I can hear the groans already coming for Trans-Galactic Tournament as we have the words Free-To-Play and MOBA being thrown around for this new PS4 game. If you can try to look past all of that for a moment you may be able to see the game that Kiz Studios is working that should really be labeled "What if the Star Wars cantina starred in an 80’s cartoon, which suddenly broke out into a football match, which suddenly broke out into WrestleMania?" I only really see a little of any of that in the following gameplay trailer for Trans-Galactic Tournament but maybe I am already jaded by the original label that comes with the stigma for free.
To be honest Trans-Galactic Tournament sounds to be a lot like your standard MOBA style games. It will be coming with three multiplayer modes, six arenas, and ten Champions to lead into the free for all battles we all know this will turn into. For good or ill this could be the next free title that keeps up playing on our PS4s between major releases. Or hells, it could be the next MOBA title that takes us all into a new golden age of MOBA tournaments. That's a thing right? I'm pretty sure it is a thing. It's a thing now.
Trans-Galactic Tournament — Gameplay Trailer
The developers do go into a little more detail on their favorite characters for Trans-Galactic Tournament, two to be honest, over on the PS Blog but almost everything you need to know is encapsulated in the above video for the game. I am sure that we will be seeing and hearing more on Trans-Galactic Tournament as time moves on but I would really love to see the original design documents to see how far Kiz Studios is going to deviate to make sure Trans-Galactic Tournament is a game we can keep playing and not "paying to win."
Do you want a MOBA on the PS4? Does Trans-Galactic Tournament tickle any fancies of yours? Will this see the same fate that Load Out and MAG looked to fall into? Have you even played those games? Let us know down in the comments.