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Shadow Boxing In Marvel Vs Capcom 3?
by Andy [ Tuesday, 8th of February 2011 - 11:52 PM ]
Ok, so here is a nice little twist to things on the MvC3 front. It looks like there is a bit more DLC already planned after launch of the game. This DLC won't be new characters, but it will bring new challengers to the table. New challengers in the form of a Shadow Mode for the game. What is Shadow Mode? It is a way that Capcom can allow users at home to download AI opponents programmed after the techniques and preferences of Capcom's development staff and famous players from the fighting game scene. So you can technically practice without leaving your gaming chair nor have to invite these people over or wait for their time to be free enough to play online against you. Read More...
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Rift Open Beta Starts February 15th
by Corey Dockendorf [ Tuesday, 8th of February 2011 - 09:45 PM ]
This past weekend gave us the 6th beta test for Rift, the latest MMO title by Trion games. Probably one of the more successful stress tests I've seen so far. Now not even 24 hours after the beta closed we get news that an open beta will be available starting next week! Not only that, there is loot to be had for those brave enough to delve deep into the dungeons! Players who can defeat ANY dungeon boss could be entered to win a brand new NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 video card. Ten other lucky entrants will win an In-Game Prize packs for just killing dungeon bosses. Read More...
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New Deus Ex Visuals That Make You Go Hmm...
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 8th of February 2011 - 06:45 PM ]
The more I see of Deus Ex: Human Revolution the more I really can't wait to get my hands on it. I mean it looks very impressive from everything we've seen including the new visuals below. But what is really snagging my attention is the overall theme of the game, "Should We Play God?" This being a concept I love to play with every day of existence only in this case it is with human genes, genetics and physiology. All the meaty parts of the human form. There are so many things that could be fixed or upgraded to the human condition. Read More...
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Blizzcon 2011 Announced...Early?
by Corey Dockendorf [ Tuesday, 8th of February 2011 - 04:45 PM ]
Well this was unexpected and really early this year. Blizzard announced Blizzcon 2011 with the least amount of details, just a date, time and place. Honestly this is the earliest Blizzard has ever announced this event, hell were still getting over the last one that was less than four months ago.Here's what we know. It will be from October 21st to October 22nd at the Anaheim convention center in California. It will have all the titles from Warcraft, Starcraft to Diablo. Read More...
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Here Comes The DLC For Marvel Vs. Capcom 3
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 4th of February 2011 - 10:39 PM ]
It has been announced that Jill Valentine and Shuma-Gorath were coming to Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 as DLC for a short while now, but how are they going to look? Well I am sure your eyes have already drifted south for a second to see that we have a slew of new screen shots showcasing what you can expect the two new characters to look like and a bit of fight like. I for one am glad that they decided to go with the new Jill over the older Jill from MvC2. It kind of makes me feel like I can play as Samus as well as Jill in the game. Read More...
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Harley Is Looking Sexier Than Ever In Batman: Arkham City
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 3rd of February 2011 - 10:31 PM ]
Catwoman and Poison Ivy have nothing on Harleen Quinzel in my book. It's that little spark of true insanity that gives her that little edge for me. When you mix that with the new shot of her from Batman: Arkham City you can bet that she gets added into the "fictional character spank bank." All because you know she would teach you a thing or two about the wild side before trying to shove her oversize mallet down your throat to get a better squishy sound for Whack-A-Bat. But enough about me. Let's take a look at the rest of the new screen shots and concept art that have slipped onto the internet for Batman: AC. Read More...
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Guardians of Graxia: Elves and Dwarves
by Corey Dockendorf [ Tuesday, 1st of February 2011 - 06:34 PM ]
Today Guardians of Graxia (Reviewed here) is getting its first full expansion pack Elves and Dwarves. With the new expansion come new guardians, new units, new abilities and six new skirmish maps. It's a pretty big deal. New Guardians First out of the gate are the new guardians, GoG is introducing a new elf and dwarf Guardian with corresponding units. First is an elf labeled as deceitful and Broxin the dwarf is greedy by nature, but aren't all dwarves really? These two guardians now bring the guardian count up to six. Read More...
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Batman: Arkham City - Co-Op With Joker?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 28th of January 2011 - 10:43 PM ]
Now here is an interesting twist that could occur with the upcoming Batman: Arkham City, co-op play with the Clown Prince of Crime! At least from a video that seems to have been leaked out through a few European websites that shows just that. A nice little fight scene where Batman and Joker fight off a few waves of thugs in the streets of Arkham City. Pretty cool if it is a real thing and not some fan's attempt at internet humor and fame. There has yet to be a confirmation that this is a real clip that Warner Bros. Read More...
