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Bethesda Is Going To Show You The Evil Within
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 19th of April 2013 - 09:05 PM ]
Given all the horror and evil in the world right now it seems perfect time to announce Bethesda and Tango Gameworks' new title The Evil Within. This is what the Bethesda has been teasing with the Vine clips they have been posting. You can see the full announcement trailer below if you are finished with being teased. So far, details are extremely sparse on TEW. Outside of the announcement and following images, the only other concrete detail is that it is being helmed by Shinji Mikami. Read More...
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Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag - Game Play Trailer
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 28th of March 2013 - 11:19 PM ]
Earlier this month we had the official announcement of Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag with not much to go on other than the time period of the story and the culture it is based around. During the reign of Blackbeard and pirates for those who are just now following along. No matter which you are, we now have a bit of game play from Black Flag and it looks like Ubisoft is trying to focus on the naval combat that debuted back in ACIII not so very long ago. It also looks like we will get to punch sharks in the gills during underwater scenes of the game, so there is also that. I'll be honest; I have yet to actually play AC III nor any of the 'spin off' titles that launched alongside so I have no clue how well or poorly this new mechanic actually handled in the games. Read More...
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Assassin's Creed IV Accidentally Then Officially Announced
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 4th of March 2013 - 07:45 PM ]
It has been made official; Assassin's Creed IV is coming just about a year after AC3 has landed. It was originally rumored with the below trailer teasing it last week, but since the cat was let out of the bag it looks like Ubisoft isn't keeping it hidden any more. The video is now to be considered the official announcement of AC4 along with the release date of November 1st 2013. That adds another title to the PS4's launch lineup it would seem. Now for the interesting part, it looks like Ubisoft is breaking from the theme of traveling forward in history with each new AC title as we will be playing during the time of Blackbeard. Read More...
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Now That We've Had Some Time, Let's Talk PS4
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 26th of February 2013 - 01:45 AM ]
It's been a bit of time since Sony held its huge press conference where the PS4 was officially announced. They let loose the proposed specs for the new machine as well as a quick look at the Dual Shock 4, new services, and a few games that will be coming this holiday season. With the announcements comes a bit of wonder and excitement, as I am sure Sony wants, but should we blindly follow along and get ready to drop upwards of $600 this November? I've had some time to reflect and let the initial excitement subside, so let me bring up a few things I took away and pondered on. If for some reason you missed it, as I did, you want to check what I'm talking about, or you just don't care for the words and just want to watch it again, the video is below. Read More...
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Sony's New Patent Could Put An End To Used Games
by Greg Tatterfield [ Friday, 4th of January 2013 - 06:52 PM ]
Used games have been a sore spot with game companies for a long time now. For most gamers used games are a great way to save money or play a game that they may have missed. However If Sony has anything to say about it this trend may be coming to an end soon. Sony has filed a patent for a new technology that will block used games from being played on Sony's consoles. The new system works by reading a tag embedded on the game disk and then linking to the player ID and the user’s console. After the tag has been linked to the first console that the game was played on any future attempt to play the game on another user’s console will not work. Read More...
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Putting The PS4 Rumors To Rest
by Binh Nguyen [ Thursday, 10th of June 2010 - 05:40 PM ]
So it has been an interesting past couple of days with the two video “leaked” from the YouTube channel “SCELabs.” They had people wondering in regards to if Sony is actually going to be announcing PlayStation 4 or if it was something for th 3D gaming patch. Well, it isn't for the PS4. Shocker huh? Al de Leon, Sony hardware PR representative said, “I can confirm that this video is not from SCE (Sony Computer Entertainment).” My Take: Well at least we know that the videos are a complete fake and we do not have to wonder any more. Read More...
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[Rumor] PlayStation 4? Is This For Real?
by Binh Nguyen [ Wednesday, 9th of June 2010 - 11:23 PM ]
Yesterday I reported about a video that was “leaked” in regards if Sony is going to be announcing a new console or working on 3D gaming with the current PlayStation 3. Today we have the second “leaked” video for your viewing pleasure. In this video you will see a man sitting in his chair staring at the screen while two Japanese lab workers asking if he was ready. After he puts on headphones and a pair of what appears to be cheap 3D glasses, they turn on a machine and the fun begins. Images start to show and the man looks like he is seeing the images up close and personal. Read More...
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[Rumor] PlayStation 4? Already?
by Binh Nguyen [ Tuesday, 8th of June 2010 - 04:48 PM ]
Yeah, you read that title right. The video you are about to watch is spreading around like wildfire. Or not. In the video you will see the camera man running through the halls via Blair Witch/Cloverfield style as he is in a hurried to get something on camera. The camera man and two others enter a room where a man is laying on the floor like he was sprayed with laughing gas from the Joker. On the screen you will see the PlayStation logo, unlike we have seen the logo before. Then it cuts to where it says PS4 V 3. Read More...
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