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Terror Is Kicking Off Soon With An Early Access For Horror Stories: Harvest Hunt
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 7th of July 2023 - 09:00 PM ]
Horror Stories Horror Stories are going to be a bit more abound here soon with Horror Stories: Harvest Hunt hitting Early Access The joke out there currently is that we are in a time of horror now that the usual Summer holidays are over, and it is only made more legitimate by an announcement like this for Horror Stories: Harvest Hunt. This is the upcoming stealth survival horror title that Villainous Games Studio has been working on for the PC. Now, on July 26th, we will get a chance to see what the game has come with it as it heads into Early Access. Read More...
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Blindfold Is Making Its Way Over To The PSVR
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 26th of August 2019 - 07:00 PM ]
Blindfold The VR title, Blindfold, is making its way to the PSVR platform to give more gamers the experience that Blindfold holds within If you feel like you were missing out on some of the fun in the VR space in terms of Blindfold, you are in luck as it is now heading to more platforms soon. In fact, it looks like Digerati is bringing the game over the PSVR platform on September 3rd. For those who want to go through the whole process of the experience and see, or not see, what Blindfold has in store for us all. It has been out there for the various PC VR platforms so it is not completely new, but there is still some mystery for those who have missed out thus far. Read More...
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My Week's Top 7
by Amanda [ Saturday, 7th of February 2009 - 02:15 AM ]
Well, folks. It's hard to find time to write with everything going-on, especially when I'm responsible for other things! There's a lot happening in the gaming world; from the wtf to the omfg to the lmfao, there's obviously a lot of deets to dish on. Whether the news is piping hot or it's been around the block a few times like a fine whore, I hope I can give you a little insight into the realm of the gossiping moms, noobs, updates, etc etc.Taurens don't ride raptors 1Well, they do now. That's right, with the release of the new WoW patch, race isn't an issue when selecting a mount. Read More...
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