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Time To Join The Trans-Galactic Tournament A F2P MOBA On PS4
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 16th of April 2015 - 07:01 PM ]
We now have our first look at Trans-Galactic Tournament, a free to play MOBA coming for the PS4 from Kiz Studios I can hear the groans already coming for Trans-Galactic Tournament as we have the words Free-To-Play and MOBA being thrown around for this new PS4 game. If you can try to look past all of that for a moment you may be able to see the game that Kiz Studios is working that should really be labeled "What if the Star Wars cantina starred in an 80’s cartoon, which suddenly broke out into a football match, which suddenly broke out into WrestleMania?" I only really see a little of any of that in the following gameplay trailer for Trans-Galactic Tournament but maybe I am already jaded by the original label that comes with the stigma for free. To be honest Trans-Galactic Tournament sounds to be a lot like your standard MOBA style games. Read More...
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Add Another Title To The PS Vita's List, Mortal Kombat
by Fred Buell [ Friday, 20th of January 2012 - 07:50 PM ]
As if this wasn't to be expected right and why not? The most recent Mortal Kombat was a great revitalization to the franchise so it would be a great idea to port it over to Sony's new portable device. Let's just hope that it isn't just a search to milk more money out of our wallets. Let's see what was also announced with this. All Of The PS3 Content - This includes all of the DLC that has come out as well as Kratos. From the classic costumes to Freddy. Read More...
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Up Close And Personal With Mortal Kombat's Shang Tsung
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 8th of April 2011 - 03:42 PM ]
It wouldn't be Mortal Kombat without Shang Tsung. We all know he is in the game, but wouldn't you like to see/hear his story in this outing? How different can it be from all of the older titles? I mean, seriously. Well let's see what has been cooked up for him in the new Mortal Kombat. Ok… So nothing all that new as far as the story goes. Although I do have to say that the Fatality shown is pretty fucking cool. I want to make people knowingly pull their own heads off and be powerless to stop it. Read More...
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It's Time For Mortal Kombat!
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 6th of April 2011 - 05:38 PM ]
It is official. Mortal Kombat has gone gold. We no longer have to worry about major delays or cancelations. Not that we were at all. It is no Duke Nukem Forever or anything. Am I right? Huh? Huh…? Now as we wait for April 19th to slowly work its way to us, we get to pass the time looking at screens and videos. That is if you have played the demo to death since it came out. If you did, below we have a few more screens to add to the mix as we wait a few more weeks. Read More...
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The Unofficial Character Roster For Mortal Kombat
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 28th of March 2011 - 06:27 PM ]
So if you had any questions on exactly who is going to be in Mortal Kombat, you may be able to get a look now as it may have been leaked out. As of this article, there has been no word on how official this image and roster is so do not get overly excited as of yet. I mean it does look pretty spot on from all the videos and announcements, not to mention it would be an amazing fake, but I'm waiting for word from Warner Bros. or NetherRealm first. If you do want to put total faith in this, here is a breakdown of who is listed here. Read More...
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Time To See How Kratos Will Handle The Mortal Kombat Universe
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 24th of March 2011 - 07:28 PM ]
PS3 Mortal Kombat fans have been teased too long with the fact that Kratos will be a console exclusive character. Teased with the knowledge, but nothing as far as substantial in-game footage. That is until now as there is a new trailer out showing some of his moves and animations. Color me impressed with this new view of the character. From the looks of trailer, it is fully upgraded Kratos from God of War III that is know fighting against mortals for the pleasure of Shao Kahn and himself. At least that would be the only reason I can see him fighting in the tournament as Kratos really doesn't seem to care what happens to his world. Read More...
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Mortal Kombat Has A New Challenge For You
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 3rd of March 2011 - 09:38 PM ]
Man we should have seen this coming. The "Test Your Might" mini-games of Mortal Kombat fame are coming with the new games launch. Only this time they are way more detailed and quite a few more than I remember. Like almost 299 more challenges than I remember from previous versions of the franchise I have played. I clearly remember only the block breaking challenges of the old arcade versions so please excuse if I don't know of any others. In case there are some differences between my past numbers and your past numbers of challenges, there will be 300 challenges coming on disc. Read More...
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More Ass Kickers Shown For Mortal Kombat 9
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 17th of February 2011 - 07:06 PM ]
While the two below trailers are mainly about Liu Kang and Noob Saibot being playable characters in Mortal Kombat, let's play a bit of "Where's Waldo?" with the clips and see if we can find a few characters not fully announced yet. That is if you can look past the pretty basic story for Liu and asskickery of Noob. I think I'm seeing Ermac, Sindel, Kano and Jade in there. All pretty basic and assumed to be in the game from the start, but hey it is a fun little game to play along with these clips. Read More...
