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DC Metro Area Scion Street Fighter IV Tournament Update
by Michael Camacho [ Monday, 6th of July 2009 - 11:29 PM ]
The latest updates on the 355 Scion Street Fighter IV Tournament taking place on August 2nd in Rockville, Maryland are here. New sponsors, tournament rules and the addition of two contestants have been revealed. Don't forget to register now for only $10 to win $1000 and more.Best Buy has now signed on as an official sponsor for the tournament, joining Red Bull, XM Radio, ECA, They will also be giving away prizes, but no details on what they are giving away has been disclosed. Read More...
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355 Scion in Maryland Holds $1000 Street Fighter IV Tournament
by Michael Camacho [ Friday, 19th of June 2009 - 02:09 AM ]
So you think you are good at Street Fighter IV? $1000 good? Because that's what you can win if you put your money where your mouth is. Which if you buy tickets now, will only be $10 to possibly take home that $1000 grand prize. 355 Scion in Rockville is once again holding their annual gaming tournament. After a great success last year, you definitely have to come out for Street Fighter IV this year. Some of our writers will be attending including myself, so look forward to seeing everyone there. Read More...
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