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Battlefield 3 Battleblogs
by Matt Waitt [ Monday, 19th of September 2011 - 06:11 PM ]
So in my travels around the land of the internet I've come across some pretty cool stuff in regards to Battlefield 3. If you head on over to their website they've been giving some pretty sweet updates via their "BattleBlog" such as some co-op campaign and Multiplayer details. So instead of being lazy and having you run over to the website yourselves, which you should do anyways, I'm going to do my job. Now I did not know about this "BattleBlog" until a couple days ago, so hopefully I'm not too far behind. Multiplayer Goodies! Read More...
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Aggrocast Episode Forty Six: PC Cheers and Jeers
by Brian Bentley [ Friday, 23rd of October 2009 - 08:25 PM ]
This episode your Aggrocast crew cover games we've been playing (Uncharted 2, Brutal Legend, and more). We throw out some great Bargain Bin pickups for this show as well. We finish it all of with discussions on recent CoD: MW2 PC news, September PC NPD Numbers, and Sony EyePet. Please be sure to rate and review us on iTunes and the Zune martketplace. Your support is key to spreading the word about Aggrogamer and Pwned. Remember to send any questions or comments to aggrocast@aggrogamer. Read More...
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Aggrocast Episode 45: Tweet Tweet
by Brian Bentley [ Monday, 19th of October 2009 - 08:53 PM ]
Episode 45 of the Aggrocast is up and ready, but not much going on this episode, as the crew discusses a few games they managed to play like Aion, Halo: ODST and Left4Dead. Along with their bargain bin titles, they also discussed Pwned Game Nights coming back in November and Uncharted 2's twitter integration, and where it may lead. Please be sure to rate and review us on iTunes and the Zune martketplace. Your support is key to spreading the word about Aggrogamer and Pwned. Read More...
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Successful Launch Of The World's Next Competitive Gaming Site
by Michael Camacho [ Wednesday, 23rd of September 2009 - 03:25 PM ]
LOS ANGELES (September 18, 2009) – SODMG Gamers is the next competitive gaming site for video gamers. Now launched, its free closed beta last Monday went extremely well. Receiving thousands of beta account requests and the closed beta received over 325,000 unique page impressions during the first week online. On October 2nd 2009, we will be setting up tournaments only on Xbox live. However SODMG Gamers will be bringing in PS3 as well Nintendo Wii within the coming months for users to compete on those particular consoles to find gamers with similar title likes and battle for prizes, and of course the fun and love for the game!. Read More...
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DC Metro Area Scion Street Fighter IV Tournament Update
by Michael Camacho [ Monday, 6th of July 2009 - 11:29 PM ]
The latest updates on the 355 Scion Street Fighter IV Tournament taking place on August 2nd in Rockville, Maryland are here. New sponsors, tournament rules and the addition of two contestants have been revealed. Don't forget to register now for only $10 to win $1000 and more.Best Buy has now signed on as an official sponsor for the tournament, joining Red Bull, XM Radio, ECA, They will also be giving away prizes, but no details on what they are giving away has been disclosed. Read More...
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Pwned Releases Its Official iPhone Application
by Michael Camacho [ Monday, 30th of March 2009 - 08:05 PM ] has released its official iPhone application. Now all of's iPhone users can access Pwned from anywhere at anytime right from their iPhone. You will be able to view not only your notifications, but your friends' profiles, utilize the shoutbox, and much more. Current Pwned iPhone Application Features:New User RegistrationView User ProfilesUser NotificationsShoutboxFriends ListFriends List showing who is playing on XBox Live and the game they are playingFriends List showing who is playing on Steam and the game they are playingOfficial Press Release: is releasing their first iPhone application.  This  application will allow each user to view their own profile  notifications and see what their friends are up to. Read More...
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Pwned Is Coming Out Of Beta January 1st
by Michael Camacho [ Thursday, 4th of December 2008 - 12:27 AM ]
My fellow Pwned friends, it is official! is proud to announce that we are coming out of Beta this January 1st 2009. It's been a very long first year for us, as we also celebrate our 1 year anniversary today. In that time, we have added many new features and improvements to Pwned, attended many expos and conferences, and reached over 10,000 members. With us coming out of beta, members will now be allowed to redeem the Pwned Points they accumulate by using the site. On top of that, we will introduce a site redesign, along with many new features and imporvements. Read More...