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New Rift Cinematic Trailer
by Corey Dockendorf [ Friday, 28th of January 2011 - 06:12 PM ]
With less than 24 hours until the latest Rift Beta ends, Trion Worlds releases its latest three minute cinematic trailer and it looks great. If you haven't heard about Rift yet this is the latest MMO from Trion Worlds coming out March 1st 2011. Rift pits the religion vs. technology in an epic war between two factions, the Guardians and the Defiants. Now we've seen that formula more than once but the kicker here is while you're busy fighting each other another war wages on from the skies as Rifts randomly open around the world and dump big baddies all over the ground to make your life miserable. "Adventure in the world of Telara as either a noble Guardian or techno-magical Defiant and enter a dynamic fantasy where 8 primal forces battle for control in an ever-changing landscape. Read More...
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New L.A. Noire Trailer Sounds Good But Looks Off
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 27th of January 2011 - 05:25 PM ]
Rockstar Games just released a new game play trailer for their upcoming title, L.A. Noire. Oh and the release date of May 17th here in the US. We can all rejoice in the fact that the next Rockstar game is not too far off. Blah blah blah…oh and the trailer is added below for you to watch and get your panties in a bunch over. But before you watch this trailer try something for me, just listen to the audio first and then watch the trailer. The voice acting and sound effects sound like you are watching a great film trailer or a snippet from a great TV show. Read More...
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Review: Bloodline Champions
by Corey Dockendorf [ Tuesday, 25th of January 2011 - 08:52 PM ]
Bloodline Champions is the latest game from Swedish company Stunlock Studios and Funcom. Before you read any further let's get this question out of the way, "No this is not a DoTA clone." It is an online multiplayer arena based game. This game has no character leveling, power progression and no storyline. Thus making it easy for beginner players to hop into the action but also has enough options to reward the more advanced players. So let's jump into the arena. Read More...
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Seems Like Forever Since The Last Duke Nukem'
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 25th of January 2011 - 05:54 PM ]
Almost like it has been twelve years or something and a lot of attempts and such downs but at least it is still on. On and launching on May 3rd here in the US. It is almost too hard to believe, but the below screen shots and trailer for the game are below and I don't think that Gearbox would be that cruel to tease us with a fake video and shots. At least I am hoping not. All kidding aside, it is true that this is no hoax and everything you are about to see is real and we'll get to play it here in a few months. Read More...
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PS3 Player Can Portal Into PCs For Free
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 20th of January 2011 - 05:46 PM ]
Well here's an interesting little tidbit of news. Any gamer that purchases Portal 2 on the PlayStation 3 will get FREE access to play the game from their Steam client. Think like a digital copy that comes with most BluRay films nowadays. Oh, but wait, there is more. Not only do you get a "free" copy of the game for PC, and technically Mac, but the two systems will be able to communicate with each other to allow for co-op play between the PS3 and PC/Mac. By communicate I am not only talking for play, but you will be able to actually chat with the other player and I'm not talking by screaming really loud. In game chat for those who still didn't get it. Read More...
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Hello And Goodbye To The World Of Starcraft?
by Corey Dockendorf [ Wednesday, 19th of January 2011 - 10:11 PM ]
Probably the coolest thing I saw this week was a video presentation for World of Starcraft! This whole video is done in the Starcraft 2 map editor and although it's in pre-pre-alpha it is something to watch. Check out the video after the jump! Now to answer your big question. No this is not Blizzard's official next gen MMO. Nor is it a secret leak for Titan. It's just modders doing what they do best. Read More...
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Lara Croft Is A Dirty Little Minx In The New Tomb Raider
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 18th of January 2011 - 04:41 PM ]
Ok, so I might have to eat my previous words about the reboot for Tomb Raider. I may have been a bit quick to judge but in my defense that was back before anything real or tangible had been seen. I mean all we had was a rather unimpressive description of the story. Well now we have a good look at the new vision that Crystal Dynamics and Square Enix are taking the game. I will have to say I am extremely impressed with what we have here. I mean with the Left/Right Trigger prompt being on the screen I think it is safe to assume that we are looking at game play shots here too. Read More...
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