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Advertisement & SplitReason Team Up
by Aaron BlueWolf72 Molloy [ Thursday, 1st of May 2008 - 12:29 AM ] - Society of Gamers t-shirt design @ © Has came through for us and has finished the design of our very own custom PWNED shirt.  Please take the time to buy as many as you can.   If you do buy one please take the time to take pictures of you and your PWNED shirt and create a blog.  The first 25 people to do so get a extra 200 PWNED points. Read More...
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PWNED Shirts Coming Soon
by Aaron BlueWolf72 Molloy [ Monday, 21st of April 2008 - 10:49 PM ]
Get ready for some PWNED shirts in or around 2 weeks.  I will have 20 to give away.  Expect to do some crazy stuff to win one.  More details soon. Read More...
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 PWNED Thoughts 101
by Aaron BlueWolf72 Molloy [ Tuesday, 15th of April 2008 - 03:56 AM ]
So you decided to go outside today and get some fresh air. I commend you and with that I would like to point out this blog about how you got PWNED or felt PWNED. If you have a funny moment and want to tell the world.  Just send me a nice private message to me so I can narticle what happened to you. If you do not want your name or profile link please tell me in your private message. Enjoy the read! Read More...
Tags: PWNED, Thoughts, ,
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Help Us Decide
by Aaron BlueWolf72 Molloy [ Saturday, 12th of April 2008 - 01:22 AM ]
We want your input. We want you to be part of the site. So we teamed up with Split Reason and we will be offering custom PWNED shirts with some extra style. We have decided to hold a POLL if you will and let you vote what shirt you like and would pay for. Each image has a number so just reply with the number you would vote for. We will tally up all the votes Sunday evening. Read More...
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by Aaron BlueWolf72 Molloy [ Saturday, 5th of April 2008 - 12:30 AM ]
Gaming News: Phyllis Schlafly Attacks Video Game Court Decisions GamePolitics Conservative commentator Phyllis Schlafly has criticized the unbroken string of First Amendment decisions which have protected video games in recent years. Australia Getting Watered-Down Version of GTA IV GamePolitics The Sydney Morning Herald reports that Grand Theft Auto IV, due for April 29th release, has been edited to satisfy Australian censors. He's finished Grand Theft Auto IV! GamesRadar We talk to Rob Taylor from Xbox World, the first games writer to complete GTA IV Iwata, Miyamoto, and the Wii Wheel Prototypes Wired You might find the Wii Wheel, a steering wheel that uses the Wiimote, to be a bit silly. Read More...
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PWNED's Valve Contest Winners
by Aaron BlueWolf72 Molloy [ Monday, 31st of March 2008 - 03:08 PM ]
Mad thanks to Valve for sending us all the cool swag and allowing us to give it to you. There were so many custom profiles to choose from the judges were going back and forth. In the end they all agreed and the winners are; FIRST PLACE: VampireKitten - 1 Orange Box Ticket - Stickers - Shirts - Posters - 1000 Points from SECOND PLACE: RocketRobinHood - 1 Orange Box Ticket - Shirts - 500 Points from THIRD PLACE: Neil - Shirt - 250 Points from PWNED. Read More...
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iPhone gets PWNED!!!
by Stephanie Naboshek [ Monday, 31st of March 2008 - 01:17 PM ]
For those iPhone fanatics out there, some hope has finally emerged in the lines of TOTAL FREEDOM, that is, freedom from Apple's restrictions built into the iPhone. The developer team of the new iPhone "Pwnage Tool" have finally made some releases on their crazy new software. Unlike previous iPhone hacks, the iPhone Pwnage Tool allows you complete control of your iPhone. Aside from being able to install the firmware of your choice, theres even talk of installing Linux if you want! How cool would it be to be able to say, "I HAVE LINUX," on your iPhone? Read More...
