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Best Black Friday Buys
by Kevin [ Sunday, 22nd of November 2009 - 01:22 AM ]
Best Buy has made their Black Friday deals known, and so far, it's shaping up to be a pretty solid list of savings for gamers. Now, I'm sure most of these are already owned by the majority of you out there, however, if you've been holding off picking some of these older titles up, or if you've traded them in and want them back - Black Friday will be a great day for you. You can check out the full listing here. Here are some highlights: Assassin's Creed (PC) - $4. Read More...
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A Better Buy?
by Kevin [ Monday, 10th of August 2009 - 02:05 PM ]
A very interesting tidbit came across my inbox this morning. At a Best Buy in Utah, there are some potentially devastating moves going on. Probably more of a test run than anything else. Best Buy is quoted on their in-store advertisement as saying, "Best Buy now price matches new video games at used prices from GameStop or Game Crazy." Thus far this has been the only store with such an ad reported, but the effects of this could be very far-reaching. Imagine just walking into a Best Buy with your GameStop weekly ad and utilizing the deal. Read More...
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A Reason To, And Not To, Go To GameStop
by Ben Brody [ Sunday, 9th of August 2009 - 03:59 AM ]
So here's why you should go to GameStop. So you want to play Madden NFL 10, who doesn't. Be the first to play it on Monday, as your local GameStop will be playing it in their PS3 demo unit. I have confirmed with several GameStop employees that they have received a PS3 version of the full game and will be putting it in their system after close on Sunday (I'm going to assume some are going to play it earlier). While playing it at E3 (keep in mind this was in no way a finished version of the game) I couldn't help but notice the fact that every single play seemed to include the gang tackles. While it was nice to show off the new feature of the game, EVERY SINGLE tackle was a gang tackle, something that is completely unrealistic, perhaps it was because they wanted to show off the new feature, but if it is in the final version of the game I will be very disappointed. Read More...
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DC Metro Area Scion Street Fighter IV Tournament Update
by Michael Camacho [ Monday, 6th of July 2009 - 11:29 PM ]
The latest updates on the 355 Scion Street Fighter IV Tournament taking place on August 2nd in Rockville, Maryland are here. New sponsors, tournament rules and the addition of two contestants have been revealed. Don't forget to register now for only $10 to win $1000 and more.Best Buy has now signed on as an official sponsor for the tournament, joining Red Bull, XM Radio, ECA, They will also be giving away prizes, but no details on what they are giving away has been disclosed. Read More...
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Ghostbusters: The Video Game Preorders
by Jesse [ Thursday, 4th of June 2009 - 06:30 AM ]
June 16th is just a little under two weeks away and Ghostbusters fans couldn’t be more excited. The highly anticipated release of the Blu-Ray editions are almost here, but more importantly so is the upcoming Ghostbusters: The Video Game. You’ll all the members of the original crew as a rookie trying to help rid New York of all sorts of ghostly ghouls. Doing their part to help hype the game’s release, Gamestop, Best Buy, Wal-mart/Sam’s Club, and are all offering preorder bonuses. Read More...
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Best Buy Hooking Up Gamers
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 24th of April 2009 - 04:11 PM ]
$10 Games From Best Buy It's been said a billion times over that we gamers all like to have our habits be cheap. I mean who wouldn't right? What better than getting a load of titles on sale for dirt cheap, comparative to the normal costs? Like 1/5 to 1/6 the normal cost of a normal launch price for a game. If you wouldn't, then throw down that disposable income to people like myself who could always use a little extra scratch. Or maybe help out some charitable organization like the GHMF (Give Hade Money Fund). Read More...
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Buy any Xbox Live Card from Best Buy and see Watchmen for free
by Sam [ Tuesday, 3rd of March 2009 - 03:08 AM ]
Best Buy is offering a great deal for all the Xbox Live users who want to see the upcoming comic movie "Watchmen" on March 6th for free. This is one of those special things that are just too darn good to ignore.Best Buy is giving out 2 free tickets for the movie "Watchmen" when you purchase an Xbox 360 console or any Xbox Live product, such as a Xbox Live time card or a network adapter. If you spend $50 on a "12-Month Messenger Gold Pack", not only will you still get the tickets for "Watchmen", but they will also throw in a controller chat pad, a Xbox Live headset and the game Project Gothem Racing 4. But if you don't want to spend that kind of money you can always get the 3-month card or possibly even the 1-month card. Read More...
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My Week's Top 7
by Amanda [ Saturday, 7th of February 2009 - 02:15 AM ]
Well, folks. It's hard to find time to write with everything going-on, especially when I'm responsible for other things! There's a lot happening in the gaming world; from the wtf to the omfg to the lmfao, there's obviously a lot of deets to dish on. Whether the news is piping hot or it's been around the block a few times like a fine whore, I hope I can give you a little insight into the realm of the gossiping moms, noobs, updates, etc etc.Taurens don't ride raptors 1Well, they do now. That's right, with the release of the new WoW patch, race isn't an issue when selecting a mount. Read More...
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Two Months Of Retribution!
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 16th of January 2009 - 05:08 PM ]
Try Resistance: Retribution Two Months Before It Comes Out! Here is some good news for you that are addicted to Resistance. Like addicted to the point where you can't wait for the new PSP game that will help flesh out the story of the over all game. Also addicted to the point that you are pre-ordering the game. Yes, that sounds sarcastic, but I am not trying to poke fun. I swear. Read More...
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Best Buy's Wii for Women In-Store Event
by Aaron BlueWolf72 Molloy [ Thursday, 27th of March 2008 - 12:10 AM ]
Ladies, Best Buy is holding a Wii for Women In-Store Event this coming Sunday. On Sunday, March 30th, Best Buy will host the event from 1pm-4pm. Those who attend will have a chance to win a good size amount of prizes which include a Wii console, GPS Unit, or a spa gift card (6 gift cards per store). These prizes will come from a random drawing throughout the day. See Best Buy stores that are participating by clicking here. Read More...
Tags: Best Buy,
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More Good HD-DVD News
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 20th of March 2008 - 06:24 PM ]
Best Buy Is Onboard With Reimbursing For HD Ok, so 2 weeks ago I mentioned about how Circuit City is helping those who got shafted with an HD player. Click Here to read. But it looks like Best Buy is going to hook up the cut as well, and then some. I love to see how one company is trying to one up the other and us consumers can reap the benni from it. So here's the skinny. First, they are going to be sending out $50 gift cards to people who bought HD players or HD-DVD Attachments. Read More...
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