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Trailer Park (10/24/11)
by Matt Waitt [ Monday, 24th of October 2011 - 11:09 PM ]
Blizzard has released a new cinematic trailer for Diablo III featuring some very scary atmosphere and demons. The new trailer also shows off some of the story we can expect in Diablo III, such as Asmodon trying to acquire the Black Soulstone to rule as the true prime evil. If my memory serves me correct there are seven prime evils and in Diablo II we killed three of them: Mephisto, Diablo and Baal. The trailer also shows us a new character, who I believe is Deckard Cain's niece, whose name I do not know at this point. But enough of my rambling, enjoy the trailer. Read More...
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Foo Fighters Set To Rock BlizzCon 2011
by Corey Dockendorf [ Wednesday, 28th of September 2011 - 05:01 PM ]
Every year BlizzCon bring some of the most amazing talent to their closing ceremonies at BlizzCon and this year is no exception. Usually fans wait patiently to find out who will be this year's guest and Blizzard has really outdone themselves. With past musical performances by Tenacious D, Ozzy Osbourne and The Offspring, this year we will welcome the Foo Fighters will grace the stage at the Anaheim convention center during the event held October 21st - 22nd. Over the course of their 16-year career, the Foo Fighters have sold tens of millions of records, won half a dozen Grammy awards, and raised countless voices in sing-alongs of iconic anthems like "Everlong," "My Hero," "Learn to Fly", "All My Life," “Best of You,” and “The Pretender.” Foo Fighters' BlizzCon debut marks founder Dave Grohl's triumphant return to the convention after playing drums for Tenacious D in last year's show, and comes during an international arena, stadium, and festival tour promoting their seventh album, the international #1 record Wasting Light. Read More...
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Blizzcon 2010 In A Nutshell
by Corey Dockendorf [ Monday, 25th of October 2010 - 10:16 PM ]
Here we are, the day after the most anticipated weekend of conventions, Blizzcon. For your typical Blizzcon, it seemed they didn't have any major announcements this year. No Diablo III release date. No word on their new MMO (World of Jersey Shorecraft??) but I will say the cosplay contest was probably the best I've seen so far. Chris Metzen hosted this year's keynote, and after some Blizzard buffs, we broke into a steady run of news beginning with the next WoW expansion. World of Warcraft: Cataclysm will be on sale December 7th, and for those that don't want to wait in line at midnight, players can buy and download directly from the website in advance. Read More...
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Review: StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty
by Corey Dockendorf [ Friday, 27th of August 2010 - 04:15 PM ]
Starcraft II has been out for almost a month now and Binh and I finally had an opportunity to sit down and really get into the game. All we can tell you is that if you haven't had a chance to pick up the title, you need to go out and do so right now. We should state that this review is going to be mainly about the campaign mode because the multiplayer is worthy of a whole review in itself. (I am locking myself in a closet and playing multiplayer until my eyes bleed Zerg Blood.) Let Binh and I break it down for you. Read More...
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Aggrocast Episode Seventy Seven: The Return
by Brian Bentley [ Wednesday, 25th of August 2010 - 03:29 PM ]
Brian and Binh make their podcast return along with Corey (MythicGriffon) for another exciting episode of the Aggrocast while Mike is AFK for the week. In this week's episode, Binh and Corey are at the mercy of Blizzard with the release of Starcraft II and participating in the beta for World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. Brian has been on his PlayStation 3 enjoying the PSN Plus service and its free games. The gang also discusses the news coming out of Gamescom along with some the information leaking outside of the convention. Read More...
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Blizzard Sells Out Again
by Corey Dockendorf [ Tuesday, 3rd of August 2010 - 06:11 PM ]
Did you hear that? That was the sound of records breaking in the distance, players from around the world cheering and crying as one of the most anticipated games in the past decade was released. I'm talking about StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty, which was released on PC and Mac on July 27th 2010. "GameStop had more than 3,000 stores open at midnight, so our StarCraft players got a jump start on playing the epic experience Blizzard consistently delivers with its games," said Bob McKenzie, senior vice president of merchandising at GameStop. "StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty is officially GameStop’s fastest-selling PC game since Blizzard launched World of Warcraft®: Wrath of the Lich King® in 2008." StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty on launch day, sold over 1 million copies and over 1. Read More...
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Starcraft II - The Lost Viking
by Corey Dockendorf [ Wednesday, 28th of July 2010 - 06:13 PM ]
Starcraft II was released yesterday and to most players surprise we got two games for the price of one. By accessing an arcade in the cantina of the Hyperion, players are able to play an Asteroids like shooter called "Lost Viking". In homage to the classic Blizzard SNES 1994 title The Lost Vikings. Dear Blizzard, how are we supposed to complete one of the longest waited for titles to date, when you keep putting addicting mini-games in to keep us distracted? So picture this, you play a mighty Viking and are flying through outer space trying to find your way home to Vikingville. All while being chased by the evil Terra-Tron "HE DOES NOT LIKE YOU!!! Read More...