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Jax Fights The Law In Mortal Kombat And Wins
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 4th of February 2011 - 06:21 PM ]
Ok, so we can't really say that he wins as it is only a screen shot of Jax beating down Striker in the new Mortal Kombat, but it is a fun title. Not to mention that with the way Striker's face is being slammed it is easy to extrapolate the end results of the fight to that end. I mean unless it is a lucky shot and Jax is just going to have a cap busted in his ass when Striker gets back up. It is also nice to see a few more views of the new game as well in between the fun little videos that Nether Realm pumps out every now and then. When it comes to fighting games Mortal Kombat is right up there in the tops for me so I will eat up whatever they give to digest for it. Read More...
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Mortal Kombat Has A Night Out With Mileena
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 12th of January 2011 - 11:25 PM ]
What would you do if you were forced to have a night out with Mileena from Mortal Kombat? What would the minds that put her together in the game want to do? Well we get answers to that and a few extras in the below video we have to bring you. Those extras by the way are some fun new game play with Mileena. Now while I personally wouldn't want to spend a night with Mileena, I do find some of the responses a bit funny. Like take her to a buffet and watch her go to town or the Thunder From Down Under responses. Read More...
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Successful Launch Of The World's Next Competitive Gaming Site
by Michael Camacho [ Wednesday, 23rd of September 2009 - 03:25 PM ]
LOS ANGELES (September 18, 2009) – SODMG Gamers is the next competitive gaming site for video gamers. Now launched, its free closed beta last Monday went extremely well. Receiving thousands of beta account requests and the closed beta received over 325,000 unique page impressions during the first week online. On October 2nd 2009, we will be setting up tournaments only on Xbox live. However SODMG Gamers will be bringing in PS3 as well Nintendo Wii within the coming months for users to compete on those particular consoles to find gamers with similar title likes and battle for prizes, and of course the fun and love for the game!. Read More...
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DC Metro Area Scion Street Fighter IV Tournament Update
by Michael Camacho [ Monday, 6th of July 2009 - 11:29 PM ]
The latest updates on the 355 Scion Street Fighter IV Tournament taking place on August 2nd in Rockville, Maryland are here. New sponsors, tournament rules and the addition of two contestants have been revealed. Don't forget to register now for only $10 to win $1000 and more.Best Buy has now signed on as an official sponsor for the tournament, joining Red Bull, XM Radio, ECA, They will also be giving away prizes, but no details on what they are giving away has been disclosed. Read More...
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355 Scion in Maryland Holds $1000 Street Fighter IV Tournament
by Michael Camacho [ Friday, 19th of June 2009 - 02:09 AM ]
So you think you are good at Street Fighter IV? $1000 good? Because that's what you can win if you put your money where your mouth is. Which if you buy tickets now, will only be $10 to possibly take home that $1000 grand prize. 355 Scion in Rockville is once again holding their annual gaming tournament. After a great success last year, you definitely have to come out for Street Fighter IV this year. Some of our writers will be attending including myself, so look forward to seeing everyone there. Read More...
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Unreally Back In Black
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 27th of May 2009 - 04:36 PM ]
Details On and Free Play of Unreal Tournament Black Just when you thought you were not going to have anything good to hold you over until the news from E3 starts rolling out next week, Epic Games and Steam hook us all up. Hook us up with free play weekend for Unreal Tournament Black. Not just a free play weekend, but a free play four day weekend, for those who have yet to actually pick up this title. Also so you don't miss out on any of the free time at all, you can start loading the game right now so when the clock strikes midnight you can hop in and go to town enjoying this game. Enjoy it you will. Read More...
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Titans Join the Tournament
by Jesse [ Friday, 6th of March 2009 - 10:13 PM ]
            A little over a year ago, Midway and Epic Games released the highly anticipated Unreal Tournament III. The game, which was awesome to begin with, was made even better by the release of a free map pack. Now, even with the financial problems Midway is suffering from, another free downloadable pack is coming to the PC and PS3 versions of the game. The really exciting thing is just in the huge amount of content that’s available. Firstly there are 11 new maps spread out across Warfare, Deathmatch, CTF (Capture the Flag), and Vehicle CTF to compete on. Read More...
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