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Review: Darksiders II
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 14th of August 2012 - 05:02 PM ]
It has finally come. A game that I and others here have been waiting for since we finished Darksiders and were left with a bit of a cliff hanging ending. Darksiders II is here and featuring a new horseman of the apocalypse as well as, from what has been said, a whole load of game features that were left on the cutting room floor in the first title. I got a chance to play it, so let me break it down so you can get a feel before you buy. The Story The story picks up obviously after the end of Darksiders. Read More...
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You Better Beat Darksiders Before Darksiders II Launches
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 2nd of August 2012 - 09:13 PM ]
So the good news just keeps rolling in for Darksiders II. This time it revolves around those who have been fans since the first game. That is if you've played the first game then you will have access to two items from about the beginning of the new game. So that should be pretty much everyone who is picking up Darksiders II. I mean why would you play the sequel without playing the original? Anyways, these items are linked to your Achievements or Trophies for Darksiders so don't worry if you don't have that save file still either. Read More...
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Story Time For Darksiders II, And Then Some
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 31st of July 2012 - 04:39 PM ]
So in case you are some weird person who didn't play Darksiders and are looking forward to Darksiders II, we have a new video that kind of recaps a bit of the story so you can just skip ahead. It is an over simplification, but you can get the gist as well as get the overview of the new story. Of course not mention that you do get to see a bit more game play and other creatures of the game's world as well some old favorites. If you have a few, take the time to get caught up. I'll wait. Read More...
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E3 2012 Hands On: Darksiders II
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 11th of June 2012 - 08:54 PM ]
With a tagline of "Death Lives" you better know that I would be all over Darksiders II and boy was I at this year's E3. While THQ didn't have a huge booth to show off the game, it was being shown behind closed doors as well as playable for the first time. For the most part it plays like Darksiders, but there were some pretty cool and nice additions that I will now go over. Do not that this was not the final build of the game, but the features discussed will be making their way in. For all of those out there who played and loved Darksiders, you will be happy to know that, like mentioned the controls and movement of DS2 is almost if not exactly the same. Read More...
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Death Strikes Again With A New Darksiders II CGI Trailer
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 18th of May 2012 - 09:21 PM ]
Way back in March we got a nice little CGI trailer for Darksiders II. It was cool and beautiful, but it was only the first part of the promotional video. Lucky for us, below we have the next part of the clip which also leaves us wanting and waiting for the continuation of Death's badassitude. Yes it's a word. Deal with it. My only hope is that these kinds of clips will take over for the cut scenes in Darksiders II, at least for major scenes. Read More...
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Time To Gawk At The View Darksiders II Will Be Giving Us
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 22nd of March 2012 - 09:12 PM ]
I have to admit that every time there is something new for Darksiders II, visually, I find it a little hard to actually write something about it. I actually have a loss of words because the visuals of the clips and screens speak volumes more than I ever could and I am normally very long winded. This also makes me have to admit that when there is new stuff there is a delay on posting about it. Given all that, we have a new CGI Trailer as well as a newish Dev Diary for the game. The diary showing more or less the scale of the game world and some of the environments. Read More...
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Darksiders II Collector's And Limited Edition Revealed
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 12th of March 2012 - 04:04 PM ]
If you were looking to get one of those awesome Death's masks from Darksiders II looks like there is still a way for you to get without having to jump through ridiculous the hoops contests. If you have no clue what I'm talking about look below to see the image. If you do have a clue and missed out get excited as it will be included in the Collector's Edition of the game. An edition that is just $40 bucks more than the Standard/Limited Edition. Don't fret though, that won't be the only addition to the game for that price point. Read More...
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The Where's Waldo Edition Of Darksiders II
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 26th of January 2012 - 06:29 PM ]
No there isn't a new edition of Darksiders II being announced. But the new "Death Eternal" trailer for the game has that feel to it. After watching it the first time I felt like I needed to go back and play along with each new showing of Death in the background or foreground. It's a fun game to do here because the "trailer" doesn't show a single thing about the game and should be labeled more as just a marketing video. Outside of Death's mask being shown over and over and a pre-rendered character model at the end this video is more fluff than anything. Don't fret though. Read More...
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What Do The Devs Of Darksiders 2 Think Of Death?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Saturday, 21st of January 2012 - 07:30 PM ]
That is a good question seeing as they are bringing Death to life (sorry) in the game. For the answer to the question we can turn right to recent "Death Rises" Developer's Diary for Darksiders II that has hit the internet. Let's take a look. Before I get into all the cool things shown here I need to get something off my chest. Do you find it funny that the character Death is automatically labeled to be male? Yes the character model is masculine as is the voice, but for something that is more of a Force of Nature over a Gendered being I find it funny that the default is to go with male. Read More...
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Darksiding With A Demo
by Kevin [ Wednesday, 17th of February 2010 - 03:02 PM ]
Darksiders, a game that seemed to have trouble finding a general consensus at first, but did manage several very positive reviews is bringing a 90-minute demo to the PlayStation 3 and XBox 360 on Feb. 25th. The demo will have the Twilight Cathedral level and will include some of the puzzles that have divided the gaming crowd as well as some equipment to find and even a couple of boss battles. Though the game has already shipped a million units, will a demo bring more gamers to the table ready to take on the mantle of War? Time will tell next week when the demo drops. Read More...
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Q&A with Vigil Games on Darksiders
by Brian Bentley [ Thursday, 10th of December 2009 - 02:50 PM ]
Only weeks away from the highly anticipated launch, Darksiders is a post-apocalyptic action-adventure that puts you in the shoes of one of the famed Four Horsemen.  Light and fluffy, I know, but after a couple years since its announcement, Vigil Games has positioned themselves and the game in a very advantageous position in the dawn of the upcoming year.  Also not hurting is the fact that the game looks to be shaping up like it's going to blow your mind.Haydn Dalton, lead designer of the game at Vigil, took a few moments to answer some of the burning questions surrounding the game. Read More...
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