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PlayStation 4 Owners In For A Surprise At Launch
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 8th of November 2013 - 07:53 PM ]
PlayStation 4 Owners Will Be Getting A Nice Little Surprise With Their New Console…Free PS+, PSN Funds, And A Music Unlimited Trial Isn't this a nice way to make sure everyone who purchases a PlayStation 4 at launch is a little more pleased? Everyone who gets the new console is going to have the three vouchers depicted in the image to the right in the box. That's right. You will be getting a free $10 to the PSN so you can upgrade CoD or AC4 for free or purchase anything else you may want to spend $10 on. Read More...
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Valve Announces Portal For Free
by Brian Goodman [ Friday, 14th of May 2010 - 04:40 PM ]
In celebration of the delayed release of Valve's popular digital distribution platform on the Mac, it has been announced that until May 24th you can download the 2007 cult hit Portal for free on either PC or Mac. If you're like me and refused to buy the Orange Box when it came out because it forced you to buy two games you already bought, but STILL love the brilliant blend of flawless mechanics, dark humor, and perfect pacing of Portal, this is great news. If you are one of the three people reading this who haven't played through arguably the best three-plus hours of gaming ever, now you have no excuse. Also posted is this hilarious ad (seen below) to promote the free release. Read More...
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Play God And Win Prizes
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 3rd of July 2008 - 04:39 PM ]
Spore Creator Contest Do you like creating new creatures with Spore? I'm sure most of you do. If not, then where is your god complex? Everyone needs one of those. Here is you chance to get the complex together and win a few great prizes. At least if you are a competent god, instead of a just god. Remember to have a sense of humor about things. Watch Dogma if you need to see why. Read More...
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