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Be Happy To Still Be Alive In The Spider’s Thread Out In Ghostwire: Tokyo
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 13th of April 2023 - 05:00 PM ]
Ghostwire The Ghostwire: Tokyo update is out there now and we can head into the Spider’s Thread for some new Ghostwire gameplay The updates keep flowing out there for Ghostwire: Tokyo as we carry on with the cycle for it all. This time it is for the release of the Xbox Series X|S version of the game, but Tango Gameworks is not leaving the PS5 and PC fans out there too. The Spider's Thread update for Ghostwire: Tokyo has now launched and we get a sample of just what that means just below. Given some of the new specters coming for us out there, it does look like it will be a spooky old time in the mix. Read More...
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Ghostwire: Tokyo Is Spinning A New Web For Another Platform
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 15th of March 2023 - 09:00 PM ]
Ghostwire A new update for Ghostwire: Tokyo is on the way to us all as we get ready to see Ghostwire: Tokyo land on the Xbox systems The updates are always flowing out there for Ghostwire: Tokyo and on April 12th it looks like we are getting one more out there. A new and free update from Tango Gameworks that will be adding a whole lot of new content to the world. All with the usual new enemies and skills for us to fight and use in Ghostwire: Tokyo along with a new location filled with all of that and a new challenge that will have us navigating a thirty-stage gauntlet in the world. All on the PS5 and PC as we have seen for all of the DLC up to now too. Read More...
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Hi-Fi RUSH Blasts Out There To Give All A New Type Of Rhythm Game
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 26th of January 2023 - 06:00 PM ]
Hi-Fi RUSH A new rhythm title, Hi-Fi RUSH, is announced & launched out there with Hi-Fi RUSH mixing things up a bit It is always a weird thing when video games are able to get slipped out there with no hype to build up to, but that is just what Tango Gameworks did when they announced and launched Hi-Fi RUSH here. This is the next major title that they have been working on and it is also a major shift in the genre of titles they do. This one is a hyper-stylized, flashy, and upbeat (pun intended) title instead of the dark and dreary one. Read More...
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Ghostwire: Tokyo Finally Lets You Take Some Glorious New Photos Out There
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 10th of October 2022 - 09:00 PM ]
Ghostwire A new update for Ghostwire: Tokyo is out that adds in a robust Photo Mode into the fun of Ghostwire: Tokyo The update that many of you have been waiting for to come to Ghostwire: Tokyo is finally here. The new Photo Mode for the game is done and out there from Tango Gameworks so you can make sure to be able to capture all of those sick moments in the game on the PS4, PS5, and PC. At least capture them all in a form that you would rather want than just a well-timed screenshot of the action going on. That has been an option since Ghostwire: Tokyo, but that almost always came down to the luck of the draw instead of being able to stage a great shot using the assets that the team has carefully placed in the game in the first place. Read More...
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Ghostwire: Tokyo Is Going To Take Full Advantage Of The PS5
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 15th of March 2022 - 07:00 PM ]
Ghostwire New details for Ghostwire: Tokyo are here to show off a bit on how Ghostwire will use the features that the PS5 offers up With Ghostwire: Tokyo hitting the PS5 on March 25th, it should come as no surprise that the game is going to try to take full advantage of the hardware and features that it has. Not just in the visual and performance arenas, but we are talking in the extra levels of immersion that Tango Gameworks can offer up with the controller as well. It may not seem like much, but this can add some extra levels into a game if it is done correctly. Read More...
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Ghostwire: Tokyo Is Going To Have Us Hunting For More Truth
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 10th of March 2022 - 08:00 PM ]
Ghostwire Ghostwire: Tokyo offers us all one more look at Ghostwire before we head out to experience it all By now you should have had a chance to play the small bit out there for Ghostwire: Tokyo on the PS5 and now we have a bit more to see as we gear up for the game's launch. Tango Gameworks has done an amazing job of hyping the game up while keeping so much shrouded in mystery that I cannot wait for March 25th to get here so we can all experience what the game has to offer. That is also why I am glad to offer up the latest for Ghostwire: Tokyo that takes us all a bit further into the odd world with more teases of what is to come. More of the underworld needs to be explored here and more of the entities need to be put to rest for good, and that is what we have to look at now. Read More...
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Ghostwire: Tokyo Is Ready To Give You A Prelude To Its Release
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 1st of March 2022 - 08:00 PM ]
Ghostwire Ghostwire: Tokyo is dropping a new prelude chapter out there to get us all amped up for Ghostwire: Tokyo’s release It looks as if we are going to get a little more of a taste for Ghostwire: Tokyo earlier than we thought. The game is still hitting the PS4, PS5, and PC on March 25th or 22nd for those that pre-order, but right now you can get a little helping of what Tango Gameworks has cooked up. Those looking to see what Ghostwire: Tokyo is all about can head out there and download the prelude chapter for the game on the consoles and give it all a go. The PC will have the option to do this too, but you will have to wait until March 8th to actually play it for yourself. Read More...
