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Time To Join The Trans-Galactic Tournament A F2P MOBA On PS4
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 16th of April 2015 - 07:01 PM ]
We now have our first look at Trans-Galactic Tournament, a free to play MOBA coming for the PS4 from Kiz Studios I can hear the groans already coming for Trans-Galactic Tournament as we have the words Free-To-Play and MOBA being thrown around for this new PS4 game. If you can try to look past all of that for a moment you may be able to see the game that Kiz Studios is working that should really be labeled "What if the Star Wars cantina starred in an 80’s cartoon, which suddenly broke out into a football match, which suddenly broke out into WrestleMania?" I only really see a little of any of that in the following gameplay trailer for Trans-Galactic Tournament but maybe I am already jaded by the original label that comes with the stigma for free. To be honest Trans-Galactic Tournament sounds to be a lot like your standard MOBA style games. Read More...
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E3 2014 Hands On: Battlecry
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 13th of June 2014 - 11:00 PM ]
While At E3 I Got To See Battlecry In A More Intimate Setting Than Just The Trailer. Here's My Take On It Announced just before E3 we have Battlecry from Bethesda and BattleCry Studios. This is the new title that is a 32 player multiplayer hack 'n' slash title where players take on the role of one of five classes from one of three different factions in the game. Up until now we only had a nice CGI trailer for the game and a few screen shots that showed off the cell shaded looking world of visceral combat. Luckily it was also available to play while on the floor of E3 and I got to play quite a few matches of the game as one of the enforcers in the game. Read More...
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BattleCry Studios Has Announced Their First Title…Battlecry
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 28th of May 2014 - 05:00 PM ]
Bethesda and BattleCry Studios have just announced the studio's first title Battlecry in wonderful CG trailer form. Some of you may have heard of BattleCry Studios being founded back in 2012. Some of you, maybe not. None the less after two years of being in service it looks like we are getting a look at the developer's first title that just also happens to share the company's name; Battlecry. Not many points on being creative in naming either the title or the company but at least most of us will never forget one or the other. Hopefully Battlecry doesn't suck or the studio will always have to live with the stigma. Read More...
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Harmonix Is Making A FPS Called Chroma? Say What?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 19th of February 2014 - 08:00 PM ]
Chroma is the latest title that has been announced from Harmonix; the minds behind Rock Band… When you hear that Harmonix is working on a new title one would think some kind of rhythm title and not an FPS but that is what we are getting with the recently announced Chroma. Yes, the Rock Band/Dance Central legends are moving on to a FPS. Granted it is a 'music-driven' FPS title but still. This is not completely what I expected from the company. Read More...
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E3 2012 Hands On: Neverwinter
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 13th of June 2012 - 11:29 PM ]
Talk about another title that wasn't on my radar until I got a chance to sit down and actually have some good hands on with. The title in the instance is Neverwinter. Another attempt at making the perfect version of Dungeons&Dragons into an interactive video game. In this attempt though, I feel that they are just about spot on with what I was able to play. Just as a heads up, I was only able to get handsie with the Wizard class, although it felt more like a Sorcerer. The first thing I have to say that impressed me was the fact that the game deviates from the "tab" based combat system and takes on a very active based one. Read More...
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Trion Announces End Of Nations Will Be Free To Play
by Corey Dockendorf [ Wednesday, 24th of August 2011 - 10:46 PM ]
End Of Nations is Trion World's highly anticipated MMORTS which is still in the works, but that's not going to stop them from making some major announcements. Trion games announced yesterday that End Of Nations will now embrace the very popular free to play business model. Like all other Free to play titles, EoN will feature micro-transactions along with an optional "subscription" feature. Free players will have access to "the entire game" according to Trion, including its 50 person Multiplayer battles, full single player mode and player customization. Trion also stated that there will be no restrictions or level caps for free players. Read More...
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Lord Of The Rings Online Free-To-Play Goes Live Sept 10th
by Brian Bentley [ Wednesday, 18th of August 2010 - 11:05 PM ]
Looks like players of Lord of the Rings Online will not have to wait much longer for the highly anticipated Free-to-Play content update. Today it was announced that Turbine will be releasing the update on September 10th. The entire free-to-play structure has been under close scrutiny by fans and the press alike. In response to that, Turbine has conducted a fairly long beta test of the new material. The update is not made up of just the new economic model. Read More...
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