starting to look like I will be again.
I will say that I am a bit concerned with what has been mentioned about the overall story though. Here's what Amy Hennig, Naughty Dog's Creative Director, let loose about that.
The theme of deception plays out in multiple ways throughout the series. From Drake doing the deceiving to Drake being deceived to some mysterious deception about Drake's very identity. The story focuses on the Drake's relationship with his mentor and "father figure", Victor 'Sully' Sullivan, and has him searching for a legendary lost city that will ultimately take him to the Arabian Peninsula and the vast wasteland of the Rub' al Khali Desert, also known as the Empty Quarter.
The concern here is the "deception about Drake's very identity" mentioned there. You guys planning on making him some weird reincarnated version of someone from history? I hate when writers try to through some crazy or weird twist about a character to get the shock factor. I'm just hoping that is not the case on his "Mysterious Identity" you are alluding to there. No love child of some ancient god or reincarnated prince or something like they tried in the Mummy films.