Hey all you Starcraft fans out there! Or, if anything, people out there that want to play the game right now but obviously do not have access to the games Beta build. Do you want a look at what might be the branch of technology for the game early? Well then if you haven't gone below, and skipped my used car salesman words, then we have screen shots of just that. That being the Tech Tree for the three factions of Starcraft II.
Now mind you, these are still early shots and things could change. The game is still not near Gold yet, so it is still as mutable as the Zerg themselves. But it does give you a form of glimpse at things to come. Also to help people start to gauge how things will progress, in a building sense, through the game. Also, take it with a grain of salt as these are also not official shots from Blizzard but pulled from another gaming source, link below.