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StarCraft II: The Commercial
by Binh Nguyen [ Thursday, 10th of June 2010 - 10:10 PM ]
So you thought you had to wait for the new StarCraft II commercial that is airing tonight during the NBA finals between the L.A Lakers and the Boston Celtics? Well I have news for you. You don't have to wait that long for it. Seems someone at Blizzard thought a Zerg rush was coming because the video is out right now for your viewing pleasure. While watching the commercial you will see some familiar stuff, but the rest of it is brand spanking new. The game is shaping up to be one of those games that is well worth the long wait that we all had to endure. Read More...
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Tickets For Blizzcon 2010 Announced
by Corey Dockendorf [ Tuesday, 18th of May 2010 - 05:34 PM ]
Blizzcon 2010 returns to the Anaheim Conventions center October 22nd and 23rd, and tickets are going on sale Wednesday, June 2nd at 7 pm PST and on Saturday June 5th at 10 am PST. Blizzard has learned from the past Blizzcon's the overwhelming response from the player community, and will be selling tickets in batches, to give everyone an opportunity to get in on the action. For those that remember the Failoc-alypse from last year, hopefully Blizzard will be better prepared this year. Although with so many titles in the work and hopefully new news about Diablo III (release date? Read More...
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StarCraft II Has A Release Date!
by Binh Nguyen [ Monday, 3rd of May 2010 - 09:46 PM ]
No snappy opening lines or any of the crap. Its time to get serious! Blizzard Entertainment has announced today that StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty will arrive in stores in the United States, Canada, Europe, South Korea, Australia (They didn't ban this game? Shocker!), New Zealand, Russia, Mexico, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, and the regions of Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau on July 27, 2010. Players will also be able to buy the game via directly from Blizzard Entertainment after the retail release. “We've been looking forward to revisiting the StarCraft universe for many years, and we're excited that the time for that is almost here,” said Mike Morhaime, CEO and cofounder of Blizzard Entertainment. Read More...
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Aggrocast Episode Sixty Six: Stepping Down, But Not Out
by Brian Bentley [ Tuesday, 13th of April 2010 - 05:46 PM ]
Another episode of the Aggrocast you do not want to miss. Michael begins the show with a surprising announcement. Then the crew discusses what they've been playing, including Final Fantasy XIII, Starcraft II, Fragile Dreams, Dead or Alive: Paradise and more. Highlights include: Binh makes a fresh start, Brian rails on a Flash game and Mike finds some indie games. The Features return in full form with Netflix Pix giving Whedon some love, Bargain Binh picks up the Dark Knight and On the DL rings in an XBLA puzzler. Lastly, the guys chat about podcasts before wrapping up until next week. Read More...
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Blizzard announces Starcraft II: Collectors Edition
by Corey Dockendorf [ Sunday, 11th of April 2010 - 05:35 PM ]
When Blizzard does something, they do it on a grand scale. Blizzard Entertainment just announced that there soon to be released title, Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty, will come in two flavors. The normal run of the mill standard version, and the super awesome Collector's Edition. The Standard edition will retail for $59.99 and will be downloadable from the Blizzard store shortly after it's release. The Collector's Edition will retail at $99. Read More...
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The Year Of Blizzard And The StarCraft II Beta
by Binh Nguyen [ Wednesday, 10th of February 2010 - 11:25 PM ]
With Chinese New Year just around the corner, 2010 will be the year of...Blizzard? Announced today by Blizzard President and Co-Founder, Mike Morhaime, the closed beta of StarCraft II will launch towards of the end of February. That is awesome for those, myself included, that have been waiting for StarCraft II to come out. The news of StarCraft II was not the only announcement made by Blizzard. To be released later this year, Blizzard's highly acclaimed MMO, World of Warcraft, will be releasing their latest expansion with Cataclysm. Read More...
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Blizzcon 2009 Day 1
by Binh Nguyen [ Monday, 24th of August 2009 - 06:01 PM ]
Never have I been in a place where I have seen so many nerds, geeks, and dorks in one area. Oh wait, yeah I have, as E3 and Comic-con were the other places. Just in case you didn't notice, Blizzard held their now annual event, Blizzcon, at the Anaheim Convention Center on August 21st and 22nd. Thousands of nerds, geeks, and dorks all gathered to see, play, and talk about Blizzard's 3 main franchises; Starcraft, Waracraft and Diablo. Friday morning, as I arrived to the convention center the first thing you would see are the nerds, geeks, and dorks waiting in line. Some of which stayed overnight to be one of the first few to get into the center. Read More...
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Command Center, Hatchery, or Nexus?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 1st of July 2009 - 03:14 PM ]
Starcraft II Beta Tech Tree Hey all you Starcraft fans out there! Or, if anything, people out there that want to play the game right now but obviously do not have access to the games Beta build. Do you want a look at what might be the branch of technology for the game early? Well then if you haven't gone below, and skipped my used car salesman words, then we have screen shots of just that. That being the Tech Tree for the three factions of Starcraft II. Now mind you, these are still early shots and things could change. Read More...
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