Well, they do now. That's right, with the release of the new WoW patch, race isn't an issue when selecting a mount. It's that easy, no reputation involved. Even if the mount looks ready to collapse, it won't because...you know, it's just a game? Check-out the latest patch notes here. What do you think is the most redonkulous mount? I vote mechanical chicken!
Everyone knows the battle between mother and her gamer will never turn out pretty. Well, this time we add a little fiesta to the mix, because obviously the damn tacos were feeling left out. FirstCoastNews.com reports :
"According to the Volusia County Sheriff's Office, 54-year-old Dena Moir told her son, Zachary, several times to come downstairs for dinner. When he didn't respond, she went upstairs and unplugged his Xbox. She told deputies her son pushed her, called her names and ordered her out of his room.
Zachary later went to the kitchen and threw his taco in his mother's face."
When it's your nineteen your old son, I'd probably see about reflecting that taco with a sweet, aerial combo. Or maybe, stop paying his car insurance or something. I bet that taco is feelin' pretty good about himself now.
"Zachary Moir is being held without bail in the Volusia County Branch Jail. He's charged with domestic violence battery."
Lesson here? Just refrain from throwing tacos at your mom. If her interruption killed you on L4D expert, then go ahead.
Omfg HALP in 3D??? 3
Speaking of Valve's own Left 4 Dead, the zombie apocalypse gets a little too intense on Expert. Not only that, but you basically have to be a pansy and run from tanks in order to survive. I think it's like two shots and your down and out.
I've also come to notice that the majority of people I've co-op'd with over XBL have no idea what the hell they're doing and end-up dying from a Horde of zombies on Normal. A little embarrassing if not UNNECESSARY. Tips: a) don't run toward the tank. b) don't dance around the witch for fun c) stop running off, getting killed, and wasting my damn health packs. d) shoot the Hunter, NOT ME. Some guy used nine health packs for one chapter. NINE. Thank you!
So, for all the Left 4 Dead bums and gurus, whats YOUR strategy for making it to the hospital, helicopter, train, all of the above, yadda, yadda? I'd like to hear it. Do you already own the "What are you trying to prove?" achievement?
P.S. You can play L4D in 3D. Deets here.
EA Buys Moar Rights 4
Electronic Arts has got their finger up everyone booty once again, all to their advantage.
The game is is currently in development with the aid of Matt Wolf, an industry veteran who began is career at EA in 1992.
"Ludlum Entertainment has granted the company exclusive worldwide license to create video games based on the works of Robert Ludlum, including the Jason Bourne series."
Zombies at Best Buy? ORLY? 5
It's true, apparently even Best Buy can be cool. Too bad Pennsylvania has the coolest Best Buy in the world. Other not-so-cool Best Buys should definitely take notes for their upcoming Launches.
Kotaku.com reports:
"On March 13, the Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania Best Buy will convert part of their store into a haunted house. They will be dressing up employees as zombies, turning their bank of televisions to eerie no-signal snow and even putting a person in a potato-sack mask and giving them a chainsaw, all to celebrate the launch of Resident Evil 5... and maybe sell a few copies of the game."
"You want to get away from midnight releases, that's stale, that's old," said Dave Partenio, supervisor of gaming and media at the store. "We want to have a premiere game party for this game."
I can agree with you, sir. I get a little agitated when my only goal for the night is taking a trip down to Gamestop and waiting with all those dull, tired people in-line just so they can play for an hour and go to bed. Kudos to you, Dave.
For fans of Marvel, Iron Man 2 is already in the works. Virtualization reports:
“We are thrilled to build on the success of the Iron Man phenomenon and work with Marvel and Paramount on another epic project,” says Simon Jeffery, President of SEGA of America, Inc. “SEGA and Marvel are collaborating closely to ensure we deliver an authentic Iron Man experience.”
Any opinions on SEGA? I'm not someone who goes out at spends 59.99 on a super-hero video-game. That's just me, though.
Viol3nCE 7
According to the 2008 sales round-up, Nintendo came out on-top with title Mario Kart Wii at 8.94 million copies. Combining the top 5 video-games sales for Nintendo, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Wii Fit along with Mario Kart Wii have earned a heap of dough for Nintendo with a combined gross of over 22 million copies.
Spot #3 goes to Grand Theft Auto IV followed by Call Of Duty just at spot #5. This is a little strange to me, considering the major difference in subject matter. Obviously GTA is something the majority of parents won't hand to their kids, but Mario Kart on the other hand is something we've been playing since we were ye high. Though I am not surprised, I found an article on "testing" the theory: Do people gravitate to violent video-games?
"Researchers at the University of Rochester and the think-tank and consultancy company Immersyve, based in Orlando, Fla., reached their conclusions after conducting two surveys of 2,670 frequent game players and four experiments involving more than 300 undergraduates.
author Andrew Przybylski, a graduate student in social psychology, said
they began the project after noting the popularity of games like "World
of Warcraft," "Halo 3" and "Team Fortress 2," which have a "good deal
of violent content."
"So we wanted to know if the violent content by itself was motivating because these games also do offer compelling challenges and stories," he said from Rochester, N.Y.
"We found that, on average, violent content didn't add to motivation for play."
I honestly think this is in the realm of being totally obvious. I never picked-up a game for it's gore content and I think the majority of gamers just want good games. If GTA and CoD are violent, they're still going to be purchased. Why? They're good games.
What about you? Hungry for gore?