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Ghostwire: Tokyo Is Officially Creeping Out There This March
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 4th of February 2022 - 08:00 PM ]
Ghostwire The release date for Ghostwire: Tokyo is now set down and we can look at some of the gameplay for Ghostwire: Tokyo It is time to get a massive surprise for those looking forward to the release of Ghostwire: Tokyo on the PS5 and PC. The wait will be coming to a close soon and well within the 2022 timeline that was given. Seemingly out of nowhere, Tango Gameworks has dropped the release date on us and Bethesda is getting those preorder packs ready. All so we can enjoy Ghostwire: Tokyo on March 25th now. Read More...
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The Evil Within 2 Is Giving First-Person A Go Here
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 14th of February 2018 - 06:00 PM ]
The Evil Within 2 A new update for The Evil Within 2 is bringing first-person gameplay into The Evil Within 2 so you can get a feel for exactly what Sebastian is seeing There is a new way to play The Evil Within 2 coming today (2/14/18) as it looks like Tango Gameworks has given us all the option to play the whole game again in first-person mode. That is right, you will get to hop right into the head of Sebastian and see exactly what he is seeing in the game and give you a new way to play everything. I am a bit surprised that The Evil Within 2 is not getting a full VR release as it looks like Bethesda is doing for all of their huge games as of late, but maybe that is still coming. Read More...
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Let Us Look At A Day In The Life Of The Evil Within 2
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 27th of October 2017 - 09:00 PM ]
The Evil Within 2 New 360 videos for The Evil Within 2 will help you get further immersed in The Evil Within 2 just in time for the Halloween Weekend By now you have most likely been playing and enjoying The Evil Within 2. If not, then I am going to assume you just have not had the time or Tango Gameworks has made a title that is not for you and you are not a fan of horror at all. That is really the only two ways to go about it at this point. If you are not sure which side of the coin you are currently resting on though, it looks like Bethesda has released a few more fun videos for The Evil Within 2 to help you figure things out. Read More...
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Enough Art School Bull, Lets Have The Evil Within 2 Launch
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 11th of October 2017 - 05:00 PM ]
The Evil Within We have a new trailer for The Evil Within 2 just before the launch as well as a look at the first 15-minutes of The Evil Within 2 In only a few days now we will be diving into The Evil Within 2 and it has been one crazy ride from the announcement until now with so much being thrown out at us in such a short time. I am not complaining at all on this and I am still insanely excited to dig into what Tango Gameworks has for us here on Friday. Even more so now that we have yet another massive look at The Evil Within 2 through the launch trailer that Bethesda has just thrown out there as well as loads of "first impression" videos from all of the other preferred media outlets out there. Read More...
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The Wrathful, “Righteous” Priest Of The Evil Within 2 Is Calling To Us
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 27th of September 2017 - 07:00 PM ]
The Evil Within Another character we will face in The Evil Within 2 has been revealed to us and this one seems tied greatly to the full story of The Evil Within 2 It is time to add another creepy character to The Evil Within 2 as here we have Father Theodore showing his face and some motives in the grander scheme of things. Details on that have been withheld, as it would spoil the game's story and surprises, something that I am sure Tango Gameworks would not be too happy about if we did even if Bethesda sent over all of that information. In the end, no huge spoilers for The Evil Within 2 here and if you really wanted them, then you will have to wait until after October 13th when the game loads up on the Xbox One, PS4, and PC. Read More...
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The Evil Within 2 Gets A Whole Lot Of Gameplay To Dissect
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 22nd of September 2017 - 07:00 PM ]
The Evil Within 2 Previews of The Evil Within 2 are out there and they show off quite a bit of The Evil Within 2 in terms of bosses and puzzles to expect More of The Evil Within 2 is here to be shown off as many of the larger outlets out there have been given yet another sample of the game just a few weeks before launch. Hells, they could already have the game in hand as Bethesda is launching it all on October 13th so it would make sense that Tango Gameworks is done and now the media train is rolling. No matter the case, all of these previews for The Evil Within 2 are there and also bringing us a whole lot of new gameplay to look at and break down. Read More...
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The Evil Within 2 Looks To Ramping Up Some Of The Action Now
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 12th of September 2017 - 09:00 PM ]
The Evil Within Another trailer for The Evil Within 2 is here and it shows a bit more of the action we can expect mixed into The Evil Within 2 when it launches If you like to have a lot of action in your horror games, then get ready to add The Evil Within 2 into the mix as the latest trailer definitely shows that there will be plenty of that mixed into the final game. Not that Tango Gameworks is going out of their way to make this game in that vein, but it certainly looks like there will be more of it in this title when compared to the prior one. So far, The Evil Within IP has been more of the true horror side of the spectrum, but maybe this was a call from on high over at Bethesda. Read More...
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Don't Look Back In The Evil Within 2 Or The Guardian Will Get You
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 1st of September 2017 - 05:00 PM ]
The Evil Within A new nightmare for The Evil Within 2 is here and looks to bring Sebastian's life to a quick end in The Evil Within 2 if he does not keep moving Before you carry on with this new update for The Evil Within 2, you may want to make sure you have a fresh set of underpants ready as it is for a new monstrosity that will be chasing us down. We are not talking about a basic monster here, but one of the more insane and frightening ones that Tango Gameworks is cooking up for us here. Something that they have labeled as the Gruesome, Giggling Guardian for The Evil Within 2 that pretty much fits the bill on all of the verbs used there for it. Read More...
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