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Who Got PWNED Today?
by Aaron BlueWolf72 Molloy [ Saturday, 29th of March 2008 - 04:12 AM ]
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Killer Entry on
by Alyssa Porter [ Tuesday, 25th of March 2008 - 08:30 PM ]
Vote in the red star HERE is a site dedicated to scouring the Internet looking for the most innovative and interesting new websites and it just so happens that got our very own article! The community is growing very large, very quickly, and all this support by our members and other sites is very much appreciated! Support our site by leaving comments, digging narticles, and voting for us on other sites like killerstartups! The more votes, the more noticeable we are, so get out there and show your support! Read More...
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Interview With Joel "FPS Doug" Gardiner
by Alyssa Porter [ Friday, 21st of March 2008 - 01:01 AM ]
This is my Interveiw I sent to Joel "FPS Doug" Gardiner, who played a main role in the Pure Pwange Series. 1. How did you get involved with Pure Pwnage? I’ve been long time friends with the producers Jarett Cale and Geoff Lapaire for many years. We had worked together on some small filming projects before here in Calgary. They were both out in Toronto by the time the series started taking off and wanted to start bringing in more characters. They knew I had the perfect look and ability to pull off a crazy frag fanatic fps player, so the next time Jarett was back in Calgary, me and him filmed the very first fpsdoug segment. Read More...
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by Aaron BlueWolf72 Molloy [ Monday, 17th of March 2008 - 11:33 PM ]
EXPLOSIVE WEB TRAFFIC: PWNED.COM received over 2 Million unique page impressions in February, which is a 400,000+ increase from January’s 1.6 Million unique page impressions. PWNED.COM traffic is on track in March to surpass 2.5 Million unique page impressions. IN THE NEWS: PWNED.COM was recently mentioned on Yahoo Business in a press release from The Electronic Consumers Association (ECA) in regards to their expanding growth and support. Link: Read More...
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5010 Views & ECA Team Up
by Aaron BlueWolf72 Molloy [ Monday, 17th of March 2008 - 03:06 AM ]
While this is old news we are happy to say has made it on Yahoo Biz and we are all happy. While there is no specific paragraph about who and what we are just the fact we are mention is icing on the cake. “The depth and breadth of new coalition partners and sponsors is truly impressive,” said Hal Halpin, the association’s president. “In just over a year we have solidified an amazing list of well-established corporations, non-profits and entities that are not just seeing the potential of the ECA, but doing everything in their power to support us during our formative stages. That says quite a lot about them actually, but it also speaks volumes about game consumers and the faith that these organizations have in us collectively. Read More...
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by Alyssa Porter [ Thursday, 13th of March 2008 - 09:43 AM ]
      Recently I contacted Joel “FPS Doug” Gardiner on Myspace to tell him about and he seemed very impressed with the site. For those of you who do not know who “FPS Doug” is, shame on you. Joel “FPS Doug” Gardiner is an actor who also loves gaming and appeared on the hit gamer Internet show called Pure Pwnage. (www.purepwnage. Read More...
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Petition Against Trademarking "Pwnage"
by Alyssa Porter [ Tuesday, 11th of March 2008 - 08:34 AM ]
As we all have heard Futuremark Game Studios recently requested to have pwnage trademarked and the gaming indusrty was fuming. Recently a petiton came to my attention and I urge all of you who disagree with the trademarking of this typo turned cultural phenomenon. It is an easy process I swear! Read More...
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Happy Birthday Chuck Norris
by Aaron BlueWolf72 Molloy [ Tuesday, 11th of March 2008 - 02:10 AM ]
Happy Birthday Chuck Norris. I have some awesome Chuck Norris Birthday words for you from all over the web. They will tell you how feels for you Chuck. There is no 'ctrl' button on Chuck Norris's computer. Chuck Norris is always in control. Chuck Norris destroyed the periodic table, because he only recognizes the element of surprise. Chuck Norris can kill two stones with one bird. When Chuck Norris was denied an Egg McMuffin at McDonald's because it was 10:35, he roundhouse kicked the store so hard it became a Wendy's. Read More...
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