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Pwned's Gears Of War 2 Release Party Gaming Night
by Michael Camacho [ Tuesday, 28th of October 2008 - 04:16 PM ]
Join us at 9PM EST/6PM PST on November 7th 2008 for a 2 hour long special Gears of War 2 Pwned Gaming Night in celebration of it’s release.  Everyone who participates will receive 200 Pwned Points each, and the top 3 winners will get 1500, 1000 and 500 Pwned Points Respectively. We also have as special prizes for the night, 2 Gears of War 2 T-Shirts (1 XLarge & 1 Large), as well as a Gears Of War 2 COG Tag, which will be drawn at random amongst all Pwned members in attendance.  We look forward to everyone attending this special release day event. Further details can be found on the Calendar Page and by following the link below. Read More...
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Social Networks PWN Porn
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 17th of September 2008 - 03:15 PM ]
Social Networks Now More Popular Than Porn We can all agree, the internet is for porn. Well at least according to a little song performed on Broadway. But that may not be all that true anymore or at least in the not to distant future. According to a researcher and author Bill Tancer, he wrote Click: What Millions of People are Doing Online and Why It Matters, the number of searches for the coveted reason to log online and use the magic porn box is down. Like down 10% since Al Gore invented the Interwebs. The short and simple, it use to be 1 in 5 searches were for porn where as now it is 1 in 10. Read More...
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8792 Views's Gaming Night Schwag Contest
by Michael Camacho [ Wednesday, 3rd of September 2008 - 12:47 AM ]
After going to the various conventions and expos, we at realized that we have a lot of schwag we picked up.  The items include posters, toys, buttons, stickers, demos and more.  Instead of hording all of this for ourselves, we are giving back to you, the members of the site.  We had quite a few ideas of how to give this stuff away, some ridiculous, some too much of a pain in the arse to do.  We finally came up with the idea of combining the contest with our Gaming Nights. Read More...
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Rock Or Pwn?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 22nd of August 2008 - 07:38 PM ]
Xbox and Rock the Vote to Give Voters a New Platform for Change Man there are really trying to get more and more voters these days. I remember when Rock the Vote first started, you know trying to get young voters voting using rock stars and music. Well now they are targeting your game machines. Well at least the XBox users to get even more. Using a title that could be a bit of a rip off from this site? I jest. Read More...
Tags: PWN, Vote, Rock, Win, XBox,
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HACK Ads Invade CAL'S Website
by Stephanie Naboshek [ Tuesday, 10th of June 2008 - 09:48 PM ]
For anyone familiar with most any website, Google Ads is probably a common distraction. The Cyberathlete Amateur League aka CAL, proved today more than ever that it's no exception to the mayhem brought upon by Google's "selection" for the ads generated. Today these lovely ads gracefully advertised "Hacks" on their CS Intermediate division's page in a display of irony that can only be responded by with plenty of laughs. "GET THE BEST WORKING CS HACKS" ...while you check your messages, division news and download the Anti-Cheat System? Read More...
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by Andy [ Monday, 9th of June 2008 - 04:47 AM ]
So we just back tonight after an extremely terrible flight situation, but we just got back not even an hour and half ago. In case none of you knew what went on this weekend, this was the weekend for the PWNED LAN Center opening in Rochester MN.We had lots of fun, met alot of rad people and it turned out 10x better than I could of hoped for. With that said, I want to thank everyone who came out this weekend and help support the LAN center, and well turn life into a real life shoutbox (I'm sure you know what I mean hahaha). Anyway on to the good stuff. Read More...
Tags: lan, pwned, opening,
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by Stephanie Naboshek [ Saturday, 7th of June 2008 - 04:26 AM ]
What person hasn't thought about breaking a world record at least once in their lifetime? I remember as a kid - the Guinness books were the ones most often checked out at our schools library, so when the chance arose to finally be in the book itself, I was more excited than a fat kid in a cake factory (no offense to any of you fat kids ;p ). Every year thousands of people gather at the Dallas based anime convention, A-KON in a weekend that can only be described as PEACE, LOVE and POCKY. This year's convention though seemly the same, had one major difference - Guinness Book of World Records was there to witness our world-record breaking skills at work! Read More...
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6775 Views UK meet!
by [ Saturday, 17th of May 2008 - 10:00 PM ]
Today a few of's UK members gathered in London to meet up. Needless to say, the ground trembled with THAT much epicness in one place. LOL, just kidding... sorta. As one of the members who went I can say the other people I met are just as awesome in person as they are in our community. The members who went were: Neil (Neil337), Kai (Phate), Gary (Horon), Darren (Mellowd) and Nicky (Navie). Luc (Loveducky) joined us at the pub later on in the day as well! Read More...
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