Along with this photo we were also given these QR codes from their @BioFeed twitter account.

If you look it up, the first one translates into a binary string that decodes into a number 55.845. The number represents the atomic mass of iron. The second one translates into -128.5°, which is the coldest temperature ever recorded on earth in Vostok, Antarctica.
Could this mean Mass Effect is coming to earth? A possible prequel story? I hear plenty of folks discussing a possible re-launch of the Shattered Steel franchise, a mech-based shooter where rival factions fought for control of natural elements. It could turn out to be anything at this point.
All we know for sure is it has the internet buzzing about another game from BioWare. Between all the other titles that I'm sure we will see from the Spike TV VGA's this one got me the most excited. Anything from BioWare is always worth stopping and taking notice for. What do you guys think?
We just got a new image from BioWare's Facebook page:

This bad boy translates again into Binary which translates into a The Official Secret Intelligence Service Website or the SIS. There are numerous things to do on this website. For instance you can apply for a career or take the Operational Officers interactive scenario and see if your SIS material. You can also read about the SIS and where they got their start or bounce around there other pages even the MI5 site. Not sure what this all means but I'm sure poking around we can figure something out. Stay tuned!
*UPDATE 11/30/10*
Good eye SnappyClownDude!
The most recent QR code that was released over the holiday weekend is here. Don't use this one, because of it's size your QR reader probably won't read it. Head over to the Facebook page to get a High-rez version.
The binary code translates to an Album Cover of The Clash. Below is the full Track listing for that album, I have no idea where Bioware is going with this, but the VGA's are gonna be very interesting -
Track Listing
1. "London Calling" (from London Calling)
2. "Rock the Casbah" (from Combat Rock)
3. "Should I Stay or Should I Go" (from Combat Rock)
4. "I Fought the Law" (from The Clash (U.S.))
5. "(White Man) In Hammersmith Palais" (from The Clash (U.S.))
6. "The Magnificent Seven" (from Sandinista!)
7. "Bankrobber" (from Black Market Clash)
8. "The Call Up" (from Sandinista!)
9. "Complete Control" (from The Clash (U.S.))
10. "White Riot" (from The Clash (U.K.))
11. "Remote Control" (from The Clash (U.K.))
12. "Tommy Gun" (from Give 'Em Enough Rope)
13. "Clash City Rockers" (from The Clash (U.S.))
14. "English Civil War" (from Give 'Em Enough Rope)
15. "Hitsville UK" (from Sandinista!)
16. "Know Your Rights" (from Combat Rock)
17. "This Is England" (from Cut the Crap)
18. "This Is Radio Clash" (from This is Radio Clash)
19. "Train in Vain" (from London Calling)
20. "Groovy Times" (from The Cost of Living)
*Update 12/6/10*
Well it looks like Bioware is at it again, being so close to the VGA's i'm surprised we got another. I find this one the funniest of them all actually.
And as we all know a "A Red Herring is an idomatic expression referring to a rhetorical tactic of diverting attention away from an item of significance." (via Wikipedia) Which could possibly mean we have been on a wild goose chase this entire time and still nowhere close to what the new title could be. Well the countdown continues and we are about 5 days away from finding out what we could possibly have our attention diverted from. Is this all a bigger picture we just can't see yet? Or does this fish hold some significance? But above all Bioware could just be messing with us...