The Titan Pack will include the all new “Titan Mutator” as well. Activating this mutator will allow players to grow in size as they do better with the final size being 15 feet. Along with the size, players will be rewarded with every power up in the game once they’ve maxed out. Along with the mutator, there are two new deployable items in the X-Ray Field and Link Station. A deadly new vehicle called the Stealthbender will also debut in the Titan Pack. The vehicle, which can render itself invisible, also features a Link Station, X-Ray Field, Spidermine traps, and an EMP mine which means you’ll be able to bring a whole new level of destruction. Lastly among the new content is the inclusion of the deployable Eradicator Cannon and Stinger Turret. These babies are designed for one things and that’s protecting your most valuable assets on the battlefield.
All the new content that’s coming in is more than enough to get any UT fan excited, but there’s more. Previously 360 fans enjoyed exclusive access to 5 maps as well as 2 additional characters Nova and Kana. The Titan Pack will change that making it available to everyone. PC owners should rejoice as the pack was made available yesterday, March 5th, while PS3 owners will unfortunately have to wait until March 27th. However, there is good news for the PS3 as a patch that was scheduled to be released yesterday along with the Titan Pack made the deadline. The update features Trophies and a split-screen multiplayer function. For everything that’s coming down the pipe with a price tag of “Free”, I’ve got no problem waiting 3 more weeks.